The God Killer in the American Comics World

Chapter 156 You owe me twice (2 more)

No matter how you look at it, Kratos's iron fist has some personal emotions.

Most of the people on Earth hate Loki for attracting alien enemies, right?

"Wow--" Fandral whistled very frivolously.

The other two warriors also showed quite exaggerated expressions.

Thor, who was showing off, didn't notice that Sif's face was full of ecstasy.

Thousands of years ago, Sif had long golden hair. She was not a Valkyrie at that time, but a beautiful woman in Asgard who was famous for her appearance. However, the naughty Loki secretly cut Sif's long golden hair while she was asleep, which made Sif cry.

After that, Loki was forced by the gods to do something to compensate Sif. Loki could only offer Sif the golden hair he got from the dwarves. Then, not long after Sif put it on, it turned black because Loki applied a mysterious potion on it.

So Sif had long black hair. Not only that, Sif felt very sad because her long hair turned black. That’s how she and Loki became enemies.

So, if you want to bring the two closer, the best way is to let them fight the same enemy.

Thor didn’t feel anything at the moment. He said proudly: “I asked my good friend Tony Stark on Earth to record it for me. That’s his home.”

Sif asked with a trembling voice: “Is Loki afraid of Kratos?”

“Like a mouse seeing a cat.” Thor laughed and spread his hands: “To be honest, if I hadn’t considered that I’m Loki’s elder brother, I personally would have wanted to go drink with Kratos.”

“It’s okay, I’ve taken care of him for you.” Sif’s beautiful eyes flickered with divine light.

The three warriors cheered at the same time: “We should find an opportunity to drink a barrel of wine with him.”

Note that the unit is [barrel].

To be honest, there is no one in Asgard who doesn’t hate Loki. Even before Loki betrayed Asgard, this god of mischief was already a ‘truly hated’ existence. Not to mention that Loki first brought the ice giant king Laufey to Asgard to cause trouble, and then took the Chitauri to Midgard (that is, the Earth).

These two consecutive behaviors are typical traitors!

Loki was not cut into pieces, purely because Odin, Frigga and Thor were kind-hearted.

Seeing the battle scene between Kratos and Loki, Sif and the others agreed with Thor's point of view - Kratos really hated Loki.

"Okay! I'll go talk to Kratos." Sif took the initiative to take the task on herself.

"Then! I need you to help me do these things..." Thor's voice was suppressed. He not only said this to these four confidants, but also dragged Heimdall into the water.

In fact, even Heimdall, the gatekeeper of Asgard, who has always been known for his fairness and selflessness, was convinced.

The five of them could not betray Odin, but for the future Lord of Asgard, for their best friends, and for the millions of people in Asgard, they were willing to bear Odin's wrath.

A plan was launched.

Slightly different from history, Thor got Odin's permission to release Ange before he acted.

"Father! The Queen Mother's injury has stabilized. Although she may need to sleep for a long time, we Asgardians should not imprison our benefactor for no reason."

Odin hesitated for a moment and agreed: "Then ask him to leave first. In a month, I will personally entertain him and allow him to choose a treasure from the top level of my treasure house."

The so-called top level is where the lowest-level collections are placed.

Even so, this means that Odin will give Ange a collection equivalent to the artifact.

"Thank you for your generosity!" Thor saluted.

"This is for your mother!"

The dignified Queen of the Asgards should be worth this price!

Sif was ordered to find Ange, and when Ange read out Odin's will, he was a little surprised.

Old man Odin was really not stingy this time.

"Thank His Majesty the God King for me!"

"I will." Sif immediately said the plan that did not surprise the time traveler.

"I agree. We have a common position on [Aether Particles]. It's just that I don't know where Loki's so-called secret exit is, and I can't guarantee that I can get there right away."

"I know. Thor believes that he and Loki can handle everything. You are just our insurance."

Just when Ange thought that the matter was settled and was about to run to the Rainbow Bridge and run away under Heimdall's surveillance, Sif suddenly came up and said, "Due to Odin's order, we can't leave Asgard, so please help us keep an eye on Thor. Don't let Loki harm him."


"After the matter is done, I owe you two favors."

"Twice?" Ange was slightly stunned.

"Yes! You beat Loki in New York once."

Ange made a rare wisecrack: "If I beat Loki countless times, wouldn't it mean that you would never be able to repay it for the rest of your life?"

Sif was a little embarrassed. She really hadn't thought about such a far-reaching thing. Her expression was very wonderful: first she was instinctively happy, then she felt it was inappropriate, and then she felt that this statement was quite inappropriate - even Thor This guy is going to marry Jane Foster, but before that, she is still Frigga's appointed princess. The other person's statement is a bit ambiguous.

Sif said with a straight face: "The favor of an Asgardian Valkyrie is very valuable."

Ange curled his lips: "No! Thor owes me favors easily."

Sif felt desperate when she thought of Thor's fool. This guy is really easy to owe others favors: "..."

Ange waved his hand and stopped teasing Sif.

My old home has just been demolished and is in a precarious situation. It is really inappropriate to tease me at this time.

Ange left in a cool manner. Under the gaze of the gatekeeper Heimdall, he opened the portal and went back by himself.

As soon as he returned to his villa on the island, he saw that there were not many girls in the hall.

Ange only saw Helen.

The most beautiful woman in Greece looked up at him timidly: "The two Miss Lance and Miss Kyle are practicing in the basement. Miss Prince has something to go out. Her Majesty Penthesilea went for a drive."

Ange smiled. The recent frequent alien invasions have stimulated the nerves of all earthlings.

Ordinary people are helpless and can only rely on the state machine to protect themselves.

People with superhero potential instinctively desire to improve themselves.

Originally, Black and White Canary and Catwoman were just mortal heroes throughout their lives. Now that Ange feeds them red souls, the upper limit of their physical fitness has been greatly improved. Naturally, they work hard to exercise.

They don't have their own system, and the improvement of their physical fitness requires a lot of actual combat to master the upper and lower limits of their own strength.

Anger estimated that they are now at least close to the level of Captain America. As for how far they will reach in the future, it depends on their luck.

Anger returned to his study bored and just sat down when he found two rows of teeth in the darkness under the table.


Anger was not surprised. He suddenly remembered a very classic saying: "When you can call her name just by looking at her teeth, you know you will definitely not go to heaven."

But... this is a reusable heaven experience card!

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