The Galaxy Spokesperson

Chapter 902: The Steam Age

The surface of autumn wind star, the third planet of the twilight galaxy, the Kingdom of Huck, in the field leading to the king city, more than 400,000 troops are advancing. At the forefront of the team, there is a giant monster marching forward. This is a giant monster that has never been seen in the autumn wind star native. It has a height of more than ten meters and comes from the magic blade worm family.

On the back of the giant beast, a large square-shaped phoenix was placed, with a soft couch in it, and a semi-naked beauty lying on the side, but it was Han Bing, the queen of magic blades. It was the high priest, the general, and a general who walked with the beast. They were all subdued by Han Bing's intrepidity and willing to submit.

A messenger rushed the matter to the royal city and reported it to the king. The king summoned the cabinet ministers to discuss the matter urgently. Finally, he unanimously decided to submit and sent a large number of people out of the city to take the lead. Han Bing's team finally reached Wangcheng after three days.

Wherever he went, vines were overgrown, fragrant flowers everywhere, and the breath of spring swept across the earth. The whole Wangcheng is like a grand festival. The city is full of lanterns, people are greeted with anxiety, nervousness, fear, and curiosity to welcome the queen from Yunding.

Since then, the entire country of Hak has submitted to the magic blade, and a temple dedicated to Han Bing is built on the holy mountain not far from the Wangcheng. The temple has Han Bing ’s idol, which is more than ten meters high, and is still small. Three girls of Li also built three gods, and their size is much smaller, especially Li Meier is only half as tall as other people. After he made him agree with the dwarf, he would never grow taller.

This sacred mountain was later known as Bingnv Peak.

Han Bing was regarded as a goddess by the nationals of the Huck Kingdom and even the dwarf people in the world. Xiao Li and three of them were also shaped by the dwarves into goddesses, but they were just goddesses.

Han Bing and her three maid gods and four girls spent three years gradually conquering the whole autumn wind star. The dwarves all over the world began to serve them, and there were temples everywhere.

This universe is a physical universe, there is absolutely no gods and ghosts, but Han Bing is now the queen of the magic blade, and the magic blade is a very special Zerg civilization, to be precise, a super biological civilization, and the Zerg is also used by other advanced This is what civilization calls.

This Zerg civilization takes the queen as the soul of the entire civilization. The queen lives, the civilization flourishes, the queen dies, and the civilization dies. The reason why it is said to be a super creature is because it can change the shape and number of creatures at will, it can reproduce asexually without limit, it can absorb the wisdom of other creatures, and use this wisdom as a catalyst for its own evolution.

Human civilization and machine civilization rely on technology to upgrade, while Zerg civilization relies on Zerg's body combined with the wisdom of advanced creatures to upgrade through evolution.

So the Zerg evolved to a certain stage, and many of its behaviors seem to exist like gods, so it is easy to be mistaken for gods by backward human civilization. This is also Han Bing ’s magic blade civilization that was worshipped by the dwarves as gods. The reason is.

Han Bing has also built a palace on Yunduan. She basically lives in Yundang's palace, and occasionally "descends" in the temple built by the dwarf gate on the ground for a while.

So it took only three years in recent years, and the entire autumn wind star has basically become a peaceful planet. There are few disputes between people, they all live in peace, the country still exists, and some tribes have not died out. Han Bing also used the knowledge he had learned about the earth to teach the dwarf gate, which allowed the dwarves to enter the steam age that would have taken at least thousands of years of development, but it took only ten years to advance.

Han Bing wants to enter the interstellar age as soon as possible, not by technology, but by the unique evolutionary way of the Zerg. But the characteristic of the interstellar age is interstellar navigation, and her future path cannot be limited to the autumn wind star. Since interstellar navigation is necessary, it is likely to bring dwarves, because the dwarves will provide her with a constant spirit energy.

The so-called spirit is also the soul, not the so-called dead soul in the spirit theory. It is a form of brain wave. The higher the biological wisdom, the stronger the spiritual energy it possesses. This is also the reason why the Zerg has advanced to an advanced stage when it needs to merge with an advanced intelligent creature, such as a human.

And not only the Zerg civilization, but also the machine civilization.

Therefore, Han Bing has to "captive" a large number of advanced intelligent creatures such as humans within her Zerg civilization to provide a constant source of spiritual energy for her civilization's evolution.

However, it has been said that within three years, Han Bing has given her magic blade civilization a scale. She has the first "captive" intelligent creature: Qiufengxing Dwarf.

When she entered the fifth year of Qiufengxing, Jiang Ping, who was 30 years old on the earth, got married. Han Bing could only silently bless him on Qiufengxing.

In the tenth year, the autumn wind star dwarf world entered the steam era. With the assistance of Han Bing, the dwarves began to vigorously build steam ships.

The so-called steam spacecraft can not perform interplanetary navigation, and even the lift-off flight can not be done, but with the help of Han Bing's Magic Blade Zerg.

Through the Magic Blade Zerg, the steam ship is sealed to prevent air leakage and the performance of the hull material is improved. With the addition of biodynamics, you can start interplanetary navigation.

The so-called biological power is to put a few insects that can spray tail flames on the steam spaceship. The current Magic Blade already has the ability to interstellar navigation, and the Zerg worm body has already possessed a variety of super resistance.

Han Bing asked the dwarves to build these steamships for the next step ~ ~ to develop Twilight's second planet: Jiang Pingxing! For Jiang Pingxing who is fully supported, Han Bing can actually fly directly with the Zerg herself. She is worried that the dwarf gate is not used to sitting in the belly of the worm to carry out the star flight, so they let them make a large number of steam ships.

Her plan is: after the development of Jiang Pingxing, the next is the first planet Han Bingxing, the fourth planet halo star and the fifth planet edge star, after the development of all five planets and satellites, they will establish a Powerful planetary defense system.

The last is the vast interstellar voyage to colonize the wider universe.

Han Bing left the earth in 2001 and established the autumn wind star magic blade empire. Jiang Ping married in 2005. In 2006, Jiang Ping had a child, but the two still miss each other, but the number of times they are connected through the world Reduced a lot.

In 2010, the autumn wind star dwarf world entered the steam era, and the development of Jiang Pingxing began in 2011. In 2013, the development of Jiang Pingxing began to see its scale, and this year was the year when the human representative spokesman disappeared in the summer.

Jiang Ping was appointed by his superiors and went to Jiangnan City to secretly investigate the summer disappearance.

(End of this chapter)

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