(Super large cup!)

Wei Guan died on the street, killed by Athos.

Yun Ni died in the room, caught by the Grand Court.

The ascetic died in the chaos, and the murderer has not been found yet.

Not only that, even his identity disappeared, and no one remembered him.

Du Xiguang also died at the hands of the Grand Court, but this is only the recollection of the eyewitnesses, and its accuracy cannot be guaranteed.

Fang Jue...was caught, probably not dead yet.

The way each player died was unreasonable, and there was weirdness everywhere, but there was no substantial evidence to prove that their deaths were weird, which made people feel incredible.

Cheng Shi thought hard all night, and a bold idea sprouted in his mind:

Will death be the answer to the trial?

Is it possible that this trial is different from any previous one, and everyone has their own answer?

So, these dead people have long escaped from the bitter sea of ​​​​the trial, leaving only themselves, confused and seeking survival here?

It's not impossible, but... it still needs a lot of verification.

Now, the only clue is on Mo Qiusi.

And Mo Qiusi...

came much faster than expected.

Before dawn, a majestic figure appeared in Cheng Shi's room.

He was alone with no one, as confident as those 2400-point players who disappeared.

Cheng Shi slowly opened his eyes and sat up from the bed.

Mo Qiusi was standing by the table in the room, his eyes flashing with thunder as always, but this time, in addition to thunder, there was also some doubt.

"Pretentious and clumsy methods cannot cover up the fact of the crime. I saw you when we were catching the murderer last night.

You stood in the crowd pretending to be a passerby watching the excitement, but your eyes were always paying attention to the situation.

Perhaps, you are together?

You should be happy that this abandoned disciple of [Order] did not give you up.

But now you are using this method to provoke the Grand Court of Inquisition...

What crime should you be punished for?"

Each sentence of Mo Qiusi was colder than the previous one. By the time he said the last sentence, the scepter in his hand had been raised high, and the roaring thunder on the top of the scepter could not help but bite the enemy.

Cheng Shi smiled, not panicking at all. He slowly stood up and bowed slightly.

"If I am guilty, why don't you arrest me directly, but talk nonsense with me here?

You are more decisive during the day than now."

"Humph." Mo Qiusi snorted coldly, responding as cold as a cold abyss.

"Five corpses are covered with 'invitations'. This disgusting trick is nothing more than asking for an audience with me.

I don't have much time, but I can still graciously grant a death row prisoner some time to leave his last words.

It doesn't matter what means you used to commit the murder.

After the last words, you will be one step ahead of your companions and accept the judgment of [Order]!"

Tsk, what a righteous thing to say.

Cheng Shi smiled and said again:

"A humble traveler would not arouse such great interest from the judge. What interests you is probably the aura on them?"

Yes, in order to attract Mo Qiusi to come here, Cheng Shi did write some improper words on the belly of the "corpse".

It's not too improper, just five words:

"Come and catch me!"

One on each person.

But in fact, the words are not important, what is important is the tool for writing!

He used [When Fear Comes]!

In this way, the wounds of every corpse are flowing with the breath of [death] and [defilement]!

And Mo Qiusi also felt this, so he was cautious and did not take action.

He clearly took the dagger and sealed it in a confidential place, but why is there still a breath of the relic of the God in the outside world?

This is what he wants to explore.

Every judge who makes a judgment, if possible, will also want to know the real answer to the crime.

This is human nature, and no one can escape it.

Mo Qiusi obviously took Cheng Shi's invitation as an answer.

Little did he know that he was Cheng Shi's answer.

"Judge, I have no intention of confronting the Grand Court of Inquiry, nor do I want to create additional chaos.

As long as you answer a few questions for me truthfully, I will answer all your doubts.

Even, plead guilty!"

Mo Qiusi's face sank, and he did not give Cheng Shi a chance to bargain at all, and directly bombarded Cheng Shi with a thunderbolt.

Cheng Shi expected the other party to attack, but he didn't expect it to be at this time.

He immediately used all his power, and slapped his healing and mental skills on himself crazily, holding a "Prosperity of the Past" between his fingers, ready to resist the thunder with his body at any time.

As long as he could withstand this, he probably had the capital to talk to Mo Qiusi.

But what Cheng Shi didn't expect was that Mo Qiusi's Judgement Staff was actually a semi-artifact! ! ? ?

The last time I was stung by lightning and half of my face was broken, I didn't realize that such a fierce thunder came from a semi-artifact!

No wonder!

It turns out that the feeling of being locked by a semi-artifact is like this:

The mind is wailing, and the soul is trembling.

At that moment, Cheng Shi felt that his body seemed to have its own ideas. It wanted to lie down and beg for mercy from this terrifyingly powerful Judgement Staff!

He couldn't help but wonder, how could an ascetic monk survive this level of thunder punishment?

Cheng Shi has always been very confident in his physical tolerance and mental resistance. His strong physique and familiar medical skills make him as durable as a warrior of the same level.

Coupled with the professional characteristics of the priest, all kinds of early healing methods are used. Although he is not the player with the thickest blood, he is definitely the most resistant one.

He had seen with his own eyes that the ascetic monk survived a single blow from Mo Qiusi, and from then on he felt that he must have a way to withstand Mo Qiusi's thunder punishment.

