
Tuladin never thought that these people would be so bold as to break into the office of the leader of the church.

I can come in because he is my father, what gives you the right?

He is also your father?

But this is definitely not the time to worry about these things. Compared with not being able to find the citizens who are about to give birth, he is more afraid that these believers of the new god [Fouled] will be caught and tortured by church personnel after being discovered.

They are the hope of spreading the new faith and thought, how can they be defeated here!

So Tualadin hurriedly took two steps, pulled Cheng Shi into the room, and then took him to hide behind a huge bookcase, and pulled up the curtains next to it.

In this way, a small space was formed behind the curtains, just covering the two people behind.

Looking at this skilled operation, Cheng Shi smiled.

"You're still laughing? You're too bold. Do you know what happened to the last rebel who broke into the church leader's office?"

Tualatin's tone was indeed anxious, and there was a hint of anger in his anxiety, but this anger was not because Cheng Shi was messing around, but because Tualatin was angry that he had not found any news about the [Fallen] Holy Infant.

Cheng Shi was not anxious when he saw him like this, and still had a smile on his face. He raised his eyebrows and asked curiously: "What will happen?"

"What will happen?

After depriving the right to reproduce, the skin will be filled with gold paint and die!

You don't want to know how they treat blasphemers, and you, my friend, trespassing into the church is already a blasphemy!"

Tuladin's expression was somewhat terrified when he talked about the punishment, but he shook his head in an instant and said: "Let's not talk about this. Now there is a big problem. Where did you get the news that the Holy Child is about to be born?"

"I said it."

Tuladin was stunned, and then said unhappily:

"I know you said it. Don't waste time playing word games here. What I mean is, where did your news come from?

Is it the oracle sent by Him?

Or some means of deduction and divination?

When did you know After saying this news, the most important thing is that the news is true? "Cheng Shi was strange, pointing to himself, a serious way:" I didn't play text games, this news was what I said. Infinite puzzles, "What? What do you say? Since you haven't made any divination and prophecy, how do you know the thing of the saint, how do you know where he will fall?" "I don't know." "You don't know !!?" Turladin's voice suddenly got up, and his expression became in shape, but soon he hurriedly covered his mouth and stared like a copper bell. It was full of shock and confusion. No, even the [Foul] with a good will...

Is He also fake! ?

Thinking of this, Turadin pointed at Cheng Shi in disbelief, his fingers trembling, and roared in a low voice with anger on his face:

"How could you not know!?

You are His follower, why don't you know?

If there is no prophecy, divination and oracle, doesn't it mean that the birth of the Holy Child is just your fabrication?

You lied to me!?

What on earth do you want to do?

Why do you use the secrets of the new god and this beautiful will to deceive me!"

Turadin cried, cursing and crying.

The smart man who was still despising the fanaticism of faith in the afternoon has become a firm believer of [Foul] in the evening, and even began to cry bitterly because of the fake Holy Child.

It can be seen that he really worships the will of [Foul] and wants Him to come.

But such a big contrast still makes Cheng Shi feel a little sad.

The life of [birth] is about to sink [defiled], and I don’t know whose fault it is.

But no matter whose fault it is, it has nothing to do with me...

Cheng Shi sighed in his heart. All he needed was a tool man, a tool man who made the Holy Child appear and known to the whole church, and Tualatin was just the right one, so he chose to come here.

Looking at Tualatin crying angrily, he gradually restrained his smile and said with a serious face:

"What is a lie?"

Tualatin wiped away tears, feeling extremely aggrieved: "The birth of the Holy Child is fake, it is something made out of nothing, isn't it a lie!?""Who said the birth of the Holy Child was fake?"

"?" Turadin's eyes were about to spit fire. He grabbed Cheng Shi's collar and said angrily, "You said it yourself. You said there was no oracle, no divination, no prophecy. You made up the false story of the birth of the Holy Child out of thin air! How else do you want to play tricks on me!?"

Cheng Shi did not resist, but sneered calmly: "Yes, I said it, but why is what I said fake?"


Turadin was stunned. He felt that Cheng Shi had something else to say, so he frowned and looked at him, staring into Cheng Shi's eyes as if thinking about what this person who claimed to be a believer of [Filth] wanted to say.

