14. The future that giants draw
The meeting started right away.
Representatives from both sides confirmed the stories that had already been shared through working-level workers, and it was a place to coordinate detailed opinions.
Since most of the content was business related, not related to games, Taeyeon just sat and listened.
had an income.
It was because I was able to understand the goals of President Jin-Sung Yoo to some extent.
‘It’s a collaboration… … .’
Summarizing the information that has been leaked so far, it can be roughly summarized as follows.
A large-scale park resort will be built on the site of Superland and Seoul Grand Park in Gwacheon. In cooperation with Disney, Neckple decided to decorate some sections of the park with contents developed in cooperation between the company and Neckple.
‘I understand this far.’
The problem is what follows.
It was decided to produce the content in the form of comics and TV animation and provide it as an original content series to the streaming brand provided by Disney.
‘This segment is virtually Disney-led.’
It’s not comparable to Disney, but Nexple also runs its own video production team.
Nexle Creative.
It was a department dedicated to producing all cinematic videos, including game teaser videos. This is where you will be in charge of collaboration between comics and TV animation.
‘The problem is the game… … .’
Disney has been out of the game business for a long time. Of course, the business continues in the form of providing IP to other game companies and sharing a portion of the profits from games developed in this way in various ways, but self-production has been abandoned a long time ago.
‘Disney’s games, Nexple’s media… … .’
Now I get a glimpse of the picture the two giants are drawing.
Taeyeon’s expression becomes more serious.
‘Perhaps the real thing I have to do is… … .’
* * *
The meeting on the first day ended with confirming or partially revising the contents of the oral agreement.
On the way back to the hotel, Chairman Yoo Jin-seong asked.
“Do you know what to do?”
Taeyeon sighed and asked.
“I think you are expecting too much from me.”
“Can’t we just leave it to someone else? To be honest, it is very burdensome.”
At Taeyeon’s candid remark, Chairman Yoo Jin-seong laughed.
“I was originally going to leave it to Director Son, but I changed my mind about a month ago.”
“You mean at dinner?”
“Yeah, it’s something you don’t have to worry about, but you came to me prepared to be harmed, right? For the employees of other studios and subsidiaries.”
“… … .”
“I thought then. Oh, he’s a really good guy, better than I thought. To miss out on such a talented person, CEO Kang Gunn is such a fool. I mean.”
Chairman Yoo Jin-sung’s smile towards Taeyeon contained warmth.
“Originally, I had Son moving in mind.”
“It seemed so.”
“It was already over, but the friend said something different a while ago. Saying that he definitely looks old, that he can’t match the skills, passion, and sense of developers these days… … .”
There was no need to mention who he was talking about.
“Have you been through a lot since you joined the company? I was surrounded by strange rumors, I made a huge contribution to the establishment of Nexple Plus, I went out to game shows and caught all the attention, and the stock price continued to rise and the corporate image improved… … .”
“I was lucky.”
“The head of the HR team said that a lot of high-quality talents are coming in because you did a good job as the final interviewer. Now, they say it’s to the point where there won’t be an interview without you.”
“I wonder why… … .”
“Not only the business team, but all the executive directors praised you a lot. what the hell are you? The guy who joined the company less than a year ago is already at the center of power. What kind of magic did you do?”
“A center of power, that is absolutely not the case. I just did my best to ask for help… … .”
“It’s not scolding. I’m praising you.”
Taeyeon kept her mouth shut.
Chairman Yoo Jin-seong continued to speak.
“Isa Son is also very old. I’m an old developer now. If I were to take on this job, I’d do it somehow, but… … In fact, it was too much of an order. I knew it, but it was my dream, so I forcibly entrusted it to you. In the sense of asking you to suffer one last time. That friend had no choice but to accept… … you appeared A person who demonstrates outstanding talent in many fields and has a good personality.”
Taeyeon’s inner heart began to shake.
“If I’m watching your progress these days, it feels like I’m watching the main character in a novel. I think you will do well no matter what task you are entrusted with. So, after much thought, I am going to entrust this task to you.”
It was a thankless and embarrassing thing to have trusted so much, but I couldn’t help but feel burdened.
just an hour ago.
-This friend here is the friend I told you about earlier.
In the conference room, President Jinsung Yoo spoke to everyone.
-You are the CEO of ‘Neckple Entertainment’, which will oversee all entertainment business carried out by Nepple.
There was no bombshell declaration.
what a surprise
– How about saying hello?
From nob le mt l dot com
My heart is still beating like it’s going to explode.
“You were planning to leave the company as soon as you finished your two projects and start your own company, right?”
“… … !”
Taeyeon flinched at the surprise.
“I thought you would definitely regret it if you missed it, so I laid down the board and made an offer I couldn’t refuse.”
“… … .”
“So, what are you going to do?”
Chairman Yoo Jin-seong asked a meaningful question.
“Are you going to do it or not?”
