"I don't know what kind of existence [He] is, nor am I qualified to know. I just heard Him mention this name, and then I knew that there was another such existence besides them."

Hearing this, Hu Xuan raised his eyebrows.

"He? My Lord?"

"Yes, it is Him, and it can only be Him.

[Wuduo] only showed [Desire Sea] to all living beings. Although I have received His attention, I have never been fortunate enough to be summoned by Him to listen to His will under the throne of God.

So the He I am talking about is your mother, [Birth]."

Hu Xuan frowned tightly, but Cheng Shi's eyes flashed.

[Wuduo] has never appeared, and even His messengers have never seen Him!

This is undoubtedly consistent with what his benefactor said, but the question is, why is He so mysterious?

Is this His persistent desire, or... is there another hidden story?

Cheng Shi thought of the [Fraud] guess mentioned by [Destiny]. The God of Fun said that [Depravity] did not exist. Could it be that this time, the God of Fun was right?

But the establishment of [Convention] clearly obtained His consent!

After thinking for a while, Cheng Shi turned his attention back to Avros's speech.

"Let's talk about the era you are interested in.

After that, I was born in the third era.

This is undoubtedly a great era, and it is also the craziest era for the God-seekers, because in this era, the God-seekers of the whole world actually received the protection of a Him, and this Him is..."

"[Truth]!" Cheng Shi replied with certainty.

Avros smiled.

"Yes, it is Him.

Unfortunately, when He cast his gaze on this continent, I was already dead. This era is great, but it does not belong to me. I ended my life too early.

Then, I was born in the fourth era, which was even more chaotic. I did not repeat any fate and died early in the womb of a mortal.


Then came the era of [Existence].

I finally found the meaning of my existence, but the master of that era did not agree with my ideas, so after becoming their common envoy, I was sentenced to eternal imprisonment by the master of this era.

Heh, in this gap in time where I once lived, I became myself forever."

Cheng Shi's mind was very confused. He wanted to ask how the era was defined and what rules it operated by, and how it was different from the era mentioned by the players, but looking at Avros's appearance, he seemed to be willing to say only so much.

As for whether he couldn't say it or didn't want to say it, Cheng Shi couldn't be sure.

He looked at Hu Xuan with a confused face again, hoping that Hu Xuan could extract some information from Avros's words and combine it with her own cognition to solve his doubts, but she looked equally confused, because like the two of them, they had no information reserves about the "era".

However, Cheng Shi still grasped some key points. He raised his eyebrows and asked:

"You were the Commander of [Birth] in the first era, but became the Commander of [Depravity] in the second era. But it was not until the era of [Existence] that you became a dual Commander?"

Avros slowly put the food into his mouth, chewed it carefully, smiled but did not speak.

Cheng Shi frowned, not expecting Avros to respond, but continued to ask:

"You don't know Hu Xuan, which means that the Eternal Day was not born in the era you experienced.

And the Eternal Day was born in the Tower of Principle, so..."

He looked at Hu Xuan and guessed:

"So is it possible that the era node of your predecessor's birth may be in the third era when he died young?

The era of [Civilization], is that the name, right?"

Hu Xuan frowned and thought, but Avros, who was silent, suddenly became interested. He looked at Hu Xuan with a little surprise in his eyes.

"You... were created by those god-chasers?

Interesting, but it makes sense. He is a kind god, at least when he doesn't need mercy, he is tolerant enough.

So I'm not surprised that he can accept you."

"You always talk about His mercy, and I care about this. When does [Birth] no longer need mercy?"

Avros took a sip of fine wine and smiled and changed the subject.

"Don't always talk about me, talk about you, my brother. I am very curious about this so-called [Nothingness].

So, what kind of authority does your benefactor who gallops in the void hold?"

When Cheng Shi heard this, he felt that there was something wrong. He asked in disbelief:

"Have you seen Him?"

"Yes, He came to warn me not to assimilate you by means of [Depravity] again.This is simply prejudice.

Our desires have always been in sync, haven't they, my brother?

After all, you are my guide. "


Thank you, I won't take the blame for such a big pot, even if I made it myself.

But then again, which benefactor summoned Avros?

Cheng Shi thought about it and felt that it was [Fate].

He probably didn't trust him to just instruct himself, so he came to warn Avros again.

Ah, this...

Cheng Shi looked at the owner here with a strange expression, and after a moment of silence, he began to talk about his benefactor.

Of course, he was also talking about [Fate]. After all, in Hu Xuan's eyes, he was just a fate weaver.

"My Lord is the essence of [Nothingness], and He sees through the truth of the universe. He is the embodiment of all good luck and the collection of many misfortunes.

Under His gaze, the world is full of changes, and the future is full of predestined things. Everything you can imagine about fate is His authority, but it is not all of Him.

Because He does not need to be described, nor can He be defined.

Because He is [Fate], and belongs to everything... [Nothingness]. "

Avros just looked at Cheng Shi quietly, savoring every word Cheng Shi said about his benefactor.

Compared to Avros's calmness, Hu Xuan was obviously more surprised.

She thought Cheng Shi must have a unique understanding of them, but now it seems that he understands them much better than she expected, at least, he understands [Fate] very well.

However, Avros did not seem to think so. He looked at Cheng Shi with interest and suddenly laughed out loud.

"My brother, I have to say that your praise of your benefactor...

Well, it is very perfect and flawless.

But based on my understanding of desire and my perception of emotions, you seem to be a little unsatisfied.

What else do you want to say?

Why don't you say it?

I'm very curious, and I even think that the things you haven't said are your true views on [Destiny]. "

Avros put down the cutlery, supported his chin with both hands, and smiled:

"Aren't you going to say it again?"

Cheng Shi's face froze, and he laughed dryly twice.

This is the most beautiful thing.

If I say everything, then the good praise will become blasphemy?

The Lord has blessed me so much, I can't be ungrateful, right?

"What to say, there is nothing to say, after all, [Destiny]...

No need to say more. "


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