The Galaxy Spokesperson

Chapter 184: I have a computer in my brain

In summer, I just looked around and thought about it a little bit, and I quickly understood what was going on. ?????????????????????? He was thrown to the lighthouse star by Shen Xilin. The atmosphere was originally poisonous, and he was suffocated to death, but was saved by the indigenous people of the lighthouse star. But this indigenous people is the "birdman" of the upper world, I don't know what method they used to adapt him to this atmosphere.

Later they were caught in their old nest, that is to say, he is now living a few thousand meters above the ground of the lighthouse. But what's special, you save me, save me, why keep me in a cage? Lord is a human being, no, Lord is a god, a "God" more advanced than you birds! It was actually put in a cage by you, is there any reason?

"Drip ..." A strange voice sounded in the ear, the sound of the electronic switch. Summer looked around curiously, looking for the sound source. He knew that the lighthouse star is an ancient world relative to the earth, and there would be no such things as electronic components.

"Embedded micro-abacus starts, sir, my name is Qi Ling." A crisp female voice, speaking Chinese, did not know where it sounded.

"Who are you? Where are you? Are you talking to me?" Looking around in the summer, the room was empty and very quiet.

The computer Qi Ling said: "I am a micro-abacus program, my name is Qi Ling, I am in your brain. Yes, sir, I am talking to you."

"You're in my brain? I went, how did you get in? You give me out! I promise you won't tear you down!" Xia Xia said, this is too terrifying, and he doesn't know anything When it was installed into a computer chip, if it was installed into a micro time bomb, then it is not impossible!

"Yes, sir, I'm in your brain. It's the lord of the county who put me in. Master Qi Yun, without special tools, Qiling cannot get out of your brain."

"I'm going, why are you ridiculing? Zheng Yunyan, what are you doing? Why should I put a chip in my brain?"

"Correct it, sir, I am not a chip, I am a microcomputer, which is the computer you said, my name is Qiling."

"Okay, okay, I think you're ruthless? Then tell me, what do you do? What do you want to do in my brain? Can you let me leave this planet?" Summer asked a series of questions.

"Senior Qiqi, Qi Ling can translate between ethnic languages ​​and Chinese, and can imitate human voices, including male and female voices. Pulse detection, infrared detection, radiation detection, gas composition detection can be performed within a radius of ten meters ... … "

"Okay, I know you are very good, continue to the next one." Summer, afraid of its endless, interrupted its words.

"Yes, sir. Qiling is put in your brain just to help you, nothing more. Qiling is just a microcomputer and has no ability to help you leave the planet."

I thought about it in the summer. When did Zheng Yunyan put the computer in his brain? I don't know what she meant, but one thing, now that he is in a different world in the summer, a computer in his brain may really help him.

Anyway, they are now trapped in the cages of the "Bird People", they can't escape even if they want to escape, and they don't have to worry too much. Think slowly about what to do next.

Although he was deeply trapped by the birdmen, what was certain was that when he fell the lighthouse star, the bird people saved him, and it is very likely that these bird people made him adapt to the lighthouse star's atmosphere. Now that he has adapted to the atmosphere of the lighthouse star, if one day he can return to Daming, can Daming's air adapt at that time? This is a problem.

When he had not hibernated 2 years ago, he had placed two particles in quantum entangled state on the lighthouse star to observe the lighthouse star, one of which he had told Diao Chan to use to monitor Miner at all times. When he was awake, the spaceship was controlled by Zheng Yunyan, and he had no chance to find Minar.

Later, after regaining the spaceship authority, he had searched for it, but Zheng Yunyan lost the trace of Minaer because he took over the computer before him. So now I don't know what happened to Mina.

"If I could transfer Miner's video to watch last night, instead of entangled with Er Qiao, it would be nice." Summer thought of leaning on the bed, the thought of Er Qiao couldn't help but feel pain in his heart. Although these two Joes are robots, they accompany him how many nights and happy times he has spent, and in the end they disappeared because they protected him. Shen Xilin, if there is a chance, I must kill you!

Summer looked down at himself. The original clothes had long been stripped, and a white robe was wrapped around him. I do n’t know if I was in a coma, but those birds are all tall birds and birds referring to the phoenix, not the kind of bird you think, should n’t they give them something wrong? Thinking of this, summer reached out and touched the little dd, and the chrysanthemum again. Fortunately, they were all well.

He missed Er Qiao, cared about Mina, and felt more at ease with Zheng Yunyan. I don't know what happened to this wild girl at this moment. She won't go to Shen Xi Lin for me, right? Judging from the current situation, she is not Shen Xilin's opponent. I hope she is not too impulsive.

According to the hint to Yunyan when he was about to go to the lighthouse star, he estimated that at this moment, the Huangfu father and son had already embarked on the road to the backlight formation.

At that time, Ling Yun's aspirations were all smashed by the ruthless reality at the moment, his dreams were all shattered, and the future was dark.

"Qi Ling, tell me about the birdman and tell me everything you know." Xia asked.

"Bird? Can adults tell me more?" Qi Ling asked.

"It's the aliens that imprisoned me ~ ~ They are the wind-reverse Kos, referred to as the wind clan, and the wind clan we are in is the most powerful blazing wind clan of the Skad 6." Qi Ling introduced.

"How do you know so clearly?" Summer asked.

"Adult, when you hibernate, the particles you have arranged have accumulated knowledge of the lighthouse star in 2o years, including the information of the Blazing Wind family."

"But, Mina, where is Mina? Do you know?" Summer asked.

"Sorry, sir, Qiling doesn't know."

"Cut, I knew you didn't know."

Summer was talking to the computer in his brain, footsteps came, the door opened, and a girl from the wind family walked in and said something with a smile.

Xia Tian didn't know what she was talking about, Qi Ling said in his brain: "Oh, little guy, you finally woke up, great!"

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