This story is outrageous.

That's right, Hippolyta sent her to call for help.

The Amazon queen originally wanted her to find the holy land where Zeus and other true gods were. After all, the earthly kingdom of the gods is no longer Mount Olympus in Greece, but in another dimension.

Amazons can still obtain the power given by the gods through various rituals such as prayers. For example, the crossbow that was just demonstrated can fly ten kilometers to hit warships, which is the power of the hunting goddess Artemis.

But why did they find Penthesilea?

Didn't she already...

Queen Hippolyta suppressed her chaotic thoughts, and with a group of her followers, she rode her horse and whipped it, rushing towards the place where the report was.

Halfway through, she saw the four targets.

She was stunned, and the nightmare that had lingered in her heart for many years disappeared with this glimpse.



The two sisters have very similar faces, but it's very strange that the elder sister still looks like a girl in her early twenties, while the younger sister has passed away and has traces of time all over her body and face.

"Gods, is it really you!?" Hippolyta hugged her sister tightly.

"It's me...sister, how did you become like this?" Penthesilea hesitated.

"Please, I don't know how you live. In this world, the Trojan War has ended for almost two and a half centuries. Even we, the descendants of gods, cannot avoid the arrival of aging!" Hippolyta hugged tighter.

No matter how Penthesilea hurt Hippolyta back then, no matter how big the misunderstanding was, as time passed, even if there was a little hatred, it had long disappeared.

Hugging each other tightly for a full half minute, the two sisters let go.

Hippolyta looked out to sea. At this time, the bombardment of the Iron Fleet had gradually stopped with the sunset. She wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes and looked at her baby daughter and the mysterious outsider.

Diana hurried forward: "Mother! This is Ange, his alias is Kratos..."

Hearing that Hippolyta's eyes suddenly widened to the maximum: "You are Kratos, so this lady is Helen?"

Her reaction scared Ange and the other four.

Ange was surprised: "Wait! Do you know the name of Kratos?"

"Of course! Paradise Island did not participate in the Trojan War. I have been paying close attention to the war reports there. First, I heard that Penthesilea was injured by Achilles, and then a man named Kratos killed Achilles, but after the massacre of Troy, the news came back that you died in Troy. I cried for a long time for this."

Ange, Helen and Penthesilea looked at each other and were stunned for a long time.

This is unscientific. No, is this considered changing history?

Before coming, Ange was worried that Penthesilea and Helen around him would not match the history of this world. That might lead to a time-space paradox.

Unexpectedly, the two worlds were unified. The history that was changed in the past was connected to the present?

This strange sense of absurdity made Ange and others stunned.

Before he came, he had also popularized the different possibilities brought by different time and space planes. For example, Hippolyta in this time and space did not recognize Penthesilea.

Now it’s good, at least family affection is not hindered.

But this story is getting more and more bizarre.

The Queen of Paradise Island glanced outside and saluted Ange again: "Anyway? Thank you for saving my sister. This is not a place to talk. Please follow me back to the palace. I will reward you well and explain the situation further."

The group got on their horses and rushed to the temple at the highest point of the island.

Along the way, Ange received a warm welcome.

But this welcome is a bit off...

On the cliff, on the branches of the big tree, on the side of the road, there were Amazon warriors everywhere, and they greeted enthusiastically, but also pointed and talked.


"Look! It's a man!"

"Thank God! Paradise Island has been given a strong man."

Even though he was wearing Kratos's suit, the slight twitching of the muscles on Ange's face could not be hidden from the people around him.

Watching her aunt and her mother chatting while riding in front of her, Diana whispered: "Haha! I had the same reaction when I first saw you."

Anger bared his teeth slightly: "Didn't Ares send his men to land on Paradise Island?"

Before Diana answered, a sharp-eared Amazon warrior answered on the spot after hearing it.

"Those trash holding fire sticks? I sat on them and the guy's hips were broken."

Her heroic words were echoed and laughed by the sisters around her. She twisted her body wantonly to show off her beautiful buttocks that had a rocky texture.


"Such a weak guy is worthy of being a man!?"

Anger glanced at her speechlessly. She looked okay, but her eight-pack abs were too eye-catching, and her skin obviously had an [Armor Value], proving that this woman was not an existence that ordinary men could control.

Anger was not too sure, but he had an estimate based on his perception: these Amazon warriors were not as weak as in the movies, and would be easily killed by World War I-level rifles.

At this moment, these daring Amazon warriors began to stir.

Hippolyta, who was surrounded by guards in front, glanced behind and said helplessly: "Sister, I thought you would mark him. You know the rules of Amazon."

The stronger Amazon female warriors naturally have a higher status. The high-ranking ones can paint a conspicuous part of a captured male with her own oil paint, so that other female warriors will not touch this man.

Otherwise, learn about the sharing economy?

Who knew that her good sister rolled her eyes: "Hey! He respects me by not marking me."

Amazon women don't take men seriously, but strong men are another.

The most classic is that Hercules almost conquered the Amazon Queen without bloodshed and got the token of [Twelve Trials].

The sister's words scared Hippolyta: "Is it true that he killed Achilles?"

"Of course."

As if responding to Penthesilea's words, an Amazon female warrior took action behind her.

She pulled the bow, and an arrow over one meter long shot from Ange's left.

This cannot be considered a sneak attack. She even broke off the iron arrow head before shooting, and shouted: "Macho man! Be careful."

There was no malice, it was purely a test.

After the bowstring vibrated, the arrow's power was no less than that of the Mauser rifle used in World War I.

Anger's reaction was beyond everyone's expectations.

He gently raised his left hand and flicked it.


A finger blocked the arrow's flight path at a moderate speed, just like flicking a marble, and in a short time that was too short for others to see, it flicked the arrow back along its original path.

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