* * *
In fact, it was like a question that had already been answered.
“I will try hard.”
Before starting breakfast, Taeyeon revealed her decision. Chairman Yoo Jin-seong said with a smile that he knew that.
“Let’s finish breakfast quickly and prepare for the meeting together.”
two o’clock in the afternoon.
Another meeting was held at Disney headquarters. Again CEO Ellen participated in the meeting, and he asked Taeyeon a question for the first time.
“This is exactly what I wanted to hear from the person concerned… … How did you change the mind of Crying Soft, a world-renowned game developer?”
It was a sudden question, but Taeyeon tried to answer it calmly. Since their English skills were not very good, all executives at Disney Company understood the content through the interpretation that came from the wireless earphones.
After Taeyeon’s story was over, Ellen said with a look of admiration.
“Awesome. It’s a very unconventional yet effective negotiation method. How did you come up with that idea?”
“I was familiar with producer Satoshi Takizawa from before. I really liked the games he made.”
“Ah, in a word, it was a persuasion strategy for conversion that I established with confidence because I knew the other person well!”
“I can see that.”
Taeyeon figured out what Ellen wanted to know more about.
‘I want to know how the game collaboration went in detail.’
If you know that clearly, it will be easier to understand the propensity of a developer named Yoo Tae-yeon, and you will be able to see if he is a person you can really trust and work with.
It’s not a story worth hiding, and it’s not a story that you can steal and use just because you knew the know-how, so Taeyeon told the story without hesitation.
Not only Ellen, but all the executives listened intently. Taeyeon said the last thing, ending the story.
“The field I am most confident in is mercenary. But the moment someone tries to control me from above, I’m a good developer, nothing more, nothing less. I won’t work with another developer above me.”
Large corporations interfere heavily.
Not to mention Disney.
No matter how bad it was, the majority of the companies that tried to make games by purchasing IP were terrified of collaborating with them and decided never to work together again.
It was a story thrown with this in mind.
Ellen, who grasped the bones of the contents, said with a smile.
* * *
The presentation was conducted by the chief designer of Disney Parks and Resorts.
It was a place to show drafts and work progress.
‘I’m trying to make a change, but… … .’
There was no dramatic change like that of Tokyo DisneySea.
Cinderella Castle, a symbol of the land, was built in the center and the main street extended to the entrance, and the large part was the same as other land configurations.
‘If that’s the case, there’s no reason to come to Korean Disneyland.’
For 10 years, Taeyeon, who planned and implemented all kinds of maps, clearly saw their intentions.
The intention is to maintain the original color as much as possible, but to make changes within it.
The problem was that it seemed to be nothing special to non-experts, especially investors.
‘This is happening because of planning.’
Everyone is drawing different pictures, but even the content is not specific. Of course. Most of us here are not experts.
In this case, the people in charge of working-level work should have a clear idea, but it seemed that even they were not getting a feel for it, perhaps because it was in the early stages of the work.
‘Designing a park is certainly not an easy task.’
Taeyeon started to draw something with a prepared notebook and pen while looking at Park Xian projected on the roll screen. A strange smile appeared on Chairman Yoo Jin-seong’s lips as he glanced at the scene from the side.
“This is all we have prepared. Please let me know if you have any comments.”
All eyes turned to Taeyeon at CEO Ellen’s words. They know too. That Taeyeon was drawing something while referring to the park plan.
Taeyeon noticed the attention she was getting, but she ignored it and devoted herself to sketching.
After completing it quickly, I stood up and handed the drawing and the USB I prepared the day before to the engineer who was manipulating the presentation, and stood in front of the roll screen.
After a while, Taeyeon’s sketch appeared on the screen.
Although clumsy, the painting clearly reveals its form and intention.
“It’s not a real park, but as a game developer, I’ve planned and implemented countless maps over the years. Based on that experience, I would like to share my opinion. Please excuse me for being clumsy.”
And Taeyeon started to explain in earnest.
“Please take a look at the picture. What do you see?”
“I see two large circles.”
It was CEO Ellen’s answer.
Her body was pressed forward, her eyes twinkling, showing great interest and interest.
“Do you have any letters? What is it written on?”
“Hero union, Villain Empire.”
“Sincerely, all stories begin and end with a confrontation between good and evil. My concept starts with the concept that characters with different tendencies are divided into two to build and confront each other according to the concept. Of course, events are held with related content, and more than two landmarks are created.”
Taeyeon signaled to the engineer handling the laptop to load the next data.
The presentation document Taeyeon worked on the night before is displayed.
In the first tab, three theme park-type map images that Taeyeon had created in the past, as well as images of Disney’s line-oriented characters and buildings were added.
“Heroes’ Union and Villain Empire will each have four or five concept themed zones.”
It was a composition that was completed overnight, but thanks to the planning power accumulated over 10 years and dozens of maps, it became a pretty high-quality and plausible presentation.
