The Galaxy Spokesperson

Chapter 1199: Devouring Star Worms (1)

In front of the commander sent a message saying that because the flight distance is too far, the wormholes at both ends will take at least half an hour to arrive. An anxious look in summer.

Han Bing said: "Is the leader really so worried?"

Summer said: "I'm not sure, but I'm responsible for the safety of the entire league."

As soon as I said this, I heard Bai Zixiong say: "Your Excellency, Soul Master has discovered the Wandering Planet!"

The wandering planet, the commanders on the line are all in an uproar. Many people have heard the word for the first time. Some people have heard it, but it is also the first time they face it in their lives. Summer knows what this wandering planet is. Over 400 years ago, the first boss he encountered in his life was a wandering planet.

To be precise, it is a star worm, a zerg queen who devoured the planet, carrying tens of billions of soldiers and bugs, wandering the universe, and destroying it when it sees civilization. That time, the summer was almost dead. At that time, the star insect Grint was already very powerful, and this time the star insect did not know where it had evolved.

Han Bing said: "Leader, I can quickly destroy this end of the wormhole, that is the light of death."

The tears of death are biological weapons that can kill all living things within 8 million kilometers, and the dandylai wormhole is composed of plants. Plants belong to the category of biology. Once they are hit by the light of death, they will be infected with black explosion The plants will also disintegrate into powder like sawdust.

In the summer, he looked at Bai Ziying. After all, Bai Zixiong was his younger brother. Once Dandilai Wormhole was destroyed, Deng Yu cut off the interstellar connection with Bai Zixiong and put it in a dangerous situation. . As for whether to rebuild the wormhole in the future, it will depend on the specific situation. This specific situation is to ensure the safety of the alliance before deciding whether to rebuild the wormhole to send troops to support.

Bai Ziying's eyes are very firm, knowing that summer is watching her, and knowing that summer is hesitating, so she said decisively: "What are you waiting for? Quickly destroy it with your mathematical weapon!"

Han Bing added: "But those wormholes have a defensive layer. They can effectively resist the light of death."

Zheng Yunyan said: "I will let people disarm the defense, and it will be done in two minutes!"

Soon, within three minutes, all of the 50 Dandilai wormholes were destroyed, but the wormholes on the other side were still there, but that was no longer important, as long as the other end was destroyed, the other side could not be transmitted. Therefore, the coordinates of this end cannot be detected.

That is to say, even if the enemy also has this technology for constructing wormholes, he does not know where we are, so he cannot put wormholes to us.

Bai Zixiong said: "Your Excellency, the stray planet we found is about 7 light minutes away from our legion, and the speed is 0.1X ..."

The speed is only 0.1X. Summer is thinking about it. This speed is very slow. Can such a slow speed pose a threat to my alliance? Could it be that I couldn't think too much?

"Civilization 14," Bai Zixiong said, "According to intelligence analysis, the great possibility has been swallowed by this wandering planet."

This information caused an uproar again, especially when there were Da Ming Tai Nuo in the command team, they were very shocked. To know that civilization No.14, there are 82 billion dormitories. It is the most populous of all wandering civilizations!

Swallowed by the wandering planet! That means that the more than 80 billion Taino people were eaten and killed, including their fleet, and the brain-sucking monster Ino, those cannibalistic trees, etc. Everything was eaten up!

Hearing this news, Xia Xia asked: "Did the star bug's course be detected?"

"Star Worm? Yes," Bai Zixiong said: "It's flying towards me."

"Change course."

"What?" Nobita asked back, failing to understand what summer meant.

In the summer, he did not answer him, and he was not sure if he wanted Daxiong to change the course immediately to avoid star bugs. He doesn't know the strength of this star worm now. If it is similar to the star worm Grint more than 400 years ago, then with the strength of Daxiong, it can also be destroyed in minutes.

But he doesn't know the strength of the opponent now, so he didn't dare to come close in the summer, so he still can't decide whether to avoid it or not.

"Cang Yue, immediately build a model of the star bug area."

"Yes, sir!" Cang Yue replied. Soon, a 3D starry sky centered on the star insects was presented on the virtual sand table in the command hall.

In the summer, he left his seat and came to the sand table. Looking closely, Dongfang asked online: "Senior, have you found any problems?"

"Not yet, Dongfang, you have a quick brain, please help me analyze and analyze it."

The sand table shows that the Baizixiong Legion and the Star Worm are flying towards each other. The speed of the Star Worm is 0.1X, and the speed of the Nobita is 0.19X, which is twice as fast as the Star Worm ~ ~ It will be encountered after 20 minutes.

Dongfang said: "My reaction speed is fast, but my thinking ability is not as good as you. Well, I think about it carefully."

At most three minutes, summer suddenly asked: "Nobita, stop accelerating. Order the whole army, turn off all engines, and fly inertially."

"But ..." Nobita has doubts. Because of the imminent encounter, it is a vast interstellar war, and the most important thing about star wars is speed. At this time, even if you don't accelerate, it will be all Turn off your motivation.

"Don't be, execute!"


The Hundred Sons had their engines turned off, including the fleet, mechs and swarms. A minute later, Summer asked: "Nobita, let's see if there is any change in the speed of your army."

Nobita said: "It's still 0.19X."

Summer said: "What I need is the smallest unit of calculation in kilometers."

"Yes," said Nobita, "the flagship's second speed is 56894 kilometers."

"Look again. What is the speed now?"

"56912 kilometers," Nobita replied. After a while, he asked himself again, "It is now 57012 kilometers. It's changing, the speed is accelerating! But I have ordered to stop accelerating."

"Immediately change the course!" Summer said decisively at this time, "Split apart and leave the course where the star bug is! The target chooses itself!"

"Yes, Chief!" Nobita took orders, and began to order the whole army to change the course drastically, leaving the original course.

"What's wrong, Brother Tian?" Xiaoying asked. "We have mathematical weapons. What are we afraid of?"

Summer sneered and said, "I don't think it's that simple."

At the same time, he ordered: "Prepare a few unmanned galaxies, and we will probably use it later."

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