Cheng Shi snorted and laughed, and continued:

"I want to ask you a question, why do we need a Holy Child?"

"Why do we need it?

Of course, under the leadership of the Holy Child, we should spread the name of the new God, let His will and glory spread to every corner of the world, and save those confused people whose minds have been eroded by the will of [Birth]!

That's what you said!"

Tualatin gritted his teeth in response, and Cheng Shi nodded in appreciation:

"Yes, that's true, then the second question:

What does the Holy Child look like?"

Tualatin was stunned for a moment and then became even more angry: "The Holy Child is fake, who knows what He looks like, even if He is real, He hasn't been born yet, how could... "

Halfway through this, Tualatin choked himself, he seemed to suddenly understand what Cheng Shi meant, and then suddenly widened his eyes, looked at Cheng Shi in disbelief, and stammered:

"You..... .You...you want to forge it! ?

You want to forge a holy child! ? "

"Smart!" Cheng Shi slapped Tuladin's shaking hand, straightened his collar and said, "But the word is wrong. This is not forging, but forging. The spread of the new god's will requires a symbol. We lack this symbol, so we are going to forge this symbol ourselves."

Tuladin was stunned. He felt that his head was buzzing. He looked at Cheng Shi in shock and couldn't speak clearly:

"You...you are blaspheming God!"

"Blasphemy?" Cheng Shi shook his head with a pious face, "No, no, no, you are wrong. I am not blaspheming God. I am obeying my own desires, and embracing desires is the greatest tribute to Him!

So I did not blaspheme Him, but...dedicated to Him!"


Tuladin's brain exploded.

His whole body trembled because of this rebellious and fresh [Foul] will. His mind echoed what Cheng Shi had just said, and his mouth opened and closed, murmuring uncontrollably:

"This is not blasphemy... This is dedication...

Embrace desire... Embrace desire... Create the Holy Child... Bring His will to the world...

Free yourself from the shackles... Face your desires..."

As he spoke, Turadin's confused eyes became clear again. A pious and determined light flashed in his eyes. He solemnly hooked his two index fingers in front of him and said in a sonorous and powerful voice:

"Free yourself from the shackles and face your desires!"


You shouldn't use this broken gesture here!

But the atmosphere was so heated that Cheng Shi couldn't slap himself in the face, so he had to follow suit.

It's so weird, two men using this kind of gesture to each other, so weird...

After the "prayer" was finished, Tualatin wiped off the snot and tears on his face and said very seriously:

"The Holy Child must be born in the near future?"

Oh, is there a goal?

I didn't say anything and you can draw inferences?

Cheng Shi was stunned for a moment, then nodded quickly: "Yes, we have a series of promotion plans for the [Filth] will, but the premise is that there must be a Holy Child."

"Well, I know, I have a way. The third floor of the church's library is still sealed with the Uma sinner's child-birthing technique. As long as we get that, we can let the "Holy Child" be born within a few days!"

Child-birthing technique?

Cheng Shi raised his eyebrows and thought to himself that as expected, the Divine Education Church still knew something about the Uma sinners.

But this is not the most important thing. It's easy to make people give birth to children. The problem is how to make people believe that this is the [Filth] Holy Child. This is why Cheng Shi needs Tualatin.

No one knows how to anger the believers of [Birth] better than someone who hates [Birth], and no one knows how the information flow in the church works better than the son of the head of the church. As long as the identity of this created Holy Child is confirmed through Tuladin's means, and then He is rescued, then the task of the trial will be completed, right?

AndThis is the plan Cheng Shi came up with to pass the trial!

Since there is no life that shouldn't be born in Dolgod, I will create one myself. When everyone is convinced that a baby to be born is the [Fallen] Holy Child, wouldn't it be the completion of the trial requirements to protect Him?

As for whether there is really such a life that shouldn't be born in Dolgod...

Maybe, but I didn't find it.

Who made him hide it so deeply...

Cheng Shi smiled, listened carefully to the movements around him, and then opened the curtains.

There was no news from Mimiyan, so he had to get this child-bearing technique first as a backup, so he pointed to the window and said:

"Then... lead the way?"

Turadin nodded firmly: "Follow me!"


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