His voice was raised a degree, and he looked at Hong Lin who was standing there in disbelief, his eyes widened.

"I dare not determine whether Epska is guarding the other end of the door. In order to avoid being attacked from both sides, I have to confirm your identity!"


Confirm your ass!

There was no doubt in the eyes of this [Prosperity] God's Chosen, only excitement!

Cheng Shi understood that she didn't doubt herself at all, but just wanted to find out something she wanted to know from that tongue!

Okay, okay, just don't get yourself into trouble.

Cheng Shi took out the tongue with a strange look on his face, and then handed it to Hong Lin.

Hong Lin pinched the tongue with a little disgust. After studying it for a while, he found that the method of use was quite simple. He only needed to use the tip of the tongue to aim at the target to be circled one by one and then say "I swear here sincerely, lies will be eaten!" and then he could start asking questions.

So she activated the contract to trap the two of them, and then opened her mouth to ask Cheng Shi:

"How did you trick Zhen Yi!?"


Sure enough, what did I say, the fire of gossip burned equally in everyone's heart.

Cheng Shi looked at Hong Lin with an expectant face in silence, pondered for a moment, and tentatively replied:

"I pretended to be her... and did some ugly things?"

After saying that, the tongue of lies continued to twist on Hong Lin's fingertips, without any reaction.

"! ! ??" Hong Lin was stunned, she always thought that Cheng Shi must have lied, but she didn't expect that this was actually true?

Cheng Shi's face was happy, as expected, the ambiguous truth is also the truth!

But Hong Lin couldn't accept it, so she immediately asked again:

"What ugly things did you do?"

Cheng Shi spread his hands and said: "Sister, this is the second question, it's invalid, it's my turn to ask you."


How can that be!

Hong Lin's face turned serious, and she turned around and wanted to leave, but she didn't expect that before she took two steps, the tongue seemed to think that she was going to break the rules of the game. Without saying a word, it struggled out of her hand and floated up out of thin air, slapping her cheek fiercely.

Cheng Shi was holding his hands and preparing to watch the show, but he didn't expect that the next scene completely shocked him.

Hong Lin suddenly ducked to avoid the tongue's slap, and with a "woof", she turned her right hand into a huge bear paw and slapped the tongue fiercely. Then, with a "snap", the tongue that was originally going to slap someone was directly slapped away.

"Fuck, are you cheating?"

Cheng Shi was stunned, and the corner of his mouth that was about to laugh was held back.

But the confrontation between the man and the tongue was not over yet. The tongue that was slapped away seemed to feel that it was very embarrassed, so it suddenly swelled up and became as big as Hong Lin's bear paw and slapped Hong Lin's cheek again.

If it hits hard this time, I'm afraid the head will be blown away!

Hong Lin didn't expect this tongue to be so difficult to deal with. Her pupils shrank suddenly, and she became angry all of a sudden. She turned into a giant bear and collided with it.

But she forgot one thing in her anger, that is, the place where they stood was not the rotten leaves of the Sighing Forest, but the space sinking channel in the fog gate!

This narrow cave could not accommodate such a huge bear, so at the moment when Hong Lin roared, the space channel...



Before Cheng Shi could say anything, he was swept away by the turbulent flow of space and thrown out with a "whoosh", and the whole person disappeared with Amir.

Also disappeared with it was the persistent tongue and the embarrassed giant bear.




The good news is that in the collapsed space, the distance between the three people and the tongue was not far, and they did not suffer too much space compression under the illumination of the wild lamp.

The bad news is that the passage between the fog gates was destroyed, and they may have lost the way back to the mushroom-foot tribe.

But at this moment, the two sober people can no longer make such far-reaching plans. They must be on their toes to face other risks that may appear at any time in this endless falling broken space.

Cheng Shi is fine. He only needs to be alert and take care of Amir, but Hong Lin is not so comfortable. Although the body of the royal bear spirit makes her not afraid of the pull of space, that tongue...

is still attacking her cheek relentlessly.

So she can only press her tongue while continuously injecting the power of [Prosperity] into the wild lamp, so that the [Decay] that is born can barely protect Cheng Shi, who is "a little too weak".

Fortunately, the falling process did not last too long. After a few minutes, the three tongues were spit out by the space and fell on an open space.




Cheng Shi landed on his back first, and his spine hit the ground heavily, making a muffled groan. However, he did not care about the pain in his back, and immediately sat up and began to look around carefully.

It was this look that made Cheng Shi terrified and scared.

The place where he was was not like the Sighing Forest at all, but more like a flattened area in the forest. Not only was there no twisted night python here, even the rotten leaves had disappeared, and he was sitting on the solid mud ground.

