The God Killer in the American Comics World

Chapter 128 Money can do whatever you want (2 more)

The "Extraordinary Rating Interim Bill" is impossible to pass under normal circumstances.

Even if it is known that Thor, a true god who has lived from the mythical age to the present, is not something that people on earth can afford, the White House and Congress will not be willing to recognize his status, let alone give up part of his leadership.

Dirty politicians don't mind making gods their slaves whenever possible.

The timing of President Ellis' proposal was too coincidental.

He has just purged the Vice President with a perfect chain of evidence. To put it bluntly, at this point in time, anyone in his party who opposes him may be in trouble and be regarded as the next target of purging.

The president and vice president are originally a combination of two interest groups from the same party. Since the vice president has been cheated, the president wants to purge the vice president's congressmen, which is just a matter of words. After all, no high-ranking official has a clean butt.

Of course, when President Ellis proposed this bill, he was doing everything he could to let fate dictate.

The dispute between the donkey and the elephant has existed since ancient times, and he was not sure of persuading the members of the opposite party.

After a month of lengthy debates, the president was pleasantly surprised to find that many members of the opposite party also approved of his bill.

This allowed the House and Senate to quickly pass the bill with moderate advantages.

This is so damn subtle.

As soon as the news of the passage of the bill came out, countless people who worshiped superheroes cheered, but only those plutocratic owners who suffered heavy losses due to the war in New York muttered and kept complaining.

Wayne's old mansion in Gotham City.

Bruce sat on his master's chair and looked at his bastard son with pained eyes: "Did you do this on purpose?"

Sitting opposite, tapping Erlang's legs and swaying on his toes, Ange shrugged: "I didn't encourage the president to do this."

Bruce said coldly: "You took advantage of the Wayne family's connections and interfered with the judgment of all senators and congressmen who are familiar with the Wayne family."

In the eyes of Lord Bat, this is a violation of justice and procedure.

Ange raised the goblet indifferently, and Alfred, the old butler next to him, smiled and helped him fill up the champagne: "The famous Batman is number one on this white list. Promote this The bill also helps Batman. This is what is right and wrong."

"You..." The master was choked to death.

"Well, my beloved father, I still want to attend the "New York Reconstruction Charity Gala". If you want to make up for the 'twenty years of preaching' you owe, please make an appointment. I am talking to someone who claims to be retired. It's different, I'm very busy." After that, Ange drank the champagne, raised the empty glass to his old father, smiled evilly, put the glass on the tray in the old butler's hand, turned around and walked away. go.

The cross veins on the old bat's forehead have never gone away.

The old butler kept a smile on his face: "Master, think of the best. At least he has learned to act within the rules. For a young man of his age, this is a rare quality. Think about your rebelliousness at the age of twenty. What does it look like?”

Bruce suddenly got stuck in his head.


He was much more rebellious back then and didn't even want to inherit the Wayne family.

Ange is abiding by the rules now. He is like a real son of a plutocrat, using the connections left by his ancestors and fathers to bribe legislators and promote legislation that is beneficial to him at the national level.

Congressmen are very short of money - if they want voters to elect them, they first need to run a lot of advertisements to let voters know that there is someone like him. Burning advertising dollars is a bottomless pit. Since the law stipulates a limit on the financial contributions that ordinary citizens can make to a single candidate, what they need more is 'soft donations'.

Ange's ability just meets all their needs.

First of all, Ange directly filled up their sponsorship funds. He spent a lot of money in Wayne Group on various pretexts such as tips, promotions and salary increases, etc., and asked employees to pay more or less to the congressmen designated by him in their personal capacity. land donation.

Secondly, Ange used his financial ability to acquire all the traditional media he could acquire, including newspapers, TV stations, subways, and outdoor billboards. He also created a short video platform called [TicTok]. Once it was released, it immediately attracted a large number of young people. favor.

If it were anyone else doing this, they would probably be met with hostility and rejection.

It just so happens that Ange is the next head of the well-established plutocrat Wayne Group. Moreover, New York has just been attacked and the headquarters of many media groups have been destroyed. At this juncture, which can be said to be full of waste, the major forces are really interested in him. Not much rejection.

This allowed Ange to successfully gain the support of parliamentarians and parliamentary candidates.

In this place like the United States, it's important to get paid to do things.

If a congressman takes political donations and does not do anything after taking political donations, he will die miserably. It is a trivial matter to commit suicide by being shot eight times in the back. The most terrifying thing is to convict you of a serious crime such as 'indecent assault on an old woman', which is enough to ruin your reputation.

Ange opened the way with his money power and also controlled the media, the most important publicity channel. The congressmen had no time to kneel down and lick him.

In this way, when Ange helped Diana Prince down from the Rolls-Royce at the New York Reconstruction Charity Gala, he received the warmest welcome from the audience.

At least a hundred reporters gathered around the two of them to take pictures, and the light of the flashlights was almost continuous.

At this moment, there is no doubt that the two of them are the most beautiful boys in the room.

On the second floor terrace of the venue, Pepper and Tony were flirting. Seeing Ange's arrival, she couldn't help but lean into Tony's ear and asked, "Are they really the same person?"

Tony grimaced: "Although I don't want to admit it, I made his holster!"

Who can associate the seemingly rough and reckless Kratos with the elegant and elegant young man in front of him?

Not to mention the thought that the slim beauty next to her with a supermodel figure is actually the famous Wonder Woman.

In addition, there is an Iron Man on the scene. In a sense, these guys have infiltrated New York's upper class society into a sieve.

Not long after, in this gorgeous venue located on the north side of Manhattan, New York, which was rarely destroyed by aliens, a charity auction held for disaster relief began.

After some polite remarks, the host showed the first auction item of the day.

"Gentlemen and ladies, please allow me to formally introduce to you this auction item, the [imitation Spartan gold bracelet] donated by Mr. Ange Wayne. I must emphasize that this is not an authentic item. It has passed through the ages. According to testing, it is only about a hundred years ago, but this replica perfectly replicates the royal craftsmanship of Sparta in ancient Greece..."

The host talked a lot, and then started the auction with a starting price of 10,000 US dollars.

As the saying goes, everyone carried the sedan chair. Tony was very proud of Ange, and finally won it for a high price of three million US dollars.

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