The God Killer in the American Comics World

Chapter 121: Ange, don't interfere (3 more)

To be honest, when Ange kills the enemy, many red souls are useless. He has already strengthened all the skills that can be strengthened with red soul. There are still many red souls left.

The combat power we are facing now begins to exceed the limit that mortals can fight against.

Even a [city-level] powerhouse like Captain America, who claims to be able to single-handedly destroy a city, is just a handyman.

The girls have indeed reached a point where they need to be strengthened.

Ange took turns holding their hands one by one, and in a way that seemed to be a method of transferring skills, he actually clicked two buttons through the system, first raising their physical fitness to 1.5 times that of ordinary people.

This puts a considerable burden on them.

Being compatible with the God Killer system is not an easy task. Ange can adjust it at will, but they cannot.

The simplest example is that they become unable to control their powers.

Catwoman accidentally smashed the glass cup with a click and stabbed herself several times. But she soon discovered that her recovery speed had also accelerated.

It doesn't take a second to recover. As long as you observe and sense carefully, you can still feel that your wound is moving rapidly. First squeeze out the glass embedded in the wound, and then close the wound tightly like a stitch, and then heal.

"This...this is amazing." Black Canary said in surprise.

Ange 'predicted' like a magician: "It's okay, Spider-Man and the others also have super self-healing abilities. In fact, I guess the so-called [Extremis Virus] is not bad either. It's just the price that the Extremis Virus has to pay. Maybe it’s bigger. Maybe the recent explosion is related to this virus.”

The girls no longer have any thoughts on this topic. They are getting used to their sudden increase in strength.

The big one said that if you give your best, you already have a chance to blow up the sandbags.

The young man said, handle it gently, at least don't break the glass or break the scimitar.

As for Tony, there was no surprise, but the surprise came.

Happy used his immature tracking skills to chase Aldridge's arrogant guard Savin, and a fistfight broke out. Well, Happy was the one who failed to beat him but was beaten instead, and then one of them followed Savin. I was talking to a man who suddenly glowed red all over.

The man's skin and even the muscles under the skin became extremely transparent, and strange red pulses were pulsating in the blood vessels visible to the naked eye. As the fluctuations became more obvious and accelerated, an evil red light erupted from every hole in his eyes, ears, mouth, and nose.

He exploded!


It was as powerful as a C4 bomb explosion, and it exploded at that garden party.

Happy only had time to hide behind a poor bunker before he was bombed. He was seriously injured and was sent to the ICU.

Afterwards, the so-called [Mandarin] still came out and admitted responsibility for the explosion.

Facing the terrorist attacks that hurt his relatives and friends, Tony rarely became angry. In front of dozens of media reporters from across the United States, Tony declared war on [The Mandarin]!

"I've long wanted to give the Mandarin a little holiday greeting."

"My name is Tony Stark, and I'm not afraid of you!"

"I know you're a coward."

"So I've decided, man! You're a dead man! I'll collect your body myself."

"This has nothing to do with politics, this has nothing to do with the White House, this has nothing to do with old-fashioned revenge - just me and you!"

"My home address is..."

Tony rarely abandoned his role as an idol and took revenge as a superhero. He uttered these vows in public, which immediately caused the whole society to be in an uproar.

The people were extremely excited looking forward to Iron Man showing off his might and finding the Mandarin and killing him.

After finishing speaking, Tony received a call from Ange on a confidential phone. Tony, who was angry, blurted out: "Hey! Brother, you don't have to worry about this."

"No, I'm just reminding you that this so-called Mandarin makes me smell like Hydra. What you are facing is a terrorist organization that has been rooted in the United States for more than half a century, not a small group of people."

Tony was stunned for a moment. Apparently Happy's injury completely aroused Tony's inner stubbornness.

Talented people are egotistical.

The more creative a person is, the more so.

Tony gritted his teeth and said: "Brother, I know you are doing it for my own good. But you have saved me twice, and I can't ask you to wipe my butt every time. This time, listen to me and leave it alone! OK!? "

"OK! If the other party is really just playing with you, I will never interfere. Once things get out of control and rise to a higher level, don't blame me for stealing your head."

"Okay! It's a deal!" After Tony said this, he was beaten within a short time.

It was tragic for him. During the Battle of New York, his Stark Tower was directly destroyed.

This time, it was his turn to live in his beachside mansion in San Diego, California.

To be honest, Ange had only been invited to this mansion built on a cliff by the sea once. Not only does this have a beautiful view, it is also the largest workshop where Tony plays with Iron Man.

Tony slapped the Mandarin in the face like this. When two strong men meet, one of them will always be embarrassed.

So, who is the shameful person?

The answer is Tony!

To be honest, his mansion is monitored by the intelligent AI Jarvis, and ordinary thieves can't really do anything to him. This is a defense that even a company of Marines cannot defeat.

Unfortunately, this is civilian-level defense after all.

Unlike Ange, who built four linked military-grade radar stations and a wide-area underwater sonar system on his island villa, and replaced all his bodyguards with retired radar and sonar soldiers from the army.

Tony's mansion was not equipped with military-grade radars, so when Savin and his master's troops arrived in a "civilian helicopter" equipped with rockets, Tony was not prepared at all.

"Swish, swish, swish!" When the exaggerated rockets with the whistle of death washed towards this beautiful coastal villa like rain, the only thing Tony had time to do was to put a set of Iron Man armor on his beloved Pepper to protect her evacuation.

In the harsh environment of missiles raining down, Tony could only put on this Iron Man Mark 42, which had not yet been developed and had no weapon system.

The strong explosion spread throughout the villa. Although Tony fought back and used a piano as a missile to blow up an incoming helicopter, he still fell into the sea with the collapsed villa...

Then, it was Tony's day of suffering.

His newly developed MK42 was in a state of intermittent operation. This time, at least the mecha saved him. Then, I don't know whether it was luck or bad luck, after this severely damaged Iron Man mecha carried him out safely, it was temporarily useless due to lack of energy supply. Tony embarked on the road to find the truth of the explosion alone.

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