The child in Tualatin's belly was still absorbing vitality. It was like a bottomless pit, sucking the "milk" for life, but it seemed that it could never be filled.

The delivery took too long, longer than Cheng Shi expected.

Originally, he thought he should take the initiative to control the time, and it would be best if the monster in Tualatin's belly was born just a few seconds before the end of the trial.

In this way, when the trial time ran out, they could settle the account without risk.

But now it seems that he thought too much.

He was afraid that the trial would end soon and the little monster would not be born, so he turned his head stiffly and looked at Zhang Jizu, hoping to think of a way with his squinting eyes.

Zhang Jizu was also surprised. He was surprised at the time the child absorbed vitality, and secondly, he was surprised at the vitality provided by Cheng Shi.

Such a huge amount of vitality obviously exceeded the cognition of a player.

He looked at Cheng Shi's pleading eyes and narrowed his eyes:

"The flesh on the belly is getting more and more full. I'll try with a scalpel. If I'm right, when the vitality reaches a certain level, the belly should be able to be cut."

He took out a scalpel and gently cut the belly, but the cut still had no effect.

The belly felt soft and elastic, but it was invulnerable. No matter what method Zhang Jizu used, even burning it with a cotton swab soaked in gasoline, it failed to change at all.

Cheng Shi frowned at this scene and pressed his ring with his right hand.

He wondered if conventional means could not break the defense of the belly at all, and only by using more strength could the child be delivered.

But there was still some time before the end of the trial, and he was afraid that other accidents would occur after the child was really blown out, so he could only wait for a more suitable time node.

But the two of them, exhausted and nervous at the moment of delivering the baby, overlooked a very important thing, that is, the script of history does not revolve around only the two of them.

While they were still calculating the exact time of the child's birth, Berios, who still couldn't find anyone after searching the underground of the church today, became extremely gloomy.

He only found a corpse where the group of evil god followers were placed, and Gou Feng, who was supposed to negotiate with the church here, was also missing. When the ruler of Dolgod found that he was likely to be fooled, he rushed to the underground lake to confirm the condition of Golis.

He thought that without treatment today, Golis would at most not be as energetic as before, but he didn't expect that when he walked into the underground, he found that Golis, who was listless in the past, was now...


She swung her huge tentacles wildly, churning the lake water and shaking the ground. She seemed to be so stimulated that her whole body was trembling and struggling, as if only in this way could she get rid of her "pain".

When the head of the church saw his beloved in this state, he knew that he had been fooled. Not only that, but these followers of the evil god who were looking for fear even did something to Golis before leaving!

How dare you!

How dare you tease the church on the land of Dolgod, how dare you blaspheme the "god" who protects Dolgod!

Golis's painful appearance hurt the head of the church and ignited his anger. He slammed his staff heavily on the ground, and his eyes were filled with a cold and dim light.

But misfortunes never come alone. At this moment, Lisfield, who looked even worse than him, rushed down like a hurricane. When he saw Golis like this, he shouted with bloodshot eyes:

"The purpose of these wild dogs is not some bullshit fear at all!

My men told me that there was a huge movement in the Brotherhood's base. They were looking for the so-called evil god infant!

They fooled us, Berrios, you'd better tell me that Golis was not hurt, otherwise..."

"Otherwise what? Stupid!"

The voice of the head of the church was extremely cold. This "stupid" might not be scolding the big beard, but also himself. After all, the decision to trade was made by two people together. He was very regretful for his behavior of trusting the followers of the evil god so credulously.

But regret was useless. These followers of the evil god were obviously different from the previous petty thieves. They were bold and reckless, and even tried to tease the supreme ruler of Dolgod under the nose of the Church of Divine Education.

Berrios was cunning, but that didn't mean he could just endure it.

So, in a rage, he brushed aside his beard, held the staff tightly, and climbed up the church tower again.

Lisfield guessed his thoughts and said even more angrily:

"You actually want to take advantage of me?"Using Golice, you let her fall into confusion again for your own anger!

Berrios, is this what you call loving her!

Stop, I'll go, let me kill them, I'll bring their heads back to the ground, let them pay for this blasphemy!"

Berrios glanced at Lisfil coldly.