But the absence of the twisted night python did not mean that there were no other "plants". In this area, there were The cleared area was filled with densely packed rotten and festering... corpses of mushroom-footed people!

Yes, corpses of mushroom-footed people!

They were thrown headfirst into the hard soil, and the mycorrhizae in the rotten mycorrhizae spread out due to the inversion, emitting a nauseating stench, like a bunch of "blooming" rotten flowers.

And this stench and rotten flowers are connected into a piece, together forming this "prosperous" "flower garden".

Cheng Shi sat on the ground and took a look, his face turned extremely pale.

He suddenly guessed where this place was, so he hurriedly shouted:

"Bald, be careful! This seems to be..."

He was about to remind the giant bear not far away that this might be Epsilon's private land, but he found that the giant bear who was playing tricks with his tongue just now had stood up from the flower bed and looked forward with a ready posture.

Cheng Shi's heart skipped a beat, and he stood up and looked forward, and found that in front of him, the rotten tree spirit Epsilon with wrinkled skin and flesh was hunched over, pulling the remains of the mushroom-footed man from the tree crown behind him with one hand, and pinching the corpse of another mushroom-footed man with the other hand to make a small hole in the ground, and then inserted it upside down.

In this way, a "new The "fresh" "flower" bloomed again in this flowerbed full of flowers.

Looking at this scene in front of him, Hong Lin's face was also solemn.

The more weird it is, the more dangerous it is. At this moment, no one can say whether Epsika's strength in this unknown land is still as "ordinary" as in the Sighing Forest, or whether it has become stronger!

The huge noise of the three people falling obviously attracted Epsika. It slowly turned its head, and then saw the [Prosperity] giant bear that it had been thinking about all night last night appeared in front of it again.

Epsika's old face instantly became fanatical.


Cheng Shi's pupils shrank sharply, and he immediately took out his scalpel. At the same time, he kicked the still unconscious Amir behind him, and quietly pinched the ring on his hand that was charged by his fear.

And Hong Lin's reaction was faster. She threw back the tongue of lies without looking back, and shouted:

"Put away this tongue and take care of yourself! "

Then he roared and rushed towards Epsilon.

Then there was a "boom" and the two behemoths collided again. The huge shock wave spread out and shook the flowers in the flowerbed to the ground, and even the ground was shaking.

Cheng Shi's eyes tightened, and he immediately stuffed his struggling tongue back into his personal space. He carefully observed the battle situation and kept looking around to prevent any other hidden dangers or undiscovered helpers of Epsilon.

But after looking around for a long time, he was sure that there was nothing else here, only Epsilon!

This flowerbed...what exactly is it?

Epsilon's vegetable garden?

Is Dizel's body missing the days when he planted trees in the rainforest?

Putting the mushroom-footed man that he had protected before here like arranging flowers can make him recall the happy times in the past?

Ah? Is this behavior a bit too hellish?


Are all of you [Prosperity] like this?

Are you no longer human?

Oh, yes, they were not human to begin with.

But it seems that Epsilon is not eating [Prosperity], which means that all the previous speculations of the players were wrong. It seems that his hunting of the mushroom-footed people was not arranged by [Prosperity].

So...are the sparks of this trial still those mushroom-footed people?

To save those sinners exiled by Epsilon from being slaughtered by Epsilon?

Cheng Shi frowned slightly, feeling that something was not right, and the logic did not seem to be smooth.

To be honest, if [Prosperity] is such a nostalgic god, then the curse bestowed on Cui Lao should not be so cruel.

So what does he want to do?

Besides, what is Epsilon thinking? What is the use of planting dead people on the ground? Can he accumulate more in this Sighing Forest by planting "people"?More [prosperity]?

But there is not a trace of [prosperity] flowing in this whole flower garden!

Instead, the power of [decay] is surging and filling everywhere.

This is not a [prosperous] flower garden, this is clearly a [decayed] hell!

Cheng Shi's eyes sank slightly. He felt that daydreaming was useless. He still had to take advantage of the fact that Upusca was attracted by Hong Lin to find some new clues around, some key things that could help him judge Upusca's behavior logic.

So he lowered his body and lightly dragged the unconscious Amir to start searching.

But he searched for a long time and found nothing. It was not until he walked half a circle along the whole flower garden and walked behind Upusca that he finally found a conspicuous thing in the flower garden.

It was a box, a box that didn't look like it should belong to the Sighing Forest.

Because Cheng Shi was very familiar with the style of this box, it was clearly the box used by the Tower of Principle to store experimental specimens in various laboratories!

And such a box representing [civilization] and [truth] actually appeared in the underground Sighing Forest shrouded in [decay]!


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