Cheng Shi was moved, and so were the others present. They all looked at Hu Wei with a strange look in their eyes.

Even Hu Xuan had forgotten the pain of being burned by the fire, and a hint of admiration flashed in her eyes.

Long Jing knew that he had played a trick on everyone first, and he had no right to ask more questions, so he remained silent and just followed Mo Li, waiting for the Herrer to be kind enough to explain to him.

Mo Li was not only a singer who could assist others, but also a person who was good at using all useful resources. He knew that he could not escape from here without the assistance of high-end combat power, so he told Long Jing a little about the current situation.

After listening, Long Jing had no reaction, but he cursed with a gloomy face and gritted his teeth:

"Fuck his uncle."

As for whose uncle... Cheng Shi thought it couldn't be his own.

He was not like Chen Shuo, who would randomly make relatives, and at this moment he could only hope that Zhen Yi really had an uncle.

Chasing and fleeing, if there is one fleeing, there will naturally be another chasing.

Although everyone was moving very fast, and with the help of the Prime Minister, the dead baby on the opposite side was moving towards them at a fast pace, but Ge Lisi was not a background board, she was also an actor in this script and could move.

The script she got said that Yu Mu could not be let go, so when she saw the scene in front of her, she knew that it was time for her to appear on the stage, so it happened that just before everyone was about to touch the second to last dead baby, Ge Lisi's resentment broke out!

The entire void suddenly turned dark, and the dead baby cage that imprisoned Yu Mu once again broke away from Li Qiye's control and flew away quickly. In the horrified faces and shocked eyes of the crowd, countless huge tentacles and shadows whistled up from the void under their feet, standing in front and behind, emitting screams and hisses, and at the same time muttering unclean mutterings, without a second of hesitation, they smashed down on the heads of the people who were surrounded.

The momentum was like a collapse of the sky, extremely terrifying, and the overflowing [Birth] aura was like a torrent. If Hu Xuan hadn't "gritted her teeth" to resist the [Birth] power, everyone present would have fallen under his gaze and become a group of flesh and blood who only knew how to reproduce.

With just this one blow, everyone's faces changed drastically!

They finally found out what the horror that Cheng Shi and Hu Xuan had lightly described meant, and finally realized what kind of game Zhen Yi had dragged them into.

Did this lunatic really think that her sister had such a big face that she could still be saved even if something like this happened?

Or was Zhen Yi not joking this time, and she just wanted to play a big game? Was she sure that her group of people couldn't run away?

Mo Li gritted his teeth, he casually took out a golden page and stuck it on Hu Wei's back, and then sang the hymn of [Order] aloud, and soon countless holy lights poured down on everyone like a waterfall.

Cheng Shi felt that his fatigue was replaced by extra fighting spirit and enthusiasm, and he became inexplicably energetic. Hu Xuan's pale face was even more radiant, as if he had taken a powerful healing spell.

But Cheng Shi knew that this was not a healing spell. The Herrscher might have the means to use props to heal others, but Li Qiye obviously didn't use it. The Prime Minister used the method of stimulating potential on everyone at the moment. He tapped everyone's potential to the maximum at this moment.

This method is a bit like "overload", but it is more overloaded than overload, because he saw that after Hu Wei took this set of "stimulation", his whole body became bigger, and the hair all over his body began to breathe like fine fire patterns!

The Grand Marshal was enhanced to the extreme!

Seeing that the effect had come, Mo Li roared under tremendous pressure:

"Grand Marshal, do it! Split the void, we escape from the laughter and ridicule!"


After hearing this, Cheng Shi was suddenly stunned. He felt as if he saw a group of thieves who were found by their "master" and said to their "master": "Go, climb out of this family's back window."

This feeling was too weird.

He glanced at the Herrscher with a strange expression, and before he could hold back his mouth, he saw a blazing fire that was too hot to look at, and then the void above his head suddenly shattered, turning into a vortex of flames that sucked in all the giant tentacles that fell down.

But even though all the visible offensives had been resolved, everyone still felt a sinking sensation, and several people present were actually crushed to the ground by an invisible pressure!


Everyone was even more shocked, thinking that Golis's resentment was far more terrifying than they imagined. Only Cheng Shi, with his face pressed against the empty ground, twitched his mouth speechlessly.

He always felt that this was Avros's revenge on him for not answering that question.The problem, but he has no evidence, because the other party acted very realistically. As a director, he cannot blame a dedicated actor.


The situation seems to be heading towards collapse.

You must know that this place is already empty. If you smash it further, you can only lead to a deeper void except for finding Xixiaochichao.

But the void is not so easy to go. Last time, I went there with the help of Zhen Yi's ability to steal my future self, and I barely took a look. This time, with the endless blessing of the first auxiliary, Hu Wei only smashed the void a little and blocked the angry blow of Golis.

So the problem is, if the current players want to escape from this place, it seems that there is no way except to find Xixiaochichao, but Xixiaochichao is not so easy to find. No one knows where the god who likes to watch fun wants to watch fun.

But after all, his believers must understand him better than other players!

And there is a believer of [Fraud] in the field!


This acrobat who had been silent since being rescued finally had a chance to show his skills!

This was one of the reasons why Li Qiye was willing to tell him about the current situation. This first assistant did not bet all his chips on the Grand Marshal. He also did not forget Long Jing's identity.

It was Long Jing's appearance that made him think of using Xixiaoqiao to escape from here.

So he looked at Long Jing with expectation in his eyes. Long Jing felt Li Qiye's sight, but at this moment he had no idea at all.

He did know that the God of Fun had created a Xixiaoqiao in the void, but the problem was that [Fraud] was not so easy to guess. He had no trace at all!

Long Jing frowned slightly as if he was thinking, but in fact he was already anxious in his heart.

But time waits for no one. The giant tentacled shadow trapped in the void flame has broken free from the vortex and raised up again, and is about to launch a second round of attack. If Hu Wei can't find the place where the laughter and ridicule are, Hu Wei's [War] brute force may be able to withstand it once or twice, but when Mo Li's blessing leaves the body, it may be the time for them to die!

Thinking of this, Long Jing's eyes sank, his heart became ruthless, and he pointed to his feet and shouted:

"Grand Marshal, smash it at my feet!"


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