The Game Must Be Won? The Country Develops Games For Me

95. The Chip Crisis Has Arrived! Chip Manufacturing Process Beyond The Times?

"Genetic Engineering: Super Soldier"

This is the mission requirement given by Su Chen to the thirteenth game.

This game is different from the previous ones.

The previous controllable nuclear fusion, Yanggu Sea City, and super aircraft carrier.

All are related to machinery.

This time Su Chen turned his attention to the field of genes.

It is also the domain of the human body.

Human society has developed to the present.

Tools have already undergone earth-shaking changes.

From the earliest wooden sticks to the current aircraft tanks.

From igniting the first kindling to today's controllable nuclear fusion.

Tools are constantly evolving.

But the creators of these tools, humans themselves.

In these tens of thousands of years, it has hardly changed.

The human body, which was originally able to look down on the animal world, appeared so weak when facing the creations created by itself.

Even in the face of the ever-growing science, human brain power seems powerless.

In Newton's time.

A person can study physics, mathematics and other subjects at the same time, and can make great achievements in these subjects.

Like Newton himself.

A mathematician, a physicist, and a theologian at the same time.

And came the era of Einstein.

A scientist can only study in his own field.

Stronger than Einstein, he can only do research in the field of physics.

up to now.

Even if you have a Ph.D., you have only mastered the basic scientific research knowledge.

Many scientists lived into old age.

Only then did he make a breakthrough in his own field.

And it's still subdivided and subdivided.

Take last year's Nobel Prize winners for example.

The research they do is.

Physics - Microphysics - Quantum Mechanics - Entangled Quantum - Quantum Informatics

A breakthrough in quantum information alone is enough for a researcher to win a Nobel Prize.

The reason for this phenomenon is simple.

Human learning ability, or the human body, has not kept up with the development of the times.

Physical factors have become an important factor limiting the development of frontier science.

When a person is most energetic and his mind is most developed.

It is the age of ten or twenty.

And at this age.

Most people are in endless learning, learning the knowledge they already have.

Wait until you can independently innovate and do research.

At least they graduated with a Ph.D. and developed it.

At the age of twenty-six, Einstein proposed the theory of relativity.

So what Su Chen has to do is, starting from the genes, let the evolution of human beings that has long been stagnant be started again!

Of course, there are genetic issues involved.

Su Chen's attitude is also extremely rigorous.

While inviting top domestic biological experts and medical experts, Su Chen's requirements for the game have also reached an almost demanding level.

Strive to eliminate all possible hidden dangers.

Even so, the brain was not involved in Su Chen's transformation plan.

The content of the game is mainly bones, muscles, internal organs, sense organs and nervous system.

This game is also an experiment.

After verifying that the genetic technology is 100% problem-free, Su Chen will start the research on the human brain.

Although there is no most important brain.

But these physical modifications can also make an ordinary human evolve into a superhuman physique.

This is also the origin of the super soldier in the game name.

Yesterday, the research that Su Chen mentioned to the Lieutenant General of the Army is this.

A super soldier with comprehensive physical fitness.

Just click on the development file of the game.

Su Chen also learned about the current development progress.

As the commissioner said, the final sensory organs and nervous system are still missing.

Do the math, about two months.

The game can be developed.

Achieve what Su Chen wants.

"During the game development process, did you encounter any difficulties?"

Su Chen asked.

The commissioner hastily replied.

"There were a lot of problems when we first started, but it's much better now.

"It's mainly a team of experts to do the demonstration, and game developers are now very relaxed.

As he spoke, a regretful expression appeared on the commissioner's face.

For a workaholic like him.

Not being able to work overtime is really painful. . .

He can't get involved in the topics of those biological experts.


Hearing this, Su Chen raised his eyebrows.

Since the work is easy, doesn't that mean that you can spare time to do other work?

Squeezing his chin, Su Chen began to think.

What other fields are the directions that Dragon Kingdom urgently needs to conquer.


When the game of Super Warrior is developed, many physical diseases can be easily solved.



With controllable nuclear fusion and cheap electricity, fieldless cultivation can be directly realized.

Just keep shining it with a fluorescent lamp.

Anyway, the electricity can't run out.


artificial intelligence?

This can be considered.

However, human acceptance of AI is not high.

Even if it is developed, it is estimated that there will be many restrictions.

When Su Chen was thinking about the next direction.

"Ding Ding Ding!"

The phone rang, interrupting Su Chen's thoughts.

With Su Chen's current position in the Dragon Kingdom, there is almost nothing he can worry about.

When the phone rings, it usually means that the project has encountered a problem.

But now several projects are closed.

The phone still rings, which can only mean one thing.

There is an emergency in the Dragon Kingdom.

Only in this case, Su Chen will be contacted urgently.

Pick up the phone.

Listening to the narration over there, Su Chen frowned slightly.

Wait until it's over there.

Su Chen also probably understood what was going on.

"I see."

hang up the phone.

Su Chen closed his eyes, recalling the secret information that the other party gave in his mind.

After a while.

Su Chen opened his eyes.

There is already a solution in mind.

So he asked.

"Among the game developers, part of it won't affect the progress of super soldiers, will it?"

"No, because you are the director?"

The commissioner quickly replied, and at the same time, there was a look of excitement in his eyes.

Are you looking for a new job?

The result was just as he expected.

Su Chen said slowly.

"Under the guarantee of the development progress of the super soldier project, developers will be transferred from the group.

"Ready to form a new development project."

"Yes! Chief."

The commissioner looked excited.

I can finally work overtime again, okay!

While excited, the commissioner did not forget a word.

"By the way, director, what's the name of our new project?"

Su Chen didn't answer.

Instead, he directly typed the name of the project on the computer in front of him.

"Microelectronics: A Long Era of Pico Chips".

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