But in fact, he miscalculated!

This is not a power that mortals can resist at all!

Before Cheng Shi had time to take the medicine, the thunder exploded in every joint of his body.

The flames from the judgment erupted from the inside out, instantly burning him into a black man!

SSS's god-level power was fully demonstrated at this moment.

It's over, one step away from the chess game!


Now, the game is really over.

There was no flashback of memories in Cheng Shi's mind, because the roar of thunder was still echoing.

He closed his eyes in relief, thinking that he was free.

At least he would never be deceived again.

But just when Cheng Shi thought he had played GG, something even more shocking happened.

Just like being stabbed by Yunni in front of [Blooming Only to Wither], the death aura overflowing from Cheng Shi's body actually collapsed at a fatal time point and then disappeared.

It seemed that there was some rule that blocked his death line!

Cheng Shi, who survived, crawled out of the wreckage of the smashed bed and showed his bloody white teeth to Mo Qiusi like a ghost from the underworld.

Mo Qiusi looked at his thunder punishment and failed again, his face gloomy.

"You are really a group of people.

There are not many people in this world who can withstand my thunder punishment. I didn't expect to see two in the past two days."


Cheng Shi suddenly felt that he had figured out a lot of things, but he still had questions, so he struggled to look up and asked:

"Do you remember the ascetic monk?

The monk who robbed [When Fear Comes]?"

Mo Qiusi frowned and said coldly.

"No need to disturb my mind with nonsense, you know I'm talking about your friend with glasses.

His death is your future!"

Friend with glasses?

Du Xiguang! ?

Du Xiguang's mage body also withstood the judgment thunder punishment?

Sure enough!

Cheng Shi lowered his head, and the corners of his mouth curled up to the maximum.

So, this is the answer!

"No one can withstand the second time, sinner, leave your last words."

This man is quite interesting.

Obviously wanting people to explain the cause and effect, but just refused to speak, only using the scepter to force.

Okay, you are embarrassed to speak, I am embarrassed.

Cheng Shi crawled forward two steps, covering his chest with a little discomfort, but with a hint of smile in the misery.

"Judge, aren't you curious why we can withstand your punishment?"

A trace of doubt flashed across Mo Qiusi's face, but it soon disappeared.

He closed his eyes slightly and hummed:

"The last sentence."

Haha, it's pretty cute.

Cheng Shi laughed sarcastically in his heart, but pretended to be mysterious on the surface:

"Because... all of this was taught to us by Lord Chenosley!"


For the first time, Mo Qiusi's serious face, which had not changed for thousands of years, showed a shocked expression, and even his hand holding the scepter trembled a little.

Cheng Shi seized the opportunity and took advantage of his illness to kill him, and continued:

"Have you forgotten?

But Lord Chenosley has not forgotten!

He can never forget the injustice of the Grand Court to him, your betrayal of him, and the filth under the gaze of [Order]!

Today, the Lord's will is back again!

Right here, right...

Behind you!"




At the moment when Mo Qiusi suddenly turned his head and blurted out, a breath of [Death] that was as solid as substance exploded in his chest.

This beloved [Order】, the first-level judge from the Grand Court, the holder of the semi-artifact who had the upper hand, suddenly...

All the light in his eyes collapsed!

The vigorous vitality suddenly withered, and the power of [Order] vanished.

Before he closed his slightly opened mouth, he could no longer utter a word.

Fear was still engraved on his face, and his pupils remained constricted, but nothing would change again.

Mo Qiusi was dead.

In the blink of an eye!

The corpse fell to the ground with a "bang", knocking over the tables and chairs, and throwing off the scepter.

In the last words of the sinner, this great judge also gave his last words.


Nothing is impossible.

Cheng Shi coughed and laughed crazily, and took out the demon red dagger from where his hand covered his chest.

【When fear comes】.

You treated me with a semi-artifact, I will repay you with a semi-artifact.

At this time, [When Fear Comes] was full of "heart blood" and shining.

Who would have thought that when talking about his senior brother Chenosley, the son of [Order] of the Grand Court of Inquisition actually felt fear in his heart.

"What kind of filth is hidden in the Grand Court of Inquisition, I'm really curious, cough cough cough...


I guessed right.

Mo Qiusi, you are not the answer either.

Ha, hahaha, hahahahaha!

The trial of [Death] is really interesting!

It's really interesting hahahaha!"

Cheng Shi laughed for a long time, until he was tired of laughing and coughing, and then he turned around with difficulty and swallowed the pill in his hand.

In this small town watched by [Prosperity], "the prosperity of the past" seems to be much more effective than before.

Not long after, a "pink newborn" with its burnt skin removed stood up from the ground.

He quietly cleaned up the scene, disposed of the body, picked up the scepter, and put the tables and chairs back to their original state.

Everything seemed like it was just after nightfall, except for a collapsed bed, it seemed that no one had ever been here.

[The Execution Moment]!

The name of the scepter is [The Execution Moment]!

The punishment is as powerful as its name!

But now it belongs to me.

Cheng Shi looked at the watch, and it was about to dawn.

It just so happened that when the Law Enforcement Bureau was at work, he might be able to visit the prison and see the only surviving teammate, Fang Jue.

Believers of [Order], I seem to have found the answer.

What about you?


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