
The cold wind howled, biting and piercing.

The snowflakes raised by the strong wind were not soft, and the ice slag was blown and spread, like an invisible plow that scraped the earth wantonly, plowing out thousands of gullies and ravines for the snow-white.

Cheng Shi shuddered.

Before his consciousness recovered, his body had already begun to respond to the stress. The unexpectedly low temperature made him tremble all over, and his muscles contracted unconsciously. He woke up in a short while.

There was no smell to smell, no sound to hear, only the wind and snow, roaring and shouting to welcome the arrival of the players.

Cheng Shi opened his eyes, but then closed them again.

It was because it was too bright.

The sun was still in the sky, but it was like the giant sun phantom that Hu Xuan had transformed into, with only brightness but no temperature. Cheng Shi was stunned and thought that this harsh environment had forced Hu Xuan to reveal his true form.

But after thinking carefully, it seems that among the five figures that just flashed by... there is no shadow of Hu Xuan.

Didn't get in line?

No, it should be said that it is impossible to get in line!

Cheng Shi frowned, took out a fur coat in the wind and snow, covered it in front of him, and squinted his eyes. Because the fur coat blocked the view in front, he only saw the two figures beside him.

These two people are obviously not one of the teammates who just prayed together, but Cheng Shi is not surprised at all. In this case, if he can still meet the teammates who just prayed, it would be really weird.

On the left is a man with a somewhat arrogant and weird expression. His clothes are very gorgeous, with bright colors and various patterns. He has a high collar and a waist, a wide-sleeved robe, and the skirt blown open by the wind. At first glance, it looks like he is cosplaying as a medieval noble.

There was also a man on the right, with white hair and a high nose bridge. He looked very gentle and dressed very steadily. He was dressed like a scholar in an old-fashioned suit, but his behavior was a bit out of place.

The reason why Cheng Shi said this was because he saw that he had climbed to the roof of a low-rise building next to him, and from the height covered with snow, he broke off a half-man-long thing similar to a lightning rod.

Cheng Shi frowned and looked around with scrutiny. After seeing an empty snowfield and the surrounding buildings of varying heights, he realized that the place where he landed was actually a square, a square with wind and snow.

So what was the broken lightning rod just now?

Cheng Shi couldn't see the details on the roof, but he instinctively felt that the thing didn't seem to be a lightning rod, but more like a sundial used by many civilizations in the ancient era to tell time.

But he was not sure, but soon his teammate on the right came back with a "long stick" and smiled in the wind and snow.

"Even if the sundial is not used for timekeeping... ah, ah, ah, ah, sorry, the wind is too strong...

It seems that we have come to the north of the Island of Hope. I hope this is a less difficult trial, of course, the wind and snow do not count.

What do you call my friend?"

It is indeed a sundial!

So this teammate is...

Cheng Shi looked at this cheerful teammate with a fixed gaze. His left hand, which was supporting the windproof fur coat, instantly took out a pocket watch under the cover of the fur coat and glanced at the time on it. It was just past twelve o'clock, and it was noon.

At noon, the sun was overhead, and there was such a strong wind and snow. The weather was very strange. No wonder this teammate would find a "trekking pole" in advance to protect himself.

This cheerful teammate was still walking towards Cheng Shi. He took two quick steps and stretched out his hand to Cheng Shi with a bright smile.

Cheng Shi responded with a brilliant smile, but did not shake hands with the man. Instead, he raised the fur coat in his hand to indicate that he was busy now.

"Cheng Shi, nice to meet you."

The cheerful teammate was stunned, then blinked and said:

"Your name is the same as a friend of mine, what a coincidence, I wonder if you know him, he is a fortune-teller, very famous."

Cheng Shi raised his eyebrows and smiled: "Oh? How famous?"

"It seems that you don't know, well, then where should I start?

To explain this matter clearly, you must first know a liar, her name is Zhen Yi.

Oh? Judging from your expression, you probably have heard of her, very good, then we can continue our topic.

The Zhen Yi you know has a kind of... relationship with my friend, not bad, your expression is good, it's the kind of relationship you think!

Ha, shocked, right? When I just found out about this, my expression was more exaggerated than yours."

As he said this, the cheerful teammate was actually leaning towards Cheng Shi. Judging from his appearance, he seemed to want to squeeze in with Cheng Shi under this fur coat the size of a person to avoid the wind together.


Cheng Shi looked at this very familiar teammate with a strange look, speechless.

How come I didn't know there was a friend like you?

When did we know each other?

Who are you?

Seeing that this teammate was about to get close to him, Cheng Shi suddenly stepped back to make room and then smiled politely:

"If nothing unexpected happens, I am the friend you are talking about.

So, how should I call you, my 'old friend'?"

"..." Now it was the turn of the cheerful teammate to be silent.

He raised his head in surprise, blinked in confusion, and said in shock: "It's really you?"

Cheng Shi's tone became more teasing: "Why, how long have we not seen each other that you don't recognize me? "


The cheerful teammate's smile froze on his face. He awkwardly poked the ground with his sundial and whispered in the cover of the wind and snow: "He looks good, but why is his character like Chen Shuo?"

Of course, Cheng Shi didn't hear this. He just saw the other party mutter and then stood there with a dry laugh.

Seeing that the other party had no ill intentions, Cheng Shi smiled casually and turned the page. He put down his fur coat slightly and looked forward against the wind and snow.

There were three teammates on the upwind side of the square. The three of them stood not close to each other and didn't seem to have the intention to get close to each other. They stood in the wind and snow like a sculpture. If the three of them were not still looking around, people who didn't know would really think that several new human statues were built on the square. .

The wind was strong and the snow was heavy, which was very blinding. Cheng Shi could only vaguely see the appearance of the three people in the snow, but he couldn't see their faces clearly. However, just by seeing their appearance, he found that there were actually familiar faces among the three people!

And not just one, but two!

An "old acquaintance" and a "new friend"!

The man standing in front of his left, that is, in front of the medieval nobleman, was the burly [War] assassin, the crack light iron thorn, Da Yi, who had just prayed with Cheng Shi in the camp of the Grand Marshal!


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