The Galaxy Spokesperson

Chapter 934: Battle of Wormhole (20)

Hand said a word commonly used in the military, that is the military-civilian ratio. The so-called military-civilian ratio is the ratio of military personnel to civilians in a civilization. This ratio is an indefinite number, generally ranging from 100 to 500, and it is particularly high, such as some on the earth in the 20th century. The military-to-civilian ratio in small countries is as high as 1:25.

At that time, Daming's military-to-civilian ratio was 1: 200, and this ratio was also relatively high. After Daming entered the Xuejie Star, the military-to-civilian ratio once dropped to a very low ratio of 1: 1000. And at this time, Hande suddenly proposed the concept of military-civilian ratio, which made Han Bing feel a little embarrassed. Why did he conclude that Holy Light 4 had 1 billion military personnel?

So Han Bing immediately raised her question, Hande replied: "Actually, I can't judge how many military personnel there are in this holy light, but I have read it in relevant materials, saying that there are 3 billion people in the holy light . But from the current situation, how does the Holy Man of 3 billion people support such a fleet? "

The human race civilization is different from the Zerg and the Clan. Each unit of the Zerg and the Clan can be a combat unit. It can be said that the Zerg and the Clan can achieve a maximum ratio of 1: 1. But the human race is different. Behind every military personnel needs a minimum of more than 20 people and a maximum of hundreds of thousands of civilians.

The Holy Light man is a human civilization. According to the general ratio of 1: 100, if it has a population of 3 billion, then his military personnel should be 30 million, but this is not the case.

If its military personnel are 1 billion, then its population should reach a terror level of 100 billion. However, according to the current situation, the Holy Light has not reached this level at all. It should be known that in the interstellar age, the population can also reflect the advanced level of this human civilization, such as Daming, after entering the platinum age, the population once reached 100 billion.

Hande's words also began to attract Han Bing's attention, "Thank you for your reminder, I have to pay attention to this."

While speaking, Han Bing has begun to use the stream of consciousness to deploy swarms of insects to release a large number of bees, a very small worm that is only the size of a thumb and has little combat power. It was born specifically for spying intelligence.

Soon, within ten minutes, the intelligence has been collected. In the entire Holy Light 4-line defense system, no matter how many battleships the enemy has, the bee insect has learned through multiple methods that the number of enemy personnel is 2.5 billion, and basically All are military personnel!

This result surprised Han Bing very much, that is to say, all the Holy Light people she met were soldiers! Even if the Holy Light people are all soldiers, but he always has children and old people, can these people also fight? He was a little ignorant, so he asked, "Hand, what do you think?"

"I have no opinion, Her Majesty," Hand said. "I think we should pay more attention to the flight path of their ships."

"How do you say this?" Han Bing asked wonderingly.

"I have an immature idea that cannot be verified yet, so first look at their flight path."

"Okay, let's look at it again." Hanbing was helpless. As time passed, the Holy Light Man could not be quickly eliminated, but his own swarm unit was quickly consumed.

In this interstellar war where wormholes are everywhere, any combat unit, including humans and zergs, will choose to enter the wormhole gravitational surface in order to protect their own safety. Therefore, in the line-of-sight system of Holy Light 4, from time to time, we can see that the ship and the swarm suddenly disappeared in space. In fact, they passed through the wormhole to other galaxies.

There are several wormholes in the 4-line satellite system of the Holy Light, among which are those leading to the light star system and the celestial star system. These ship planes and insect swarms do not listen to them. not see.

After watching it for a long time, there was nothing wrong, but Hand said suddenly: "Your Majesty, you found that there is no such place ..."

Hande pointed to one direction and continued, "In that direction, why did the Holy Light man put a thick force in that direction?"

Han Bing looked at it and said, "Isn't that their moon in that direction? Maybe they have their resource mine on the moon."

"No, no, it's not that simple. Planets are more important than satellites. Why aren't planets so tightly guarded? But guarded against their satellites alone? Or your majesty, you send some troops to try to go down A shock in that direction. "

At the suggestion of Hand, Han Bing instructed a large wave of swarms to launch an assault in the direction of Holy Light 4 Guards 1, and it was indeed strongly blocked.

Holy Light Star is a star, and its fourth planet is Holy Light 4, which is the mother planet of the Holy Light Man. The Holy Light 4 has two satellites, the Holy Light 4 Guard 1 and the Holy Light 4 Guard 2. The Holy Light Man ’s fleet is trying to protect the Holy Light 4 Guard 1.

Han Bing asked: "Hand, what does this mean?"

"Your Majesty, I don't know. Can you detect the direction of the rose? And where will I come out of the wormhole?" Hand said without answering.

Han Bing looked at it and said, "Rose is not far from the planet and is guarded by heavy soldiers. My swarm has never been able to break through. Looking at its flight path, it seems to be flying to S4-1."

S4-1 is the holy light 4 guard 1, the holy light man guards against the satellite. Han Bing went on to say: "The wormhole you are about to come out is relatively close to S4-1, and it is on the periphery of the Xinghe Department, where the troops are relatively weak."

"Understood, Your Majesty, can you delay the **** fleet to S4-1 as much as possible?" Hand asked.

Han Bing said: "Yes, what are your plans?"

Hand said: "I plan to go directly to its satellite ~ ~ I guess there must be a device similar to a wormhole on that satellite, which can lead to another world. In that world, it is the holy The real nest of the light man! "

"It turned out to be like this!" Han Bing heard him say this, suddenly realized.

No wonder that in Holy Light 4, the Holy Light Man's nest, only has a population of 2.5 billion, and military personnel are also 2.5 billion! It turns out that this is not the holy man's nest, its nest is in another world! The entrance to this world is on its satellite S4-1!

If what Hand said is true, then everything is easy to explain.

At the time of the battle, the Holy Light people suddenly sent a communication request, Han Bing took it over, and let Hande also see it.

It is a scale armor again. From the appearance, it seems to be a woman. I only heard this female scale armor said: "I am the Prime Minister of the Light, Auman, and I want to talk to your bug leader!"

Han Bing sneered: "I am Han Bing, Queen of Magic Blades, what do you have to say?"

"Have we heard?"

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