When Cheng Shi opened his eyes again, he found that he was not back on the roof, but appeared in front of a building.

The moonlight was over his head, and the soft moonlight sprinkled on Cheng Shi's feet, outlining the pattern on the door very clearly.

This building was so familiar that Cheng Shi froze in place with cold sweat the first time he recognized it.

The Evil Infant Court!

He appeared in front of the door of the Dolgod Evil Infant Court again!

But this time, the Evil Infant Court in front of him was not abandoned due to being shelved, nor was it burned into ruins by the "fire from the sky". It looked so exquisite and magnificent, as if everything had just been completed.

Cheng Shi stood in front of the door of the inner hall of the court, with a bluestone floor outlined with gold paint under his feet and a closed door decorated with jade in front of him.

He swallowed nervously and took two steps back without saying a word.

But he failed.

Because this didn't seem to be the real Infant Inquisition, and there was no spacious outer courtyard behind him, Cheng Shi took only one step back and found that his back seemed to hit an invisible wall, which bounced him back and pushed him to the door again.

His heart skipped a beat and he frowned.

Oh no, they want me to open the door! ?

But can this door... be opened?

What's hidden inside! ?

Is it the revenge of the sinners of Uma, or the trap of the Church of Divine Education?

No, the trial is over. Logically speaking, these people and things that have passed away in history can no longer be related to me, so...

The current weirdness has nothing to do with them, but with [Them]!

Who is it! ?

Who summoned me again?

When thinking of the content of the last trial, the first person Cheng Shi thought of was [Birth].

But his impression of [Birth] was not this kind of mysterious.

Thinking of the [God Pillar] that he couldn't look at directly, Cheng Shi felt that if [Birth] wanted to find him, he would probably drop the [God Pillar] directly on the roof of the rest area, instead of leaving him in front of a fancy door.

So, who else could it be?

Could it be... [Wu Duo]?

Not very likely, it is said that [Wu Duo] controls the [Sea of ​​Desire], stirring up all the emotions and desires in the world.

If it was Him, he wouldn't be struggling to weigh it. Under the effect of the amplification of desire, perhaps he would have opened the door and walked in at this time.

He thought about it and couldn't come up with a reasonable guess, so he could only throw it all on his benefactor.

My benefactor, it can't be you... right?

This inexplicable sense of teasing is too strong, like the handwriting of the God of Fun.

But what do you want me to do by doing this?

Open this door to see you?

It's really new. Seeing the content of my last trial, you started to combine "current events" to create fear here?

Okay, okay, whether it's you behind the door or not, whether you are watching here or not, anyway, I have more than one benefactor, and I don't believe that the great [Fate] will lead me astray!

"The way to come and go is all destined!

Praise [Fate]!

Your glory will guide me on the established path and protect me from all misfortunes."

After shouting the prayer dedicated to [Fate], Cheng Shi gritted his teeth and stretched out his hand...

Throwing a pile of dice behind him.

A steady heart is indispensable, which is learned from the squinting eyes!

After evenly spreading the dice on the not-so-spacious ground under his feet, he stretched out his hand again and slowly approached the door of the Evil Infant Court in front of him.

But at this moment, perhaps because Cheng Shi did not react for too long, the door was actually pushed open from the inside.



Cheng Shi reacted very quickly. When he saw the door move slightly and heard the hinge creak, he immediately dodged and retreated to the farthest point where he could not retreat. He leaned against the air wall, clenched the ring, took out the scalpel, and waited for battle.

He seemed to feel that there was someone behind the door, which undoubtedly denied his guess that the God of Fun was behind the door, but the problem was that he couldn't imagine who could bring him here after the trial.

It couldn't be the same as Kotarot. Who was His spokesperson?

Just as Cheng Shi was tense and thinking quickly, the door was slowly pushed open.

The gap between the two doors became larger and larger, until the moonlight outside dimly illuminated the hall inside the door, and a strange and familiar figure gradually came into Cheng Shi's field of vision.

And when he saw this exquisite and perfect face like a sculpture, Cheng Shi's mind "boomed" and exploded directly.

He froze in place, his pupils shrank to the size of needles, and his nerves stretched as tight as bowstrings.He looked at the person in front of him in disbelief, and couldn't help but exclaimed:

"It's you! Tualatin!?"

Yes, it was Tualatin who pushed open the door of the inner hall of the Evil Infant Court.

But he didn't look like Tualatin.

Because he looked very different from the first time Cheng Shi saw him. At this time, he had long hair, stylish eyebrows, a slender figure, and a straight posture.

With a charming smile on his face, his hands were stretched out as if he was happy to see an old friend, but if you look closely, this hugging action seems to be expressing piety to a high and mighty Him.

Not only that, "Tualatin" was wearing a black robe with gold and moon inlays, and he closed his eyes and murmured some unheard tune. This image seemed even more...holy under the moonlight.

But this "holiness" was different from any holiness Cheng Shi had ever seen before.

This kind of lofty and sacred appearance does not remind people of worshipping with reverence, nor of retreating in fear, nor of being shocked by self-abasement, but...

A desire arises in the heart, making people want to blaspheme him!

Yes, blasphemy!

Rage, hatred, possession, joy...

Wrestling, killing, hugging, lingering...

Countless desires intertwined and surged into Cheng Shi's head, making his eyes red and gasping for breath in an instant.

"Tualatin" who saw this scene smiled even more charmingly. He did not walk out of the inner hall, but just stared at Cheng Shi's face, smiling as if he were meeting an old friend.

"My brother, you forgot that I have changed my name. I am no longer called Tualatin.

I am called...


Also, my brother, it was you who told me His divine name, it was you who pushed me into His arms, and it was you who taught me His will.

And now, seeing an old friend, how can I not be happy?"

I am so happy!

Cheng Shi couldn't even spare the energy to force out a fake smile to deal with the other party, because he was trying his best to suppress the desire in his heart. This surging desire had never been so strong that he dared not let go, for fear that he would do something unimaginable.

But he still gritted his teeth and replied stiffly:

"Who the hell is your old friend.

The Avros I know is a woman!"


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