To be honest, a normal person would be stunned for three seconds after hearing Cheng Shi's words.

A male human said that he wanted to give a child to a group of asexual terror demons. No matter where this sentence is placed, it is an extremely explosive existence.

Terror demons do not reproduce sexually. They are born from the mother tree of fear in the underground world.

The mother tree of fear absorbs the fear emotions of various planes, and then grows new branches. After a period of time, the branches fall off and become new individuals of terror demons.

In the shock of everyone, Cao Sansui was the first to wake up and asked uncertainly:

"Are you going to... treat the terror demons?"

Cheng Shi snapped his fingers:

"Bingo, I will release a healing spell covering the entire ruins. All the terror demons will be watched by my Lord and embrace reproduction."

"Impossible... It is impossible for a priest to have such a large healing range..."

Nangong said with a gray face. She began to believe in her heart that Cheng Shi had gone crazy under the strong pressure of survival.

Unfortunately, this guy is kind and handsome, but he went crazy too quickly.

Cheng Shi did not explain too much, but just smiled and said:

"Nothing is impossible.

When you think it is impossible, it is because your milk supply is not enough."

Seeing Cheng Shi's meaningful eyes passing over him, Nangong was stunned, and then he looked down at his small hill that was tightly bound by the chest wrap unconsciously, and his pale face instantly turned red.


Cheng Shi ignored her, but stretched out his right hand and made a simple healing spell.

"How long will the Holy Light Great Wall last?"

Chen Chong's face darkened, and finally reminded this person of the problem that the shield's duration was not enough. He didn't know whether he should believe Cheng Shi. Seeing that Cheng Shi was so confident, he finally replied resignedly:

"It's enough for you to pretend for 10 seconds!"

"9 seconds..."






Cheng Shi shouted, and the healing light in his hand began to surge.

At the same time, Xia Wan swallowed a handful of [Genesis Grass Seeds] without hesitation, and took out 6 spore arrows from thin air with her right hand, drew the bow and aimed at the top of her head.

With a "whoosh", 6 arrows with a strong power of reproduction exploded above everyone's head.


The Holy Light Great Wall shattered like a mirror, and lost its light in an instant. The monsters that were pressed outside the light curtain suddenly lost their support and fell down one after another.

The monsters on the periphery saw that their shields had been broken, and they also rushed in with a roar.

The spore filaments grew wildly in a limited space, and the monsters squeezed each other, with almost no gaps in between, so a filament could connect countless monsters.

It was not known whether the monsters rushed to attack and hit the car, or the extra spore arrow worked. In short, the time it took for the enemy to pounce on them was much longer than 1 second.

Just when everyone was terrified and began to prepare for a counterattack and breakout, Cheng Shi's big move was finally brewing.

"Let me show you what the real amount of healing is!

The four directions of the universe...

Let's share the grace of God!"

As the last word came out, a huge holy light hit the closest demon in front of Cheng Shi, and then the holy light passed through it and refracted rapidly towards the same kind in all directions.

This is not like a simple healing spell, but more like a healing chain that can heal multiple people at a time.

But the problem is that the healing chain has a decay, and the more people there are, the faster it decays.

For the enemies of this magnitude in front of everyone, this kind of treatment is probably only effective in restoring hair.

In previous trials, it's not that no one tried to heal the enemy. Although [Faith Game] is a game, it is more like another reality.

There is no mechanism of "friendly damage immunity" or "ineffective treatment of enemies" here. If you heal the enemy, the enemy will really recover, and then beat you hard.

So, when Cao Sansui saw that Cheng Shi only fired a healing chain, the fear in his heart broke through the sky.

What use can this be?

But even if you don't believe him, it's too late now. With the belief of fighting to the death, he still followed the plan and released the "overload" level of regional acceleration to the entire ruins area except for the area near them at the moment Cheng Shi made his move.

"Area, accelerate!!!"

The time outside was fast-forwarded, and the horrors suddenly accelerated.

The time around them stagnated, and everyone was frozen instantly.

