Hong Lin couldn't hold on any longer.

If she was just eroded by [Decay], she could have held on longer, but from the beginning, some mechanical simulations that were not twisted night pythons had clearly appeared in the python group.

They were waiting for an opportunity among the python group, and seemed to be looking for something around Hong Lin. After swimming around for a few rounds without finding the target, the "furious" mechanical giant pythons began their exploration. They must know where the contract went.

So a giant python suddenly raised its head, hissed, and shot straight at Hong Lin's heart!

And at this critical moment, the most "pious" twisted night pythons in front of Hong Lin suddenly howled and stood up, using their corrupted flesh and blood to build a [Decay] wall for this "messenger" with the breath of the final tomb!

The mechanical giant python was very fast, and it crashed into the wall made of its body before it could avoid the attack. It stopped and fell instantly, and then was quickly entangled and strangled by the angry twisted night pythons around it, turning into a pile of scrap copper and iron.

Hong Lin was watching this scene behind the bloody python wall, her pupils shrank, and her eyes were slightly fixed.

Before today, she couldn't imagine that a [Prosperity] warrior as strong as herself would stand on the [Decay] land without any ability to fight back like a crispy paper doll that would fall down with the wind. Not only that, but what was even more outrageous was that the one who blocked these inexplicable attacks for her was not the fate weaver who fooled her into playing all-in, but a group of [Decay] creatures who were fooled by the stone in her hand and lost their way!

Oh my God, if [Destiny] really has a script, what kind of plot is this?

Didn't He realize that the script was taken upside down when he wrote it?

[Decay] believes in [prosperity], [Decay] defends [prosperity], [Decay] supports [prosperity]...

Each of these three sentences can be regarded as a hell joke, but today, right in front of her eyes, the hell joke has really become hell.

Hong Lin couldn't tell who was the joke for a while. She only knew that Cheng Shi guessed right. The mushroom-footed man in the sighing forest was not a simple exile of faith, because the fragments and parts that were crushed to the ground told her that the giant python that tried to attack her was not a twisted night python at all, but a mimicry creature from the mechanical engineering system of the Tower of Logic!

The believers of [Truth] really played a role in this dirty theft of faith, and they might even be the protagonists!

But this is not the most important thing. The most important thing is that after the first attempt to tear open a hole, the mechanical giant pythons in the python group flew towards her like crazy.

The corrupt flesh and blood will eventually run out. The twisted night pythons on the periphery didn't know what was happening inside. The night pythons around Hong Lin were still strangling the fragments on the ground. In the chaos, there were always one or two mechanical giant pythons that found an opportunity and rushed straight to her.

At this time, Hong Lin almost didn't have the strength to speak. Her skin was piled up and falling, her organs were aging and exhausted, and even her consciousness began to be eroded by [decay], becoming less determined to [prosperity].

The trace of [prosperity] power she left in her body to delay [decay] was finally consumed in fear and anger.

"Cheng... Shi... This is... the last... time..."

Seeing that the mechanical giant python with its giant jaws cracked finally lit up with extremely sharp serrations, Hong Lin could no longer remain indifferent. She felt that she could not wait for the return of the gambling teammate.

So at this real moment of life and death, she gritted her teeth and took out a decree emitting the glory of [order] from her personal space, ready to use the power of [order] to end this trial!

Yes, Hong Lin didn't go all in!

She was indeed betting her life on Cheng Shi, but this was a bet that could be withdrawn. She couldn't really leave her life here, so she still kept a hand, the deepest hand, a hand that she had never used even when she was surrounded by thousands of enemies on the battlefield!


She once found a fragment of [Order], the power in it could directly send her out of the trial.

But given her current state, even if she was sent out, the situation was not optimistic.

But serious injury was better than death, so she moved.

But in this lightning moment, just when she raised her hand and was about to use the fragment of [Order], a figure appeared.

Cheng Shi!

The fate weaver who said to Hong Lin "I'll be back soon" finally rushed back when her life was hanging by a thread.

As soon as he appeared, he blocked in front of Hong Lin, and let the mechanical giant python that rushed over bite his shoulder motionlessly.

Hong Lin's eyes tightened when she saw this. Before she could even say "be careful", the second python swept away theCheng Shi's right leg crushed his broken bones.

Cheng Shi remained motionless, just vomiting blood and laughing twice, but still stretched out one hand to block Hong Lin.


Hong Lin struggled to raise his hand to support his back and supported him who was about to fall. Before he could speak, he heard Cheng Shi turn around and laugh:

"What do you mean, bald head, I didn't stand behind you this time."

Still laughing!

What time is it? You are still laughing!

Although she gritted her teeth, the moment Cheng Shi stood in front of her, the anger in Hong Lin's heart, which was still boundlessly angry, suddenly disappeared.

Her turbid eyes eroded by [Decay] clearly flashed with a strange light, but soon the light disappeared, and her expression suddenly became depressed. She seemed to want to say something, but her hoarse throat could no longer speak, so she could only shake her head and try to tell Cheng Shi that this gamble was probably going to fail.

