The God Killer in the American Comics World

Chapter 118 Tony's debt of love (4 more)

People's desire for control can be infinite.

There are many such people in the senior American officials.

They just helped you drive away the aliens, and they can't wait to give each Avenger a thorough brainwashing and add a positioning system to ensure that these guys who seem to be able to destroy the world become the most useful humanoid weapons.

Or they can slice the Avengers and make them into biochemical soldiers that can be mass-produced like the Chitauri.

After all, [capital] hates things that are uncontrollable alone the most, and likes things that can be mass-produced and bring them a lot of benefits the most.

If they didn't have a little bit of awe for the name [Thor] from the bottom of their hearts, and were somewhat afraid that Tony was the representative of the military-industrial complex, they would probably really do this.

In fact, without telling Director Nick, they have begun to implement a plan called [Suicide Squad]. That is, to control the criminals who were arrested by Batman or other superheroes in prison, and then order them to carry out various secret operations that can be called crazy.

Whether it's Nick or Anger, they all know that these senior American officials are already smart.

The most terrifying thing is those politicians who talk nonsense. In the so-called direct election, only the politicians who can make the most gimmicks can attract those uneducated voters.

Just like those parties that shout that environmental protection is above all else, clamoring to demolish all thermal power plants and nuclear power plants.

Then what?

The so-called clean energy can't meet the huge gap in electricity consumption of residents and enterprises. What should we do?

They can turn it around and say, "We can do everything, why do we need you officials?"

They are typical dreamers who "put aside the facts, I just want ideals."

Anyway, the innocent citizens and soldiers who are cannon fodder are at the forefront. If they really want to destroy the country and the clan, they will run faster than anyone else, and if they can't run away, they will surrender!

Ang calculated all this, so he refused to join the Avengers.

If the strength is not enough to make the American government afraid to act rashly, then he will just stay alive and wait for him to kill the god of war Ares. Then he can do whatever he wants without having to look at the face of the American officials.

Ange returned to his villa on the outlying island and indeed felt much more comfortable.


After getting off the new fighter, Selena had not given Ange a good look when she saw the noble Amazon relatives.


"No. How dare I be jealous?" Selena tilted her head, crossed her arms, and walked towards the direction of the motorboat, obviously intending to change to a vehicle to leave.

But the escaping cat made a threatening "shrimp--" sound on the spot after being grabbed by the paw!

Cats, especially those who have not graduated from the Cat Virtue Academy, often have the common characteristic of being difficult to tame.

For cats, some people like to treat them as masters, while others raise 20cm cat teasers.

When the cat saw it, it was immediately frightened and its body softened.

Just as it was about to run, it was immediately grabbed by the back of its neck.

Cats, once their necks were grabbed, they immediately became obedient.

"Actually! I like cats very much. Cats are special to me."

The long and lingering cat calls continued in the hangar all night.

After dawn, the cat seemed to be lame and got on Ang's private helicopter in an awkward position.

Through the glass window, the cat made a vicious mouth shape: "Asshole--"

Ang picked up the intercom: "Captain Andrew, please wait a moment. Miss Kyle and I have some 'important' things to discuss."

"Okay! Boss."

Selena's eyes were straight, and the fierce expression just now disappeared in an instant, and she put her hands together, looking like she was begging for mercy.

Ang waved his hand, indicating takeoff.

Just after taking off, she immediately changed her face and made an international friendly gesture to Ang.


The helicopter flew back.

This time, the helicopter returned to Gotham City three hours late.

The warm sunlight at noon shone on the island and poured into the room through the huge floor-to-ceiling glass windows. Ange just turned his head slightly and immediately saw Helen standing aside, with a pair of beautiful legs swaying.

Facing Ange's gaze, she tried to stand firm.

"What are you afraid of? I don't eat people."

"Uh..." The most beautiful woman in Greece shuddered and didn't dare to speak.

Well, isn't it just to show what "233 points of physical fitness means you can do whatever you want" means? Is it necessary to be so scared?

At this time, the Canary sisters, because they had just been supporters, also walked over with awkward steps and small steps.

Ange looked at the two sisters with blushing faces and retracted his gaze.

First of all, there was the mess in New York. Most of Manhattan Island was almost razed to the ground. Such a big thing naturally led to a stock crash.

This time Ange did not act as a sniper, and he didn't even do it secretly.

Forget about sniping the Osborn Group. If he really wants to take advantage of the aliens attacking the earth to make money from the national disaster of the United States, Anger has no psychological burden, but it will be very troublesome if he is discovered.

It can be done, but it is not necessary.

Anger did not get tired of the old and loved the new, but instead made Catwoman obedient. In fact, it was largely because he found a name [Maya Hansen].

This woman was Tony's former confidante (one night only), but she was about to make Tony bleed and almost lose his life.

To be honest, from the beginning of crossing into the dead ghost Anger, Anger and Tony were destined to be the same kind of people.

We are all playboys, there is no need to look down on each other, or to accuse each other from a moral high ground.

The difference is that Ange is "I want it all", while Tony is the groom every night.

Before falling in love with Pepper Potts, Tony was a typical ruthless person who pulled out X after one night.

This kind of playfulness is bound to cost Tony.

Ange is not interested in intervening in Tony's Nth one-time ex-girlfriend's revenge on Tony.

But considering the "history", this mess also involves the Grand Commander America, Ange does not mind to save Kratos's face in front of the Grand Commander and maximize his favorability.

Although the White House is looking for Kratos, it has nothing to do with me, Ange, but if the Grand Commander is saved, even if Kratos commits 34 federal felonies and may be imprisoned for 136 years, the Grand Commander can sign a pardon and release him directly without guilt!

As for whether there is a prosecutor in New York State who may sue Ange...

It's funny!

In this small piece of land in New York State, who the hell dares to sue the next head of the Wayne family?

He was about to be removed before he even started the process.

Anger felt that the plan worked, and then he was in a good mood and ordered a lot of popcorn and Coke, ready to sit in the special seat to watch the show.

At this moment, Tony, who had no idea that he was about to get into trouble, was developing MK42 Iron Man.


ps, I said this was the fourth update yesterday, and it is! (arrogant ing)

Today's is another count.

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