Chapter 47: The situation in Dragon Country, the spiritual energy is revived, and extraordinary people appear!

The Imperial Capital Spiritual Power Bureau

"Finally it's here"

"It's faster than we thought. It's still in the early stages, with only some spiritual energy tides appearing in various places."

"But now it has spread to all parts of the world."

In the conference room, Elder Lin looked at the screen on the wall with a very solemn expression.

On the screen, a total of more than 30 red spiritual power sources appeared in the territory of Dragon Country.

Each of these spiritual power sources gushed out with a huge amount of spiritual energy.

Within the covered range, the spiritual energy will erode everything.

Whether it is human beings, beasts, or even plants.

The result is the same.

If you can bear it, you may step into the door of the extraordinary and have a bright future.

But if you can't bear it, the end will be miserable.

Just like the residential area in the United States.

At this time, there have been many such situations in the country.

But there is no way.

This is the price that must be paid for the revival of spiritual energy.

The Spiritual Power Bureau can only do its best to do its best.

For example…

"This girl is out of control, send someone to rescue her!"

Seeing a girl in the video suddenly go crazy.

Mr. Lin hurriedly ordered


In the unison response, some people quickly rushed to the destination.

This is the most common situation they have encountered recently.

Unlike the previous awakeners, they all awakened slowly before.

So the body did not suffer too much damage.

But this time, it was forced to awaken under the erosion of spiritual power.

So the brain can easily withstand a very big stimulation, and then completely lose reason.

After losing reason, they will succumb to instinct.

Then continue to vent their power.

At this time, these awakened extraordinary people are very scary.

The girl in the video is in this situation.

But it seems that her talent is not bad. She has just awakened initially, and she can burn everything within her sight.

It's a good seedling.

In such a tense situation, two days have passed........

At this time, there are only three days left before the spiritual energy is revived.

In these two days, one spiritual energy source after another continues to appear in various parts of Longguo.

And where the spiritual energy source appears, there will be great changes.

However, compared with the panic and irresponsibility of other countries.

Longguo has made preparations early.

As orders are issued one after another from above.

The nearby spiritual power bureau also sent extraordinary people to the scene as soon as possible.

Therefore, the loss of Longguo has been minimized as much as possible.

Misfortune is the source of blessing, and blessing is the source of misfortune.

Although this spiritual energy tide scene has brought a lot of losses and pain to Longguo and all over the world.

However, there are also benefits.

The first is the increase in the number of awakened people.

Most of the awakened people in Longguo have been absorbed into the spiritual power bureau.

It is conceivable how much the strength of the spiritual power bureau has improved.

For example, the Magic City Spiritual Power Bureau has reached 500 extraordinary people.

In the future, when encountering a beast tide, there is no need to worry about the number of extraordinary people.

Moreover, it is worth mentioning that although these spiritual energies are dangerous to ordinary people.

But for the extraordinary people, it is a rare fortune!

A real great fortune!

If the body of the extraordinary person can withstand the cleansing of spiritual power, then his strength will be further improved.

Fortunately, most people in the Spiritual Power Bureau can withstand it.

So their strength is improving very quickly.

Extraordinary people who have entered the seventh level can be seen everywhere in the Spiritual Power Bureau.

There are also many top masters who have entered the eighth and ninth levels.

As for Lin Xueer.

Her talent is very high.

After withstanding the cleansing of spiritual energy, she had reached the ninth level yesterday.

In the entire Dragon Country, she is also a very top extraordinary person.

Now, she can also fight with the previous black giant ape.

It can be said that the surge of spiritual energy this time has brought great benefits to the extraordinary people. It is much stronger than their previous hard training.

Therefore, after the revival of spiritual energy, it is the world of extraordinary people.

This sentence is not said casually.


In the past two days, many things have happened around the world.

Such a big event, of course, cannot be hidden from the public.

Therefore, the online discussion is also very lively.

After some consideration, the Spiritual Power Bureau finally completely relaxed the control in this regard.

It is time to let the public know the truth about the great changes in the world.

Moreover, with the previous vaccination, I believe that the public should accept it quickly.

"I feel like there have been a lot of things happening in China recently. There have been countless reports of mutated animals. Yesterday, a five or six meter long rat appeared near my home. It was terrifying. Fortunately, the authorities came."

"I heard that quite a few people suddenly awakened some superpowers in the past two days. Some can breathe fire, some have infinite physical strength, and can kill a wild boar with one punch. I'm so envious."

"There are also a lot of news from abroad. I heard that there is a residential area in the United States where only a few people were left dead, but these people have awakened their abilities."

"What's the big deal? Someone photographed a giant ape over 30 meters tall in the Grand Canyon. It's so scary."

"This world is becoming increasingly incomprehensible."

"The person who guessed last time was right. It is estimated that the world has changed drastically and we are about to enter a brand new era."

"Indeed, haven't you seen that the authorities have relaxed their supervision in this regard? They can discuss it freely."

There are many posts discussing this online.

They are all about the recent news at home and abroad.

However, it can also be seen from this that the people of Longguo have begun to accept the phenomenon of spiritual energy revival.

This is a good thing.

When the spiritual energy revival really comes later, there is no need to panic too much.

In addition to the spiritual power bureau, Ye Chen naturally has a lot of gains in these two days.

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