The Future Rise of Dragon Ball

Chapter 73: Individual practice

Buu easily destroyed a city again! The earth is now a **** on earth.

In just one hour, more than half of the people died on Earth, and Buu basically killed people at sight! When you see a building, you will destroy it directly.

On his way to the next city, Buu found a little boy driving into the city.

Buu smiled slightly: "Hey! No one can escape from me."

The little boy in ragged clothes was poking the ground with a cane. He appeared to be blind.

Buu descended from the sky and stood in front of the little boy, yelling and wanting to scare the little boy.

But the little boy was not afraid, but greeted Buu: "Hello! Who are you?"

Buu was surprised and then said: "Open your eyes and see who I am. I am very famous! Now there is news of me everywhere!"

The little boy said with a smile: "I'm very sorry! I can't see with my eyes, who are you? Are you a famous person? Are you a star?"

Buu leaned close to the little boy's cheek and said, "Are you stupid? How can you see it with your eyes closed? Open your eyes and try."

"It's useless if you open it! This is a disease! I haven't seen anything since I was born." The little boy replied with a smile on his face.

Buu suddenly realized: "It turns out to be like this! No wonder you are not afraid!"

"Look at me!" Buu reached out his hand to hold the boy's eyes, and then used his superpowers to treat the boy.

The little boy was taken aback: "What's wrong! You...what did you do!"

"Idiot! Open your eyes and try."

"But even after opening..."

"Stop talking nonsense! Open your eyes and try!"

The little boy slowly opened his eyes.

"Ah! I... I can actually see it!"

The little boy danced happily: "I can see it! I can see it! My eyes can see things! This is not a dream! I can really see it!"

Buuhaha laughed: "Then look at me!"

With tears in his eyes, the little boy hugged Buu.

"Thank you! Uncle! Thank you very much! I can see it! I can finally see it!"

Buu was at a loss in a cold sweat: "I'm not afraid! I'm not afraid of me!"


Buu didn't rush to destroy the city this time, but sat on the edge of the cliff and chatted with the little boy.

The little boy raised his head and asked, "Uncle! Are you a foreigner? I think you look different from me, and there is no such thing as yours on my head."

Buu touched the tentacles on his head. Could it be that I have these tentacles, so they said I'm not handsome?

Buu asked the little boy earnestly with a face: "I ask you a question, do you think I'm handsome?"

The little boy scratched his head: "Although I am not very clear, but I think you are handsome! Because you cured my eyes with magic."

Buu smiled triumphantly with his hands on his hips: "I really am handsome!"

"By the way! I originally went to buy milk, but the store did not open. As a thank you, I will give you the money for milk! Although it is not a lot, I still hope you can accept it." Take out a coin.

Buu took the coin and looked at it, chewed it again in his mouth, and then spit it out with a look of disgust.

"Bah! It's terrible!"

Buu stood up and said, "You are waiting here!" Then Buu flew towards the nearest town.

Looking at Buu's departure, the little boy was taken aback: "It's amazing! It's amazing! It turns out that foreigners can fly!"

Buu rushed to town! Just a few young people were carrying food, and Buu descended from the sky and stood in front of the crowd.

"It's the monster that destroys everywhere!" Everyone ran away in shock.

But how could they run away! Seeing Buu used magic to turn everyone in front of him into milk, Buu picked up the milk and rushed to the little boy.

Buu handed the milk to the little boy: "The milk is delicious! The money is not delicious at all! You take all the milk back!"

The little boy took the milk and said, "Thank you! Uncle is not only great, but also very kind!"

With a slight smile, Buu rushed into the air and disappeared.

The little boy looked at Buu's leaving back, and sighed adaptingly: "What a good person!"

the other side! In the realm of the realm king, after constant hard practice, Gohan can already wield the divine sword of the realm king very proficiently! Gohan wielded the Realm King's Divine Sword handsomely and performed it in front of the crowd.

Wukong clapped his hands: "It's amazing! It didn't take long for Gohan to swing that sword so skillfully!"

The Realm King smiled slightly: "It's really wonderful! Mr. Gohan!"

Hearing the compliments from the crowd, Gohan put down the Realm King's Divine Sword and touched his head a little embarrassedly: "After using it for a long time, it feels less heavy! Gradually, I feel that this sword is easy to handle."

At this time, Wukong suddenly thought: "By the way! This Realm King Divine Sword must be very sharp! Would you like to try something?"

Gohan nodded, "Yes! I want to see how sharp this sword is."

"Let's see if there is anything suitable." Wukong looked around, and finally caught the big rock under his ass.

I saw Wukong uprooting the rock from the ground and lifting it over his head: "Are you ready! Gohan!"

Gohan raised the Divine Sword of the Realm King and set his posture: "Yeah! Throw it over now! Dad!"

"Throw it away! Gohan! It must be cut crisply and neatly!" Then Wukong forcefully threw Dashi towards Gohan.

Gohan lifted his hips and tucked his abdomen forward and waved forward! For a moment! The whole boulder was split in half! The cut surface is extremely smooth, showing the sharpness of the Realm King's Divine Sword.

At this time, the Realm King God also came to join in the excitement and said: "It's nothing to cut this kind of stone. The Realm King Divine Sword should be able to cut harder things, do you want to try it!"

The world king **** stretched out his hands to use magic! Summoned out of thin air a square, square, black and big cube.

The world king **** threw the cube to Wukong: "Mr. Wukong! Try this! This is the hardest metal in the universe! Card gold mine!"

Goku carried the card gold mine and walked towards Gohan: "Gohan! This thing feels super hard to the touch! Come on! Try cutting it in half!"

Gohan raised the Divine Sword of the Realm King, eager to try it out: "Hurry up and throw it here! Dad! I can't wait!"

"Are you ready? I'm going to lose it! Pick it up! Gohan!" Wukong forcefully threw the card gold mine towards Gohan.

Gohan is ready to swing the Divine Sword of the World King and slash towards the Gold Mine of Ka! Bang! The card gold mine has not been cut open! On the contrary, the Realm King Divine Sword broke into two pieces directly.

The world king gods and Jiebitt, with their mouths open and eyes wide, couldn't believe it.

The two shouted in unison: "No...impossible! The strongest sword in the legend actually..."

Gohan looked at the broken Realm King's Divine Sword incredibly, and sweated coldly: "Just kidding! It's broken!"

Wukong scratched his head and immediately shirked his responsibility and said: "It's all the blame for Lord Realm King God who insisted on using such a hard metal! Look! Realm King Divine Sword is broken.

"That's the legendary sword that can get the world's strongest power by anyone who uses it! How could it be like this?" The Realm King God couldn't believe it and said tremblingly.

Gohan sighed, "It seems that the legend has been exaggerated."

Gohan threw the Divine Realm King's Sword aside, which had been broken in two.

Gohan shook his hands and said, "But because of wielding the Divine Sword of the Realm King, my wrist strength has become a lot stronger. It should be considered a kind of stronger! Maybe the Divine Sword of the Realm King is used to exercise arm strength and become the strongest in the world. Right!"

The Realm King smiled awkwardly, and comforted himself: "It may be that way! It's so powerful in normal conditions! If you become a Super Saiyan, you might be able to beat Demon Buu!"

Jebite also nodded in agreement.

While everyone was discussing, the broken Realm King Divine Sword suddenly flashed a weird light, but no one noticed it.

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