Even if he guessed everything, guessed that Epsilon would not attack himself who was also "corrupted", guessed that this was the experiment of the Tower of Principle, and guessed that the twisted night python would follow the breath of the final tomb, it was useless.

This scam disguised as the messenger of [Corruption] has attracted enough [Corruption] followers, but her benefactor has not yet cast his gaze.

Obviously, [Prosperity] does not need revenge.

Perhaps the dying sparks are those poor mushroom-footed people, but with the rewriting of the contract and the arrival of night, they may have...

No, wait!

Although the dullness is slowing down Hong Lin's thinking, she still thought of something. She looked at Cheng Shi with a smile on his face, and suddenly realized that his disappearance just now might be to...

She suddenly raised her heavy eyelids and looked at Cheng Shi with the remaining hope in her eyes to seek an answer.

Cheng Shi's breath gradually weakened under the attack of the mechanical giant python. He seemed to understand the problem in Hong Lin's eyes, but he still shook his head and said:

"They have become [decayed]."

Hearing this, a trace of disappointment flashed in Hong Lin's eyes, but a trace of relief appeared in an instant.

The relief was that Cheng Shi was indeed a friend worth making. He was at least not a bad person like herself. He still cared about those innocent mushroom-footed people.

Disappointingly, the bet was still lost, even if so many chips were invested, the bet was still lost.

But it's okay, there is a green mountain, there is no fear of firewood. She stretched out her hand and pulled Cheng Shi, who was also seriously injured, to her side, and then prepared to activate this [Order] fragment.

But at this moment, Cheng Shi smiled again.

A playful smile.

"Bald, you don't think we've already lost, do you?"

Hong Lin hesitated for a moment, and looked up in surprise. As soon as she looked up, she saw a madman with blood gushing out of his mouth pushing her away and staggering to one foot, laughing like a madman:

"The chips have just been put down the table, who said we lost the bet?

Your benefactor may hate betrayal, but I dare not gamble His favor with revenge!

So, the fire that spread across the prairie must not be a revenge for [decay], but a tribute to [prosperity]!

And at this moment, we The tribute hasn't even started yet, how can I admit defeat! "

Just as Cheng Shi shouted loudly, more and more mechanical giant pythons broke through the blockade and rushed over, but he was not afraid at all. He tapped his hand with green light on his fingertips twice in front of himself and Hong Lin, and said frantically with a ferocious expression:

"I said, today, my mouth is the book of life and death of the King of Hell. As the gravekeeper of [Death], if I don't agree, no one will become a sacrifice in front of me!"

Hong Lin was stunned, and then finally realized: It turned out that this fate weaver was actually married to the fate of the gravekeeper?

Or did he send away another gravekeeper with his own hands?

This is too weird, why would a gravekeeper who can't even protect himself be killed by a fate weaver?

It can't be that he was... fooled and then... tricked to death like himself?

But no matter what, looking at the green light of [Death] lingering around him, Hong Lin finally knew where Cheng Shi's confidence came from.

No wonder he dared to boast that he could protect himself. It turned out that he had a trump card of [Death].

Yes, it was indeed a trump card of [Death], but the question was, did Cheng really have it?

He didn't!

He didn't have it at all!

He had already given that trump card of [Death] to that group of poor mushroom-footed people!

When he switched to the [Destiny] belief and used the "Never Lost Gambling Tool" to go to the mushroom-footed people's tribe, since he did not practice in the [Fraud] belief, he still had a chance to use "Lie Like Yesterday".

So after deceiving the mushroom-footed people to let go and embrace the [Fraud]When he switched back to [Death], he switched back to [Fraud] and handed over the trump card of [Death]!

But when he switched back to [Fate] and used the dice to return to Hong Lin, the effect of "Lie Like Yesterday" had ended.

"Reflection of Nothingness" cannot retain the effect of faith, so Cheng Shi is not a gravekeeper at all now. He turned into a pure clown after switching back to [Fraud] again!

The green light on his fingertips is not the color of [Death] at all, but the green fluorescent pigment he had carefully prepared long ago!

This crude trick could not fool Hong Lin at any time, but it happened that Hong Lin was somewhat blurred by the erosion of [Death] at this time, so she did not distinguish that the gravekeeper in front of her was not a gravekeeper at all, not even a fate weaver, but a clown who deceived her from beginning to end!

He even lied about the trump card he gave her to save her life!

Sorry... I am a liar, all I can give you are lies.

But it happens that I am also a clown, I can heal others with lies.

So, when you believe that I am using the method of [death] to hang you and me, your life and my life will really be hung by [death]!

Honest clown, Cheng Shi clown!

Cheng Shi is indeed a clown, but he is an honest clown.

I said I can protect you, then, you will definitely not die in front of me.

Even if all this is a scam, a scam from beginning to end!

But at least the promise is not.


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