The God Killer in the American Comics World

Chapter 194: Parading through the streets

Helen shuddered all over.

Did she have any choice?

She had no choice!

Even a speck of dust flying down in the battlefield of gods would be a mountain on anyone's head.

Moreover, her identity as the daughter of Zeus meant that she would be even more miserable if she fell into the hands of Ares, not to mention that she had an ex-husband who hated her for more than two thousand years.

When she boarded the ship, she had heard the gossiping sailors teasing the current emperor as a cuckold emperor, saying that the emperor had to inherit the name of the previous emperor and call himself Menelaos 233.

Only the descendants of gods like them knew that there was no inheritance, and from beginning to end, they were all the same person.

Both she and Ange realized that this was a fate they had to face.

At this moment, a huge island was seen on the horizon on the starboard side of the ship.

Ange and the others heard the chatter of the sailors.

"Oh, I saw Crete again."

"I wonder if there is a Minotaur in the legendary labyrinth on the island?"

"Are you talking about the Minotaur in ancient Greek mythology?"

"Of course."

"It's so funny. How can a monster live for thousands of years?"

The sailor was joking, but it sounded weird to a time traveler.

Anger: I once wanted to be a pure love warrior...

The Aegean Sea is actually very small. As a sea area in the eastern Mediterranean, it is about 600 kilometers long from north to south and 300 kilometers from east to west. From Paradise Island, the voyage is just over 100 kilometers, and you can go back and forth in one day.

The ship got on in the morning and arrived at Piraeus Port in the evening.

The time in this world is May 1918, and the normal First World War should have come to an end. But this world is unscientific. The strongest country in the Allied Powers is Germany, and the second strongest is Greece.

The Greek Empire was very strange in fighting. It was obvious that the number of troops, soldiers' quality, weapons and equipment, artillery and warships were far inferior to the opposite Russian Empire.

On the tactical level, the Greek slave soldiers almost collapsed when they met the Russian "gray beasts". The regular army could not defeat the main force of the Tsar.

Whenever the Russian army was about to achieve strategic success, a "Gundam" would appear on the Greek side.

This thing was covered with the shell of a World War I tank, but it could run at a speed of 80 kilometers per hour on the rugged terrain of the North Caucasus battlefield. What's more outrageous is that it can jump over the tank trench that is ten meters wide and eight meters deep.

There are more than one report showing that the bottom of the tank chassis was exposed when it jumped.

In any case, this surging tank can always kill through the Russian front line, break into the Russian army's headquarters in one breath, and kill all the generals sent by the Tsar.

Although the Russian Empire in this life has been reformed and is no longer a serfdom at this point in time, the landlords' exploitation of the so-called free people is not light. When these soldiers from peasant origin see the top, they immediately flee.

The Greeks took advantage of the chaos in the Russian army and attacked them, winning great victories again and again.

The two sides fought fiercely in Romania and the North Caucasus. The Greeks did not attack Russia, which has vast territory, but just maintained the front line.

Now it's good. It's not that the Russian army didn't work hard, but Greece has Gundam.

The Tsar kept sending spies like crazy, even if he sacrificed many elite agents, trying to understand the secret of the Greek version of the "super tank".

Only Ang understood at a glance: this is not a super tank at all, it's just a Greek chariot in a shell!

The only question is - who is the demigod sitting inside.

My lord! The times have changed again!

When he came to the port of Piraeus, Ang's desire to complain about the Greek Empire became stronger.

You said it was not industrialized? It was industrialized again.

The port with steel cranes and ships puffing black smoke in and out of the port has the flavor of the second industrial revolution in the early 20th century.

You say it is modern and civilized? It is not modern.

Coming out of the port, you can see the class stratification of ancient Greece at a glance:

The roads are divided into two types. One is obviously used by upper-class Greek citizens. Although it is an asphalt road, it is full of Greek-style horse-drawn carriages. Even the sidewalks on the side of the road are classic Greek avenues, and pedestrians walking on it are all wearing Greek clothes. Men wear short cloak-like coats [karimis], and women often wear [peplos] made of rectangular cloth folded and pinned.

The expensive gold accessories on their bodies also show their superior status as formal citizens.

The other road is used by the lower class who maintain the operation of the city. The asphalt road is crowded with various vehicles: from advanced narrow-wheeled cars with awnings to ox carts and horse carts for hauling goods. Next to the dirty and messy road is an even more crowded sidewalk. Ragged civilian porters, under the scolding of the supervisor, carry various bags by manpower to transport the goods unloaded from the port into the city.

Ange used a black mask to deal with a middle-level official of the Port Immigration Administration. From this moment on, his identity was Count Reinhard von Lohengramm of the German Empire.

After stripping off the Kratos skin, Ange showed his true face and dyed his hair yellow, which seemed to be true.

Especially after he hypnotized a German lieutenant colonel and asked him to get a 6-man cavalry escort team, the well-dressed Ange brought three Greek girls and paraded through the city.

Among the Allied countries, it is generally recognized that the Germans are the first and the Greeks are the second.

Ange led Helen, who was wearing a veil, and asked the three women to wear Greek long skirts. With such momentum, no one dared to stop him.

Several guards at the checkpoints took a look and let them pass.

In this way, they came to Athens in a grand manner and stayed in a luxury hotel quite close to the Acropolis.

Ange called the manager and hypnotized him to tell all the truth.

"The Acropolis is an area that the emperor ordered civilians not to approach. A full brigade of guards is stationed there. Even if a German approaches, he will be shot immediately. After all, there are the ruins of the temple of the ancient Greek evil god Athena."

"Are there exceptions?"

"Yes! The ancestral home of the 250th generation of the Bulgarian Grand Duke Agamemnon is there. Bulgarian nobles are allowed to enter the Mycenae temple at will."

Ange asked more carefully and then smiled bitterly.

It turns out that in 490 BC, the Athenian army defeated the Persian army on the plains of Marathon. In order to celebrate the great victory of the Athenian city-state in the Battle of Marathon, they cleared the Mycenaean ruins at the top of the south of the city and began to build the old Parthenon.

But there is no chance for the Parthenon to appear in this world. Instead, in ancient Greece, the Mycenaean city-state failed in the power struggle with the Spartan city-state. The Menelaos family, which was favored by the god of war Ares, obtained most of the land in Greece, while the Agamemnon "family" had to go north and take the land of today's Bulgaria.

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