
Hearing this score, Cheng Shi's enthusiasm was instantly extinguished.

Another 2400+, even reaching 2500 points.

Good news, there are many big guys.

Bad news, there are too many big guys.

The scores of the players in this game seem to be a bit too high.

And I only...

How many points?

The Memory Traveler is the mage of [Memory].

And [Memory] faithfully records everything that happens, and is the mortal enemy of [Fraud].

With such an opponent in front, it would be a lie to say that Cheng Shi is not nervous at all.

But to say that he is very scared is not necessarily true.

After all, it's not that he has never come into contact with players with such scores, but there are fewer of them.

Du Xiguang is very tall, at least 1.9 meters tall, wearing glasses, he looks gentle, but the flesh and blood body under the windbreaker is obviously very powerful.

Du Xiguang, [Memory], Mage, 2502

Cheng Shi's eyes passed over him slightly, and then he looked at Miss Dagger calmly.

"Yun Ni, Apostle of Nirvana, 2491."


She is actually a believer of [Annihilation]?

[Annihilation] is the third god of [Destruction], the end of Destruction, and the collapse of living beings.

He firmly believes that life will eventually disappear, the universe cannot escape destruction, everything will pass away, and eventually return to Nirvana.

Therefore, his believers are influenced by him and often ignore life.

In their eyes, survival is just a process leading to disappearance, and death is just the beginning of the Nirvana of all things.

The meaning of the world's operation is to wait for the final judgment, and then collapse into dust under his gaze.

Unexpectedly, such a girl who looks watery and lively actually believes in [Annihilation]?

Oh, by the way, she is an assassin!

The Apostle of Annihilation is an assassin who believes in [Annihilation].

This makes more sense.

Assassins are all contrast monsters.

Yunni, [Annihilation], assassin, 2491

Cheng Shi smiled in his heart and looked at the next person.

The one who knocked on his door.

The long-haired handsome guy who changed into the clothes of the hotel had a very cold look in his eyes. His slender eyes showed his contempt for others without any cover.

Sorry, I despise all of you equally.

That's the feeling.

As for his identity, Cheng Shi actually had a guess in his heart.

"Wei Guan, hunter of fools, 2450."

Sure enough, the hunter of fools, the hunter of [Foolishness].

[Foolishness] is not actually stupid, on the contrary, he thinks he is closer to the truth than [Truth].

Because he is too close to the truth, there is a gap between him and all things in the world, so he thinks that all other existences in the world are stupid.

This is his will.

He believes that all life is stupid and all civilization is foolish.

His followers have inherited the Lord's view very well, so that all [Foolish] players always like to look down on others.

Since they believed in the Lord, their thinking has been more active than other players, their brains turn faster, and they have accumulated more knowledge.

Compared with the believers of [Truth], except for their disgusting attitude, they are top-notch in terms of knowledge and thinking increment, and their strength should not be underestimated.

Wei Guan, [Foolish], Hunter, 2450

Cheng Shi silently watched a group of big men introduce each other, and when it was his turn, he frowned.

Three men and one woman, a total of five people including himself.

Where did the other person go?

Wei Guan seemed to see Cheng Shi's thoughts, he snorted coldly, and turned his sight to the end of the corridor.

Cheng Shi and Yun Ni, who came out last, followed his sight and saw a strong man with a naked upper body standing there quietly, with his eyes closed and resting his mind expressionlessly.

Cheng Shi was shocked and immediately understood the situation.


He is a believer of [Silence].

The decree of this god can be seen from his name.

Since the moment when [Faith Game] was officially launched, the players who believed in him have probably given up speaking.

They follow, observe, listen, and think, but they don't communicate with others.

Live like a lone monk.

And the big brother with bulging muscles at the end of the corridor looks like an ascetic monk.

Ascetic monk, [Silent] warrior.

X, [Silent], warrior, X

Wei Guan spoke again, which also verified Cheng Shi's guess.

"An ascetic monk is not worth wasting time."


Even Cheng Shi, who is used to seeing [Foolish] believers, is not used to this kind of disdain.

Probably no one likes an unfamiliar person who always despises them in front of them from time to time.

Especially this time the trial lasts for 7 days, so there is plenty of time.

Cheng Shi spread his hands and smiled.Qi casually said:

"Cheng Shi, Sanity Eclipse, 2401."

As soon as the voice fell, Fang Jue raised his eyebrows unexpectedly, and the others frowned.

Sanity Eclipse, a priest who believes in [Chaos].


Time goes back to the last trial.

When Cheng Shi killed Huang Bo and cut off his head.

In the first act, A Ming died immediately.

The story of the executioner and the disobedient musician should have ended here.

But Cheng Shi snapped his fingers at the last second before A Ming's soul disappeared.

This snap represents the true contempt of a forgotten doctor for death.

He let death forget A Ming.

Status retracing!

Cheng Shi secretly recorded the status of everyone at the first time of the first act.

In that moment before death, Cheng Shi deceived Huang Bo, who was confident that he was infallible, and made him think that he and A Ming were both dead.

But after Huang Bo died, he used retracing to resurrect A Ming.

Death took away the believer of [Chaos], and disappeared from the world with his doubts and unwillingness.

The believer of [Order] was able to survive.

So today, Cheng Shi is a believer of [Chaos], a rational eroder.


In fact, the talent [Lie as Yesterday] is not dead to the limited card of "the most recently deceived believer".

In other words, as long as Cheng Shi is willing, he can choose the belief of the teammate he deceived in the last game.

But he still firmly chose [Chaos].

You know, [Chaos] is the mortal enemy of [Order].

And the reputation of [Chaos] believers is not very good, and few people like them.

But it is precisely for this reason that Cheng Shi chose Him.

Because more controversial topics will divert everyone's attention.

In this way, everyone pays attention to his beliefs, and the scores he fabricated are naturally ignored by people subconsciously.

In a high-end game where all the players scored 2400 or 2500, Cheng Shi couldn't tell them that he scored 2100.

There was only one outcome, and that was that he would be hunted down by the "hunter of fools" without hesitation the moment he said his score.

After all, a low score is also a kind of foolishness in the eyes of the [Foolish] believers.

And the hunter of fools hunts foolishness.

Lying about a low score can hide one's strength, and falsely reporting a high score can save one's life.

This is the charm of fraud.

Cheng Shi has understood it since he was a child.

But even with all this in mind, an accident still happened.

Before the Herr Fang Jue could say anything about Cheng Shi's identity, the assassin lady who had an intersection with Cheng Shi flashed and came directly in front of Cheng Shi, and the dagger of light was close to his Adam's apple again.

Cheng Shi was slightly stunned, and smiled nonchalantly:

"You like my Adam's apple so much? Give it to you?"


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