The Galaxy Spokesperson

Chapter 899: Giants and dwarfs

Through understanding, it turns out that the place where they are located is the boundary of the Hak Kingdom. Although the Aidu tribe is in the territory of Hak, it has always refused to submit. It was through many conquests that the Hak kingdom formed today's unification situation. Considering that the Aidu tribe has always been in the primitive tribal society, it has always been persuaded to surrender and did not conquer by force.

High priest Temite was favored by the king, and the power was swayed, but the general was too willing to accept him. After being excluded, he weakened his military power and defended the border town. Who knows that this big general can be said to be a charm table, full of wings, and many followers.

As a general, he was proud and proud of himself. How could he be so cold-hearted, and bewitched by others, he gathered 300,000 soldiers and horses in the old department and was killing him in the direction of the royal city.

The Aidu tribe is on the route from Bangdegan to the king city, and it is the best location for the high priest to block the general, so the high priest Temite led the officers and men to wait here, intending to block the general Rebels.

Speaking of this, the high priest Temite said: "Which chief do I say? Although you refuse to submit to the court, we are not here to conquer you. We just want to use the treasure to use it as a means to prevent it. You misunderstood our intention! "

Antemu said, "I don't think so. You are a general to block the general. In fact, you want to destroy our tribe, right?"

Temet sneered and said, "Antemu, you're right, I mean that. Your tribe was originally in the kingdom, and it was an incumbent thing to return to the court. His Majesty the King has greeted you many times. , As long as you are willing to submit, you still be your chief, your tribe, your village or yours. You have n’t lost anything at all. Why not do it? "

"But if I don't want to submit to surrender, you will be gone, am I?" An Temu asked.

Tmit sighed and said, "The matter is here, I don't have to hide it. What you said is true. Now that you have such a powerful helper, I have also been arrested by you. Listen to it. "

After hearing him say so much, Han Bing stood up and said in a timely manner: "Okay, you two don't have to argue anymore. I think so, since the tribe is indeed in the kingdom, under its rule, this is also a smooth matter. , So Chief Antemu, you do n’t have to oppose it, do n’t you? As for the rebellion like a general, High Priest Temet, I ask you, are you capable of rebellion? "

Tmit said: "To be honest, no."

"You are quite honest," Han Bing smiled. "Well, let me help you out."

"You? Are you saying you want to help us mess up?" Tmit said a little excitedly.

"Yeah, can't it? Okay, you guys can go back now."

Han Bing said that he had released Tmit and several of his men and told them to return to their camp. Before leaving, she repeatedly explained that her Han Bing was a magic blade queen from the sky and cloud world. She came to save the world, not to kill. Let everyone not be afraid of her, but trust her and believe her.

After Temet was released, Han Bing let the people in the tribe go their own way, regardless of her, and she and Xiao Li, four girls would form vines hanging from the sky into a swing in the air Dangling.

Thousands of people saw them swinging like this, and they did n’t know where the head of the swing was. Occasionally, there were vines passing by, and some unknown fruits borne on it, and the girls picked it and ate it. These fruits are tender and watery, which quenches thirst and hunger.

The girls also let other dwarf gates pick the fruits on the vines at random. They didn't even see these fruits before they started to dare to eat them, but some people couldn't help but be tempted. Finally, some people started to pick and try.

While waiting for the Gan Dejun army, Han Bing let Xiao Li and the three of them talk to the people in their hometown through quantum creatures. After talking with their parents, the girls cry and complain. However, being in a different star and unable to return to the hometown of the earth, this is a matter of fait accompli, and it cannot be changed, so they and their parents can only silently accept the reality.

Fortunately, their family knew that they lived here very well, and they were relieved. But the girls have repeatedly told them that they must keep secrets and cannot tell where they are.

The army of Bandang won't be reached until tomorrow. Han Bing and her three "female generals" rested in the flower room formed by the vines, and some of the animals had to fly back to Yuntan, and some of them had to inhabit the vines Others rest in the middle of the crowd or on the ground outside the circle.

In the presence of Han Bing, none of these animals and plants pose a threat to humans. Gradually, people are also adapting and not afraid of these "outer heaven monsters" and the "outer fairy" who can control these monsters.

The high priest's officers and soldiers no longer besieged the tribe, they just stationed their soldiers near the tribe and waited for the arrival of the armies that were as sweet as they were. Seeing here cover the sky and the sun, the vast fields are all such giant vines and various monsters that they have not seen, but the people at the tip of the sword have adapted, so there is nothing wrong with each busy.

Both Chief Antemu and Temite High Priest invited Han Bing to eat and drink, but they were rejected by Han Bing. She sat around on her swing and found a clean water pool nearby, soaked Take a bath in it, and then rest in the flower room.

And Xiao Li and the three of them, Han Bing let them at will, Xiao Li ran to the big camp of Tmit, while Cheng Cheng and Zhang Xiaowei stayed in the tribe.

The next morning, Han Bing came back from the outside, first came to the tribe, and saw that Cheng Cheng and Zhang Xiaowei were in the tribe, and the two of them were sleeping in the flower room with knots on the vines ~ ~ had not yet woken up , But did not see Li Meier alone.

Han Bing awakened the two of them, and asked Xiao Li's whereabouts. The two of them were ashamed, or Cheng Cheng said: "Last night, Tmit sent someone to drink, and he hasn't returned yet."

"Why didn't you two go?" Han Bing asked.

Cheng Cheng replied: "If you don't go, we won't go either, but Meier went anyway."

"This guy!" Han Bing said, reaching out and making a virtual point in the air. Immediately, there were many glowing bugs flying around and flying in front of his eyes. Han Bing fiddled for a while, and saw one in the middle of the flying insect. Screen, Xiao Li's picture appeared on the screen.

"Han Bing, are you looking for me?" Xiao Li asked.

"Where are you? What are you doing?" Han Bing asked.

Xiao Li's face was flushed, and he talked eloquently. Zhang Xiaowei looked suddenly, pointing to Xiao Li on the screen and said, "Li Meier, you wouldn't be the one with the dwarf last night? Oh my goodness, you, you ..."

(End of this chapter)

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