The God Killer in the American Comics World

Chapter 108 The early Avengers in a mess (3 more)

After a burst of laughter, Wonder Woman raised her own question: "Am I right, Ange? You said that alien strongmen sent guys like Loki to invade the earth?"

"Is it weird?"


"That's right! To Thanos, Loki is just an innocuous pawn. Moreover, Loki has another amulet - his brother Thor. He is indeed Loki's enemy, but family ties make him never Killing Loki will even save Loki's life at a critical moment. Pay attention! Even when the gods on the earth disappear, Thor's strength is still top-notch."

Ange called up a video from the computer and put it on the huge projection screen.

In the video screen, a giant metal monster [Destroyer] that looks like a humanoid armor is fighting Thor.

[Destroyer] shoots a terrifying flame ray from the hole in the opened mask.

With just one sweep, more than ten wooden houses were evaporated in an instant. From the height of an adult's knees, everything was reduced to dust and nothing was left.

And Thor, the God of Thunder, hammered down, and a place the size of a football field was dented by more than one meter in the blink of an eye. The violent lightning spread, overloading all the wires within a two-kilometer radius, causing sparks to fly, and countless transformers and other devices to be burned. .

With such terrifying destructive power, even Wonder Woman couldn't help but sternly said: "He is a real god."

"Yes. I am very curious, who is stronger, Odin in Norse mythology or Zeus in Greek mythology. After all, today, [Asgard] where Thor is still known as the guardian of the nine worlds Become a ruler."

Diana glanced at Ange, who seemed to be ready to commit suicide: "I don't feel the breath of Zeus (Father God) in this world."

She said the words "Father God" in a divine voice that only Ange could hear.

Ange is not annoyed, he is too lazy to say that Zeus in "Thor 4" has become a dead man who only has fun in his temple all day long. After all, in this fused world, it’s hard to say who will become what.

White Canary suddenly said: "Then we just watch like this?"

"Almost. After all, at least at this moment, there is still a very powerful mage guarding the earth. Unless she dies, no one will attack the earth head-on. Even if we kill Loki, there will still be other guys trying to come and cause trouble. Instead of trying to clear out the spies one by one, we might as well just chop off the opponent's claws. At least the opponent will know how painful it is."

That's the truth. It's just that New York is about to be destroyed again.

Ange turned his head and looked at Gwen in the video link: "There is a huge danger in New York. I will find an excuse to transfer your father, and you take your mother out of New York."

Gwen was stunned for a moment: "Okay."

Historically, the families of superheroes have been lucky enough to escape, but Ange is unwilling to put their lives on luck.

"Liz! New York will encounter a large-scale attack. Take your mother immediately. And try to persuade your 'good sisters' and all Peter Parker's relatives and friends to leave New York in these days."

Liz was stunned for a moment. If Ange hadn't come to her, she would have almost forgotten that there was such a big boss above her. After a slight hesitation, she nodded: "What about Peter?"

"Maybe he needs to join the fight."


Ange sent out instructions one by one, and even sent a message to Superman not knowing whether there would be a response.

Anyway, I got it right, it’s up to you whether you believe it or not.

Don't think that Superman himself is fine. You need to know that his girlfriend and his adoptive parents are both in New York.

In fact, Ange is quite curious about what would happen if those idiots like Chitauri provoked Super Chao in this fused universe.

But Ange can't afford to gamble. If his relatives and friends die in Dachao and the Dachao goes dark, then it will be wonderful for him.

After he finished sending it, Wonder Woman looked at him with her hands on her hips: "You are so busy."

This is obviously teasing.

After all, Ange has a lot of private stuff, and half of his messages are sent to women.

Angetian responded shamelessly: "There is no way, the greater the ability, the greater the responsibility!"

He never underestimates his enemies or overestimates his allies.

Just as he remembered, the quarrel in the reunion was huge.

Tony and Captain America caught Loki and immediately used a transport plane to take Loki back to the famous aircraft carrier for interrogation.

Loki could not be tortured, so how could a group of people using words be able to outsmart Loki, the god of trickery?

Loki didn't get it done, and the newly formed Avengers first started fighting among themselves.

Bruce Banner and Tony, who had not transformed into the Hulk, worked well together. They created an energy detection computer model and began to search for the Cosmic Cube (space gem). However, during this process, the Hulk unfortunately discovered Nick. The director had prepared a special cage for him a long time ago.

This made him feel humiliated and disrespected.

Tony used his superb computer skills to find secret documents indicating SHIELD's plan to use the Cosmic Cube to create weapons.

The US team found finished weapons made using Rubik's Cube energy in the cargo hold of the aircraft carrier more simply and directly, which made the US team feel that SHIELD is more like Hydra. You must know that 70 years ago, he and his companions fought desperately against the same enemy armed with the energy weapon of the Cosmic Rubik's Cube.

As an agent, Black Widow thought it was okay.

But Thor, who regarded himself as the guardian of the earth, had a fierce verbal conflict with Nick.

Thor feels that with Asgard protecting the people on earth, people on earth don't need to do so many things.

Nick, however, believes that the Earth must be able to protect itself.

"You are doing so many things. For advanced civilizations, this is a signal that the Earth is ready to go to war with advanced civilizations." In a sense, Thor is right.

This concept can only be said to be 'very Asgardian'.

Nick was naturally unhappy: "Please! No Earthlings go to your planet to cause trouble!"

This scene where no one is convinced by anyone suddenly made Tony very emotional. He suddenly remembered a question he asked his good friend Ang not long ago: "If the US government regards you as a major threat, what will you do?"

Ang's answer was quite philosophical: "If the White House regards me as a threat, then I'd better be a real threat, so that at least there will be peace between us. Don't forget that being an enemy of the White House is dangerous, but being an ally of the White House is deadly."

To be honest, the situation was completely frozen at this point.

The entire Avengers, from the director to every member, is full of strong distrust of each other.

As the saying goes, the best way to make a group of people with different ideas and different interests work together is to give them a recognized enemy.

If Loki had acted a little later, the Avengers might have been ruined.

In full view of the public, Hawkeye, who was mentally controlled by Loki, led a team of special forces to attack the flying aircraft carrier. Not only did he rescue Loki, but he also killed and injured many people, and almost destroyed several engines of the aircraft carrier, causing the flying aircraft carrier with thousands of people to almost crash.

The key is that Loki killed Agent Phil Coulson.

As a recognized good guy by Captain America, Tony and others, Phil collected Captain America's cards and wanted Captain America's autograph. He also helped Tony and Pepper a lot.

Such a recognized mascot died, who could bear it.

Anger spread in silence, and every member of the Avengers had light in his eyes.

Tony repaired the Iron Man that was damaged in the battle, put it on and made an Internet call: "One of my friends was killed by Loki, I'm going to New York to beat Loki, are you coming?"

"Come." Anger said concisely.


ps: As long as the author secretly updates, no one will find out that this is a make-up update (sure)

I still have a low fever of 37.8 degrees, but I don’t seem to be in any serious condition. I will take care of it myself.

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