The Galaxy Spokesperson

Chapter 1202: Devouring Star Worms (4)

Summer replied: "Look, Elinte, my legion just happened to encounter you, attracted by your charm, can't escape, can you let us pass first, then I will tell you where the messenger is. "

Elint hesitated a little and said, "Yes."

At this moment, the previously prepared unmanned galaxies, the wormhole has been cast on the other side. Bai Zixiong said with an ok sign that the attraction has disappeared.

In summer, only turn off the microphone connected to Elinte, and tell the East: "Let your fleet immediately turn on the anti-engine, and let the swarm and fleet fly to the front."

In summer, he was also worried. He was worried that Elinte had discovered the saint ’s armor and was suspicious, so he launched a sudden attack on the saint.

At the same time, he instructed: "All will be sent through the wormhole at once!"

The mixed legion began to flock to the wormhole in front of it on a large scale, and in the further forward, the star insect Elint was almost there. Seeing all the combat units of the Legion disappear in space instantly, Elint said: "Why do you build wormholes in summer? Did you come suddenly? You liar!"

At this time, Bai Zixiong said: "We may have been attacked and found a large-scale disease outbreak!"

There was a nervousness in summer, did Elinte launch the black violent attack? So I asked nervously: "Is it a black violent disease?"

This black violent disease is the most overbearing disease in the world. It can turn people into meat sauce in minutes, extremely horrible and bloody.

Bai Zixiong said: "It is impossible to judge, but it does not cause immediate death, nor will it cause death, because the magic blade is doing its best to defend against the black riot. Not to mention, Chief, I will enter the wormhole.

Bai Zixiong was disconnected from Summer because he entered the wormhole. The information in the front shows that Elinte did launch a black violent attack on the army. But one is because of the long distance, and secondly, there are magic blades that have taken appropriate defense measures, so it has not caused a large-scale black violent outbreak.

Most of the combat units began to rush into the wormhole and were sent away. Elinte actually ejected a large number of soldiers and insects at a super high speed of 0.8X.

The legion burst into the wormhole, and the mech remained at the end. Because he was disconnected from Bai Zixiong, he was also disconnected from Elinte. Summer said: "Oriental, let your mech evacuate quickly, leave one mech down, and communicate with Elinte."

"Yes, the leader!" Dongfang began to dispatch his armor quickly to evacuate. At this time, Elint's large number of soldiers and worms had arrived and fought with the armor.

Dongfang also ordered his mech unit not to be entangled with the enemy, just to rush into the wormhole.

Since there were more wormholes built at the beginning, reaching 70, the mixed legion could be quickly withdrawn, and it only took five minutes before and after it was all sent to the intended galaxy. Once it arrived, Summer ordered all the wormholes on the other side to be destroyed to prevent the star worms from chasing.

In this conflict, in addition to the worm swarm that was initially tested, a large number of casualties appeared during the retreat of the mixed army.

In terms of insect swarms, more than 100 million soldiers and worms burst, while large worms resist the attack of the black blast.

In terms of humans, at least one thousand people have died. This number is still under statistics, and may be more. Because of the long distance and proper defense, the human body did not melt, and all the dead died due to sudden organ failure.

Black burst is not contagious and has no continuity, so except for the more than a thousand people who have been infected with disease, there is no infection, and any symptoms are later cured.

In terms of mechs, the saints are machine civilizations. During the war, humans in the dawn world are all placed in the rear, so it is completely immune to the black explosion. However, when retreating, millions of mechas were still destroyed by the star insect Elinte, of course, traditional weapons.

After all had been retreated, Summer re-established a connection with Star Worm Elinte, which was connected through the single mech that remained on the battlefield.

Elinter said: "Summer, you are too shameless, actually lie to me!"

An innocent look in summer: "How can I lie to you?"

Elinte shouted: "You actually used a wormhole!"

"Why, is there any place where wormholes cannot be used? Besides, you have harmed so many insect swarms and humans that I haven't asked you to settle the bill yet."

"Haha, it's up to you, and you still want to settle accounts with me? Where did you get the courage?"

"In any case," Xia Xia said, "You first caused casualties to my legion, and the number is still very large."

Elinte asked: "Then you sent a swarm to release the black violent disease to me, why don't you say that?"

"Then why do you want to turn on the gravity of the black hole and hold my legion? Again, you are a god-level civilization, and I don't care about the black violent disease released by you ~ ~ The black violent attack you released wiped out my 100 million insect swarms "

Between this summer and Elinte, you were responsible for each other sentence by sentence, and Bai Ziying shook her head secretly. While listening to their quarrels, she had secretly connected Bai Zixiong, and after learning that his legion had been transferred, there would be no more deaths and injuries, and continued damage to the equipment, and she would be relieved.

Bai Zixiong and Xia Xiaola are both people who have been irradiated with purple light. They can be defensive in many ways. The defense against black storms is also significantly stronger than ordinary people. So this short confrontation, he had nothing at all.

But listening to Elinte said: "You used a wormhole, it means that you have coveted me in advance. You tell me, how did you find my position? You must know the whereabouts of the messenger, maybe you and The messengers are a gang! "

While speaking, Dongfang sent a message saying that he had obtained enough information. In the summer, he disconnected the communication with Elinte and thought it was verbose.

According to intelligence, Elinte is 10.2 light-years away from the solar system, in the direction of Sirius. Its course is heading towards the solar system, and the connection with the earth and the connection with the solar Sirius form an angle of 12 ° 47 ′.

Ellint's current speed is 0.1X, and it is advancing at a constant speed. There is no sign of acceleration or deceleration. At this rate, without considering deceleration, Elinte probably arrives in the solar system 100 years later.

When Elinte devoured a planet and was doing stray flight, it also carried a large number of insect swarms. This insect swarm contained about 120 billion worms, all of which were rice-class soldiers and insects, and no angel-hunting. The bugs above.

Although Elinte's speed is slow, it can eject its soldiers at a super high speed of 0.8X.

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