"Those who blaspheme God should be punished by God.

They didn't deceive me, but deceived Golice, blaspheming her expectations and future.

I can't let Golice suffer humiliation and harm, so they must die under the descent of God.

I said, you don't understand Golice, reckless man... useless. "

As he spoke, Berrios ignored his red-eyed beard, raised his staff and pointed it at the statue of the god on the tower. The statue of the god stroking its belly shone again, and a dazzling sun descended on the top of the church in Dolgod at dusk.

As the light became more and more blazing, the listless Golis in the underground lake suddenly seemed to be activated by some secret technique. She suddenly raised a tentacle, rushed up along the inner wall of the tower, overturned the top of the tower, and reappeared in the sight of the people of Dolgod.

As Berrios pointed the staff at the Brotherhood's base, the huge tentacle continued to rise infinitely, and then it smashed down with a "bang", turning the entire city area near the base into powder!

Cheng Shi never thought that Zhang Jizu's back-up plan would not work. To protect the child from being born, but to protect against the wrath of Berrios.

Scorpio, who was hiding near the stronghold, felt the aura of destruction for the first time. He was shocked and immediately wanted to send a message to Cheng Shi and the others, but he was still a step too late. He could only watch the terrifying giant trigger whistling like wind and thunder, brushing past his body and smashing everything under his feet.

The two people who were still delivering vitality to the child were in great danger as soon as they sensed the crisis.

Cheng Shi, who had the power of "vitality", did not die immediately, but was smashed into the bottom of the ruins by countless sand and gravel, and the whole person was stunned.

Zhang Jizu was directly beaten into a human pancake, but the formation on the scene allowed him to be resurrected on the ground instantly. He was swept away by the storm caused by the beating, and endured the strong wind of sand and stone cutting. After rolling twice in the air and landing steadily, she took out a robe from her personal space without wasting a moment to cover her naked body.

As for the third person in the underground cell...

Gao Ya...Yes, the third person is Gao Ya.

Zhang Jizu was parasitic on Gao Ya and suppressed her consciousness, but when the two died at the same time, the magic circle also resurrected Gao Ya!

She appeared somewhere outside the ruins like a squinting eye, and her face was pale and frightened as soon as she was resurrected.

She did not escape immediately, nor did she immediately alert to the crisis from the outside. Instead, she hurriedly looked at her body and checked her body's condition.

When she found that she was still a woman, her frown was slightly relaxed, and then she exhaled heavily, Then she picked up a piece of rag and wrapped the beautiful body.

She looked around and found that there was no trace of other teammates around her, so she frowned and pondered for a moment, took out a rusty thumbtack from her personal space, and quietly nailed it under her feet.

After doing all this, she ran out with a frown.

The time of the trial is about to end. Regardless of whether Cheng Shi can win this trial, what she has to do now is to stay away from the center of the dispute, protect herself, and go back alive.

She has more important things to do!

Cheng Shi was trapped underground, Zhang Jizu observed steadily, Gao Ya withdrew... This anger from Berrios poured down on the heads of the players, but did not kill anyone.

But there are far more than the three of them in the ruins that were drawn out.

There is also an unborn child!

Tualatin's child!

In fact, just now, Cheng Shi felt that the end of the trial was imminent, and he could try to use [Thunder Judgment] to "open the abdomen" of Tualatin.

But unexpectedly, Berrios's God's Descent was one step faster than him and took over the right to perform the operation.

Although the methods were different, they ended up in the same place.

Under the influence of a huge external force, the child who was full of vitality was finally born!

But it was not born by its mother, but because its mother's body was beaten to pieces. At the moment when its belly was separated from the mother's body, it finally escaped the flesh and blood cage that trapped it and rushed out.

But just when it had just stepped into this world and had not yet opened its eyes to see this reality, the terrifying destructive power from the "God's Descent" swept it into the ground.

ThisThe world seemed to welcome its arrival with a horrific destruction.

Even more ironic is that even after the death of the baby's mother, Tualatin, it was her "high and mighty" "father" and her "mother" who turned into a pool of mud and flesh that crushed her body into ashes.

The only "person" killed by their anger was the dead body of Tualatin.


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