Cheng Shi and his group carefully bypassed the sight of the church staff and climbed over the high wall of the inner courtyard to leave the church. They had just walked a short distance when they saw Gou Feng standing guard in the bushes outside the church.

The burly and strong chief was now in low spirits, with a hunched body and pale face, and he had long lost the heroic look he had during the day.

But he still loved to laugh, and when he saw Cheng Shi, he grinned with his bloodless mouth.

"Cheng Shi, thank you."

"?" Cheng Shi was stunned, and then he realized that it must be Zhang Jizu who said something to Gou Feng that caused the other party's misunderstanding, but this little thing was not worth explaining too much, so he nodded and said, "We are all teammates, it should be."

Gou Feng laughed even happier, and even his face regained some color.

"No, there is nothing that should be in the world. You have won my gratitude, and I will remember you.

I didn't like you wrongly."


Brother, don't be like this, I'm a little scared.

It doesn't matter whether you remember it or not. I'll be thankful if you don't kill me.

"Let's talk about politeness later. Let's find a place to hide first. Avros, is there any place that can avoid the church's search?"

Tualatin frowned and thought for a moment, just about to speak, Zhang Jizu spoke before her.

"I know a place."


"The Evil Infant Court!"

Cheng Shi was stunned: "The Court?"

He thought about it carefully for a while and felt that it was quite risky to go to this place.

"The Court has just been burned down. When you came out, you should have met the church personnel who went in to search, right?

If it were me, I would definitely not check this kind of place with changes only once. Although we have a high probability of hiding it from the search personnel, it is better not to take risks."

But he didn't expect that Zhang Jizu shook his head as soon as he finished speaking.

"I thought the church members outside the court would be more concerned about the burned church organization, but after I resurrected the chief, I found that they only walked to the outer courtyard and were unwilling to go inside.

These people just looked around casually and observed the situation on the second floor, and then they ran away as fast as they could, fearing that they would be involved in any relationship with the dead Uma criminals inside.

The funny thing is that after they left, there was not even a shadow of a person around the opened door of the court.

So I think the court might be a good hiding place."

There is such a thing?

Cheng Shi looked a little surprised. He frowned and turned to look at Tualatin, but saw that Tualatin's face was also full of shock.

But she was obviously not shocked by the attitude of these church members, but by the fact that Squinting Eyes was playing tricks in the court.

"Did you set that fire? Did you burn all the Uma sinners to death?"

"No, no, no, it was indeed a fire from the sky. We just happened to be there and saved a friend."

"Just happened to be there..." Tuladin's expression became speechless, "Is this accident also part of the plan?"

Cheng Shi laughed dryly: "If you think it is, it's not impossible. Let's not talk about this for now. Do you think it's feasible for us to hide in the court?"

"It should be feasible. It is the private land of the former head of the church. Even my father doesn't want to be too involved. The Uma sinners have become weird after starting their road to atonement. Except for the Wuda people who think they are the sons of [birth], probably no one wants to provoke them."

"Let's go!"

Seeing that Cheng Shi made a decision, the group quickly rushed back to the court.

The route back was still the familiar road. Zhang Jizu walked in front, leading everyone to walk close to the wall, avoiding all the church members who were still running on the road. This skilled posture made Cheng Shi admire him very much.

"Old Zhang, you have a good sense of the road."

"The more you walk the more familiar the road is."


It's broken, he installed it.

Cheng Shi pouted in disdain and didn't say anything else.

Not long after, everyone climbed over the high wall and hid in the second floor of the burnt court. Looking at the piles of Uma charred ashes in front of them, Cheng Shi frowned and asked:

"So how did these Uma people atone for their sins?"

Tualatin bowed her head and recited something to the ashes. She raised her head and said with a sigh:

"Remember the history I just talked about? In the cognition of the ancient tribe, the fetus is the closest to Him, so this group of people turned back into fetuses to win the sympathy of [Birth] and let Him look at them again.

Once something like umbilical cord blood shackles is put on, it cannot be removed by itself, and can only be liberated by external forces.

And this kind of escape from the predicament with the help of others is His forgiveness to the Uma people in the eyes of the Uma sinners!

When a person who is at the mercy of others and has no power to resistWhen the baby is rescued by an outsider, it means that the Uma sinner has washed away his sins and turned into a free soul without regrets.