In their limited consciousness, everyone only saw that the healing chain was spreading faster and faster, and more and more folds, but in the blink of an eye, it turned into countless holy light torrents, violently sweeping the entire ruins!

Milk is like a huge wave, swallowing everything!

Everyone was shocked.

Cao Sansui watched the surrounding demons approaching and falling into the time stagnation area, forming a wall of flesh and blood around them to "protect" them. He couldn't help but wonder, is this also part of the plan?

He gradually lost his peripheral vision. When he took a last look, he was still shocked why Cheng Shi's healing chain was not attenuated, but increased!

The more the chain healed, the stronger it became, and finally it even directly covered the entire ruins!

How is this possible?

Nothing is impossible.

When Cheng Shi's almost stagnant mind saw the surrounding demons fall into time stagnation and built a new "Great Wall", he knew that his plan was successful.

The reason why he could make the healing chain spread throughout the ruins was because of his unique S-level professional talent: sharing the grace of God!

This talent allows him to produce a transmission effect when treating similar life forms. For each additional similar life form, the healing effect and healing range will be expanded by one point.

In the past, since the team had a maximum of 6 people, this effect could only be said to be icing on the cake.

But now, if all the horrors are counted as targets, even if the true god descends, it is estimated that there are no way to count how many there are.

Even if each individual has only a 1% increase, it will become more than 20,000 times if calculated 1,000 times.

What's more, there are more than 1,000 horrors here!

Today, here, all the horrors are bathed in Cheng Shi's healing chain!

And it happened in an instant!

Although healing the enemy is not advisable, it depends on the situation.

For example, not everyone can enjoy the healing with the power of [Birth].

At the first moment when the terrifying healing light hit them, and thanks to the regional acceleration of time, countless horrors began to swell their stomachs when they were unable to react.

[Birth], at this moment, watched them.

Madness, immediately took place.

The horrors were originally asexual demons, and new life suddenly began to grow in various parts of their bodies. They, who had never felt panic, also began to be frightened.

They stretched out their claws to cut off the bulge, tearing flesh and trying to kill the newborn.

But the powerful healing light instantly healed their wounds.

A deep sense of powerlessness rose from their hearts.

They saw their future: each of them would be a "mother" with a baby.

Some even had more than one.

Not only that, the will of [birth] began to spread wildly, causing the horrors, whose threshold of rationality was not high to begin with, to gradually fall and become freaks that advocated reproduction.

It happened in a flash, and the scene was even faster!

Under the influence of regional acceleration, the scene became uncontrollable in just a dozen seconds.

All the horrors became slaves of reproduction. Even without gender distinction, they were mechanically and unconsciously imitating the most primitive actions of nature.



The right wing of an entire army of skeletons completely let themselves go on a ruined area where no one was seen...

The picture was out of control for a time, and words could not describe it.

Time was still accelerating, and the indescribable was even more indescribable.

Countless demons were addicted to the violence of reproduction, and the "children" in their stomachs were getting bigger and bigger.

When the healing chain finally reached the last demon to complete its mission of healing the victims, the scene had become a paradise of [birth].

The first demon to be affected began to burst its stomach, and the "newborns" were eager to be born, thrown into the arms of [birth], and then began to gnaw the flesh and blood of the "mother", trying to grow into a new "mother".

And these newborns all have the same face, that is...

A pair of cute big eyes, and a tentacle body.

Cheng Shi didn't want this to happen, but his [birth] power came from the pregnant woman in the food copy yesterday, and he couldn't control it.

This is why he asked the [death] assassin to prepare for the funeral of death.

When the area acceleration ends and the tentacle newborns eat all the demons, they will become another army, perhaps far more terrifying than the army of demons.

However, the ruins where so many demons just died can be regarded as the best death domain.

Song Yawen's final blow will completely wipe out these freaks and save the six of them.

This is Cheng Shi's entire plan.

However, the other teammates who are surrounded by the Terror Demon Wall may not be able to enjoy such a crazy spectacle.


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