"You should know that the Sighing Tide did not appear out of thin air. Deep in the Sighing Forest there is a pilgrimage site for the followers of [Decay], where stands a huge tombstone that is constantly overflowing with corrupt blood, named...

The Tomb of the End of Corruption.

Whenever the corrupt blood on it outlines the word [Decay] on the tombstone, a new round of Sighing Tide will begin.

All the followers of [Decay] who have heard of it want to witness this great creation of God with their own eyes, but unfortunately no one has ever known where it stands.

But there are always crazy people who are not afraid of death and are willing to take risks, so over time someone really found its approximate location.

For the first time, an organization called 'Man in the Coffin' shared their inferences in the [Decay] channel. They took great pains to collect countless intelligence about the scope of the Sighing Tide, and tried to use the overlapping method to circle out a rough range in the Sighing Forest.

At first no one thought they could succeed, because There is too little information about the Sighing Tide, not to mention marking the range.

So when they shared this inference, no one thought it was right, until a madman believed it, and then really saw the [Decay] tombstone in this range and walked out alive, and then all the [Decay] believers were boiling.

And that person is now the [Decay] God's Chosen, the "rotten wood" who suppressed our [Prosperity] on the audience ladder, Lin Xi.

But after that, the organization of the Coffin Man never appeared again.

Oh, I don't need to say the principle that a man is innocent but guilty of possessing a treasure.

And I was lucky enough to match a member of the Coffin Man before they disappeared. In my... cough, friendly communication, we exchanged some information with each other, including the approximate location of this range!

I didn't kill the stinky bird, I just pointed him to a way to "die". "


So Brother Bird Hair went to the depths of the Sighing Forest?

It seems that Baldy really cooperated with this person.

Hearing this, Cheng Shi understood. He looked at An Jing in shock and asked with a frown:

"So you plan to go to the Blood-Destroying Tomb to find the trace of [Him]?

It's ridiculous. A 2400-point [Silent] believer is willing to give up his oath to get close to them?

Am I right, puppet master?"

An Jing was silent for a moment, and the controlling Zuo Qiu nodded.

"Yes, this world should belong to them, and we should be their subordinates.

I heard that some players have begun to meet the gods. Since He has never summoned me, I will try my best to meet Him!"

"Oh, even if it is another Him?" Cheng Shi looked mocking.

"Yes, even if it is another Him!" The puppet master and her three puppets turned their heads to look at Cheng Shi, all with strange enthusiasm on their faces, completely different from the silent An Jing before.

Sure enough, madness is often hidden under calmness.

"So the so-called waste utilization is not to preserve our combat power, but to increase your combat power for your own in-depth plan?"

Cheng Shi frowned, and asked with some doubts:

"But why do you want to kill a historian who knows underground history? Wouldn't it be easier to find what you want here with his help?"

"I also want a win-win situation, but my deal was rejected by him, so in order to make my future smooth, I had to cut off his way."

"Oh? Then I'm a little curious, bald head, what did she promise us?"

The word "we" made Hong Lin laugh out loud, she looked at the puppet master and raised her chin.

"Let her speak for herself."

The puppet master's fanatical expression eased a little, and she controlled Zuo Qiu again and said:

"Divinity! The divinity of [Prosperity]!

I am about to leave here and go to the depths of the Sighing Forest. In order to get closer to Him, I can choose to abandon the [Prosperity] divinity sealed in me. If you want, the deal can be made. After all, the two dead people have nothing to do with you.

And all you have to do is let me go after the trial.

It's a sure win deal, isn't it?"


And the [Prosperity] divinity again?

Cheng Shi raised his eyebrows and looked at Hong Lin, who nodded slightly without changing his expression.

In this way, the divinity that can make the [Prosperity] God choose nod must be of good quality or large quantity.

Sure win? No, it sounds like a profit without any investment.

Just as the puppet master said, Cheng Shi was initially concerned that she might be plotting against him, but now she is telling the truth and is determined to leave the team and go deep into the Sighing Forest. Even though this would reduce the number of participants in this trial from "5" to "2", it seems thatThere is no other way.

It is obviously not in the interests of either party to fight to the death with the puppet master, so this deal is probably going to be finalized.

However, the price... maybe we can talk about it again.

Cheng Shi rolled his eyes and looked at the puppet master's eyes with burning eyes and said:

"I believe you a little, but you still need to explain something to me."

"What to explain?"

"Why do you know so much about Baldhead?"

Hearing this, Baldhead also raised his eyebrows. Although her story is not a secret among the top players, 2400 points seems to be a little bit away from the position of the God's Chosen, so she also looked at the puppet master with interest.

The puppet master was silent again for a moment, and then controlled Zuo Qiu to speak:

"I have a [Memory] item in my hand, which can read other people's memories, so I absorbed part of Zuo Qiu's memory. The things about baldness are all the result of this part of memory.

Of course, the history related to [Prosperity] is also."

"Oh, so, then I have another question. Since you killed Zuo Qiu early, it means that Zuo Qiu's temptation yesterday was all from you. If so, how do you know me?

You are testing my identity in a familiar way, and I am not a god's choice, not worthy of this historian's careful investigation. , and he probably won't have any information about me in his memory.

As for Jiang Wumei, it's even more impossible, because he had died in my dream before you controlled him.

So, puppet master, give me an answer, if the answer is reasonable I will consider making this deal. "

Just as the puppet master was about to speak, Cheng Shi suddenly reached out to stop her, pointing to Jiang Wumei and said:

"This time, don't let the historian speak, let the ranger puppet speak."

Cheng Shi discovered that when the puppet master took the initiative to speak, she always seemed to use Zuoqiu puppet to speak. This was not too strange, after all, she had used it for a long time, but Cheng Shi felt weird in his heart.

An Jing paused, stared at Cheng Shi for a while, and controlled the ranger to speak:

"I know Zhen Yi."


When this was said, Cheng Shi and Hong Lin's faces all fell.

Fuck, bad luck!

The most unlucky thing is that this is not a lie!

Although it was somewhat unexpected, it was reasonable. After all, birds of a feather flock together. It was not surprising that a madman knew another madman.

But Cheng Shi was still so angry that he laughed.

Okay, okay, my biggest flaw so far is that this crazy woman has read enough of my memory, but when I think that she is indeed a crazy woman, and others don’t believe what she says, I have been at ease all along.

In fact, there is no way to be at ease. I have no means to deal with her.

But now it seems that this person’s big mouth may be even bigger than that of my good brother Hu Wei who broke the defense!

Cheng Shi gnashed his teeth in hatred. He stared at An Jing and asked:

"She said you believed it too. Just because Diampo mentioned me to you, you came to test me?

What did she tell you?"

"Nothing. She just told me some anecdotes about the [Gods] that she learned from you. She also said that you are a very interesting person, so I wanted to see how interesting Zhen Yi said you were."

Cheng Shi's face turned black: "So what did you see?"

The puppet master's puppets pursed their lips together, and then the ranger was silent. Zuo Qiu said:

"I didn't see anything. It's generally interesting, right?"


Fuck, I'm even more angry!


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