The visuals, story, setting concept, etc. are clear, and even various themed events can be held through this, so everyone is crazy about the explanation.
“In this way, you can give a new twist to the feeling of the Villain Parade and the Hero Parade.”
“Somehow, it can give the feeling that the military is demonstrating force.”
“Yes. You can also raise your anticipation for the parade. Above all, this will give you a story and setting, so you can have a variety of events using it. decidedly… … .”
Taeyeon smiled.
“The theme park itself can be made into a stage for a huge story.”
“Oh, that’s a fun idea. Are you trying to organize a scenario and drag it on a quarterly basis?”
“First of all, a quarterly update by opening a scenario event with a test bed… … I think it would be nice to show it steadily through work and check the reaction.”
It does not stop at simply watching on the screen, but gives the audience the opportunity to participate in the story.
“It’s a really clever idea.”
In addition to this, Taeyeon received a great response by presenting various ideas.
“This is just a comment and a question, how about envisioning some of the nine megazones as instant object spaces?”
“I would like to hear an accurate explanation.”
“We want to make it a space that can be easily changed depending on the purpose of the event. It was demolished due to a battle event, then made into a space for other purposes and used… … .”
“Oh, that part… … .”
The meeting took longer than scheduled.
Like a planning meeting at the company, Taeyeon tossed out all kinds of ideas without considering whether or not they were feasible.
The professional theme park designers of Parks and Resorts recorded all the contents and answered all possible answers on the spot.
The problem is that as the fire gradually ignited, a topic that was very interesting from the point of view of watching continued.
So the meeting kept getting delayed, and some people left their seats saying they would go to the bathroom in the middle, but the meeting continued regardless.
“Anyway, it seems that there will be no conclusion by the end of today. Why don’t we talk about it separately and then organize it through a meeting again?”
In the end, the meeting was finally concluded only when CEO Ellen stepped in. However, that was the position of the executives, and Taeyeon and the theme park designers decided to move to another place and continue the idea meeting.
* * *
Two days later, a second presentation was given by the Parks and Resorts Chief Designer.
It was a time to announce the contents that Taeyeon and the designers discussed and organized until the day before.
“We have held various events in the past to reduce waiting time for attractions and relieve boredom, but we decided to actively accept the idea of making it possible to enjoy something non-stop by building a playing system using AR and VR technology from the construction stage. .”
Unlike the first presentation, the content of the presentation became more specific. This made it easier for non-experts to accept the proposal.
Introducing a playing system that actively utilizes cutting-edge video and game technology. A lot of different ideas were poured out, such as securing space and technical support for it, and ideas for participatory events.
His announcement was followed by Taeyeon’s announcement.
“I would like to briefly comment on a game idea that came up during yesterday’s discussion. The genre is a VR RPG game for consoles.”
The scenario is simple.
Various disasters happen in the anime world, and the main character adventures in various worlds to prevent them.
“Among the scenarios, famous scenes are reproduced so that you can have a different experience through VR, and after the prepared scenario is over, the content continues to pile up, so you can continue to enjoy the content to be provided later through paid DLC downloads. This is the gist of the collaboration game I came up with.”
Taeyeon used the prepared video and image data to reveal the image of the game she wanted to make.
The response to this was as good as the idea for the theme park.
CEO Ellen’s expression was very bright.
“It’s a really ingenious and welcome idea. I like that we can provide a better experience through new characters while maintaining the direction of content production that our company pursues.”
“I like it too.”
No one expressed a dissenting opinion. Taeyeon’s simple yet easy-to-understand presentation and ideas worked successfully.
“When I return to Korea, I will immediately form a TF team to discuss with Edmund, the chief designer, and implement the park idea into a 3D map through the unique engine. For the game, we will formulate a plan based on what we have just said, then create and share a storyboard, and make a formal request for necessary support.”
“It is neat. Very good.”
Starting with Ellen, everyone in the meeting clapped in admiration.
Taeyeon greeted her with a calm face and returned to her seat.
* * *
The next day, Taeyeon visited Anaheim Disneyland with Parks and Resorts staff. Edmund, the chief designer, was also included in the party, who formed a new idea draft with Taeyeon.
Self-serving as a guide, he introduced Taeyeon to various parts of Disneyland, and additionally introduced them to the management, management, and event managers, and told them what they were doing.
Two days was a short time to look around and figure out all the details, but I didn’t have much time to spare, so I had to set aside my regrets and prepare for my return home.
“Once the report is received, we will have to do several more presentations to various people, including New World Vice Chairman Kim Jong-hak, who is in charge. Make sure you are prepared.”
“I will.”
“and… … .”
Chairman Yoo Jin-seong grinned.
Then he patted me on the shoulder and said.
“It was really good. Thank you for working beyond my expectations.”
At those words, Taeyeon let out a sigh of relief and was able to relieve her tension a little.
The visit to the United States ended like that.
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