The Galaxy Spokesperson

Chapter 1204: Devouring Star Worms (6)

Taking the earth as an example, it has a crust, a mantle, and a core. The core is divided into an outer core and an inner core. The outer core is a high-temperature liquid and the inner core is a high-temperature solid. The core is composed of high-density iron and nickel, which are all metallic elements. Then the planet that Elinte devoured should have the same core as the earth, a core composed of high-density metal!

The key is that this core is solid, and the saint's gold weapons can make the target in the range from solid to liquid?

So when asked this question in the summer, including the East, most of them understood his intention, that is, let the saints use the gold weapons to liquefy the inner core of the planet in Elinte ’s abdomen, to see if he could defeat him by this means. .

Dongfang said: "It hasn't been operated in practice, but modeling has been deduced many times, and it is theoretically possible. The core has two kinds of solid and liquid, which are both high pressure and high temperature, and in many rocky planets, high-density metal elements The possibility of forming a core is very large. So the planet inside Elinte's belly is likely to have a core with a high density of metallic elements. "

"So if there is a gold blow to Elinte," Xia Xia asked, "what will happen?"

Dongfang replied: "If you want to be able to strike the gold flow of Elinte, there are bright spots to do: close enough distance, enough fleets. Our range is only 8 million kilometers, and we need to be close enough In order to release the tears of the goddess of gold weapons, and this distance is very dangerous for us. Elinte can quickly project soldiers and insects to a distance of 20 million kilometers, and can attract targets thousands of kilometers away, so 8 million kilometers is a very dangerous distance. "

In the summer, when he heard him, he nodded silently and said, "We will talk back about these difficult issues."

"Well," Dongfang continued, "The distance problem is already a big problem, and there is a second problem. There must be enough gold weapons. If you want to liquefy the solid core, this is a need. For a huge-energy weapon project, it is certainly not enough to have a single regiment. Instead, more regiments equipped with gold weapons are required to participate in the war, and they are all within a range of 8 million kilometers. These two major problems will be It will bring great difficulties and great damage to my saints. "

After listening to the East, Xia said: "Your concerns are not impossible. After all, we have to face a powerful enemy. I have also said that the battle of uncertainty and unpreparation, I will never fight in the summer. So I have a detailed combat plan. Whether this combat plan can be implemented will also have to consider a question of luck. "

"Luck?" Everyone asked in agreement. People can't guess what summer is thinking. Summer has always been a very rigorous person, at this time actually said luck, but not like his style.

Summer said: "Yes, that's right, luck. According to current information, Elinte is rushing to the solar system at a speed of 0.1X. On the way to the solar system, you help us speculate whether it will pass. Sirius? "

Bai Ziying understood what he meant, and said: "It's unlikely. My analysis is: First, its current channel and the connection of the sun and Sirius form a 12 ° angle. It is now 10.2 light-years away from the earth. Sirius is 8.6 light-years away from Earth, and it is less than 2 light-years away from Sirius, and the included angle of 12 ° has a certain chance that it will not change the course to the Sirius system.

"Second, the planet it engulfed, from an intelligence point of view, is large enough to provide it with the resources it needs for a long time.

"Plus, he will go to the solar system to find the messenger civilization that no longer exists, and avenge its daughter Glint, so it will hurry to the solar system, and will not go to the Sirius system."

Bai Ziying said it was quite reasonable, but Zheng Yunyan immediately rebutted, saying: "I think it may go to the Sirius Department, and it is very likely. I analyzed it this way, it is a long journey, yes It is extremely resource consuming. You can see that it has engulfed a large enough planet. It is now 10 light years away from the earth. It is hard to say whether it can last so long.

"Besides, on this route, it has experienced two civilizations, one is the 14th civilization, and the other is our alliance. The 14th civilization was easily destroyed by it. Although the alliance is not its opponent, but But he escaped under his eyelids, which makes it feel that he has encountered an opponent that can not be ignored, especially your wit in the summer wakes it up.

"Another key issue is that in this contact, let him see the saints. Although the saints are machines, the messenger is human civilization, but the saint civilization system is the inheritance of messenger civilization. Does not attract Elinte's attention.

"Fourth point, at the current speed of Elinte, if you do n’t consider acceleration and deceleration, it will probably take another hundred years to reach the solar system. One hundred years is a very long time ~ ~ And the time it takes to go to the Sirius Department has not much impact on its 100-year voyage.

"So, in summary, I think Elinte will go to the Sirius system. Purpose: to collect enough resources, may bring another wandering planet, and then return to the Yuan channel, continue to advance, sailing to the solar system!"

After listening to her in the summer, she looked at her with approbation. In fact, what she wanted in summer was the possibility that Elinte could go to the Sirius department because he was going to set up an ambush in the Sirius department and **** it hard. a bit.

Look at Bai Ziying again and ask, "What do you think?"

Bai Ziying thought for a while and said, "It's not impossible for Queen Zheng to say, but everything has uncertainty and is a variable. In the end, whether Elinte will go to the Sirius system, only it knows . "

Xia Tian said: "What you said makes sense, but as long as there is a point of possibility, we will all make great efforts. This Elinte is indeed a major scourge of the universe, and we have to find a way to get rid of it. I have initially calculated, Elind is now about 1.9 light-years away from the Sirius system. At its current speed, it will take about 19 years to reach the Sirius system. If you include its ability to eject soldiers and insects, it will take 15 years.

"So if it wants to go to the Sirius department to collect resources, and we also plan to go to the Sirius department to ambush it, then we have 15 years to prepare. As for how to do it, we have to plan in detail.

"Take a step back and say that even if Elinte does not go to the Sirius system, we will set up in the Sirius system, and there will be no loss. At most, a new galaxy has been developed."

Summer said so, everyone nodded, and eventually agreed that he would prepare like this. When the meeting was about to end, Cang Yue suddenly said: "The leader, found that Elinte is changing the course."

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