But the predatory nature of the Uma people is not so easy to abandon, so when they are reborn, the first thing they do is often to find a "container" with suitable physical conditions and use the blasphemous [birth] technique on her again.

In their crazy cognition, the sin of this birth should be borne by the newborn, and when the newborn grows up, it will pick up the untied umbilical blood shackles and turn itself back into a fetus, waiting for His forgiveness and continuing the next reincarnation.

Only in this way can the Uma people barely continue today when people hate them and avoid them.

But the poor person who was forced to become the Uma people's gestation container would not think so. She would only live in the fear of blasphemy, slowly tortured by her own fear and go crazy, and even die helplessly.

That's why I advised you not to provoke these lunatics.

But now... we probably won't encounter this kind of risk again. "

For some reason, Cheng Shishi always felt that something was wrong after listening to the "escape story" of the Wuma criminals. He frowned and pondered for a moment before asking:

"I remember that the divine breeding technique of the Wuda rioters can make the next generation think of themselves as Wuda blood, so does the descendant technique have a similar effect?

Will the newborn fetus retain the previous memory of the caster?"

"No, the newborn will only inherit the excellent blood and physique of the previous generation, but still needs someone to bring him up and teach him to recognize and understand the world."

"So that's it." Cheng Shi nodded thoughtfully, and then suddenly asked Gou Feng, "You... as His believer, you know this, right?"

Gou Feng nodded palely, as if his body was still in great pain.

"Yes, I have seen these rumors in the old objects of the Life Era, so I escaped with this method. "

Cheng Shi nodded without asking any more questions, then turned to look at the squinting eyes and said, "You guys take a rest, I'll keep watch tonight, and after we get through the night's inspection, I'll go find Lisfield with Scorpio tomorrow morning."

Everyone nodded, and cleared a piece of space in the ruins to rest. Zhang Jizu narrowed his eyes slightly and used a calming spell to calm everyone.

"You go and rest too, I'll keep watch." Zhang Jizu walked to Cheng Shi and whispered.

Cheng Shi tilted his head and smiled, "Why do you sound so familiar? You used to work the night shift every day in the cemetery?"

"Well, my colleagues don't like working the night shift, but I don't mind it, so they always put me on the night shift when they schedule shifts."

Cheng Shi raised his eyebrows in surprise, "They are excluding you, you're so smart, can't you see it? ”

Zhang Jizu smiled with his eyes narrowed, “So what if I see it? I can’t just quit my job. But night shifts also have their advantages. At least the cemetery is more lively at night than during the quiet daytime.”



Your liveliness should be the liveliness of the living world.

“So this is why you chose [Death]? You like those chirping little skulls?”

Hearing Cheng Shi’s ridicule, Zhang Jizu smiled and shook his head:

“Before I embarked on the road of [Death], I didn’t know they were so noisy, but it’s also good. At least the world of skulls is much simpler than the real human heart.”

Cheng Shi looked at the narrowed eyes in surprise, and asked with interest: “Can I ask how your colleagues are doing now?”

“They…” Zhang Jizu’s eyes suddenly narrowed into slits, and he said with a rather emotional tone, “Probably they all went to serve that adult. "

Cheng Shi raised his eyebrows and smiled knowingly.

He heard that the "serve" in Mimi's mouth was not like him walking on the road of [death], but like those noisy little skulls, padding under the white bone stairs leading to the bone seat.

Sure enough, the one who survives to the end will be the biggest winner. This sentence is applicable both before and after the game comes.

As for how to survive to the end...

Some people choose to kill all their opponents, and some choose to endure and live.

Mimi may be the latter, but it does not mean that he cannot be the former.

This gravekeeper is really interesting.

"Oh, by the way, there is one more thing. Why don't you give our chief teammate a healing spell? I think his face is a bit ugly."

The voice of this sentence was very low, so low that if Zhang Jizu had not had developed hearing, he would not have heard what Cheng Shi said at all.

He glanced thoughtfully at the man who walked to the corner to rest alone.He glanced at the chieftain who was waiting for the treatment and whispered in the same voice:

"He refused. He said that he needed to use pain to tighten his nerves and be alert at all times."

"You believe this?" Cheng Shi said in surprise.

"I don't believe it, but since he refused, why should I treat him?"

"......" Reasonable, too reasonable.

Let go of the nanny complex and respect the fate of teammates.

Cheng Shi smacked his lips, looked in the direction of Gou Feng again, and said nothing.


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