The concerned voice of Black Widow came from Ange's side: "It's probably not possible to destroy it directly. And that body is made of vibranium."

Ange smiled: "It's just vibranium. The real point is the thing on his forehead!"

Since the life source of this body comes from the Mind Gem on Loki's scepter, this Vision version of Ultron is destined to be extraordinary. Not only Ange knew it, but Ultron himself also felt it faintly.

He controlled his facial muscles to reveal an inorganic and creepy smile: "What if you know? You humans are not my Ultron's opponent--"

After saying that, he raised his arms high, like a saint.

I'm sorry, he is not a charlatan, and he will not have golden light like Ange. However, the next second, the shaking of the earth echoed his action.

For a while, in this Korean capital, almost every corner burst into human exclamations, screams, and screams.

Thousands of humanoid robots with metal bodies and blue light in their eyes crawled out from every corner of the city.

They appeared in the manhole covers, the Han River nearby, and even broke out of the ground and drilled out of the ground.

They appeared in groups like zombies.

Their destructive power is even greater than that of zombies, because there will be no zombies sweeping passers-by with laser guns in their hands, and zombies will not turn their feet into jet engines like them to fly up.

For a time, the whole city was in chaos.

Captain America's face was livid: "What did you do?"

"Nothing, I just chose this place as the fateful place to end the day of mankind." The Vision version of Ultron waved his arms wildly, like a neurotic conductor.

The shaking of the earth became more and more violent.

First, several cross-river bridges across Cheonggyecheon were easily torn apart one by one due to the change of land plots, just like breaking disposable chopsticks by huge stress.

Then, the place connecting the neighboring Guri City, Goyang District and JB District cracked. The scene was quite exaggerated. It was as if an invisible 10,000-meter giant uprooted the entire city with his big hands, and all the surrounding plots that could not bear the force were broken like wafers.

At least one million people rose up along with the core plot of the capital.

Many people did not realize what was happening at all.

As one of the five permanent members of YouTube, many people were still blasting on the Internet saying "We are the masters of the universe, and all the origins of Earth civilization are ours." The next second they screamed "Ahhh!" very unbearably.

"Help! Is this an earthquake?"

"Why do I feel that the city is rising!?"

"No! This is not an illusion!"

Citizens on the edge of the land watched in horror as the familiar scenery of the past sank in front of them.

It was not the plot of land opposite that was sinking, but themselves that were rising!

And the people in the suburbs were stunned to see the central area of ​​their own capital rising up to the sky.

It was not the rising in the sense of adjective, but the rising in the sense of physics!

They also easily saw that at the bottom of the entire cake-like city plot, there were several jets spewing blue flames.

In the laboratory, after a violent shaking, Captain America could no longer hold back and shouted: "What on earth did you do?"

It was the Red Witch behind Ange who answered: "This machine monster wants to use meteorites to destroy all humans on Earth. But I didn't expect that he actually turned the city into the "meteorite" in his mind!"

This move of Ultron was definitely beyond the expectations of all the Avengers.

Not to mention that they couldn't think of it, even Ange couldn't think of it.

But what Ange couldn't think of was that Ultron had clearly harmed Sokovia in history, so how did he suddenly turn to the Korean side?

This is really a big battle.

To be honest, the destruction of a small Eastern European city and the destruction of the capital of the Korean country are definitely not of the same order of magnitude in terms of political influence.

After all, the Korean country is a developed country!

To be honest, if this city had not been sent out of the atmosphere and then smashed down, it would have produced a terrible destructive force that would be enough to destroy all humans on the entire earth. As a god, Anger would not mind Ultron doing this.

But compared to the stick, Ultron, this anti-human guy, is more annoying.

Anger chuckled: "Did everyone hear that?"

This was not said to Ultron; it was said to the hammer god Thor, the pit inventor Tony, and the crazy maniac Banner who had just stepped out of the portal.

Captain America, the "outdated antique" in Tony's mouth, glared at Tony fiercely, which clearly said - you did a good job.

Tony's face was full of embarrassment, and he coughed tactically: "I haven't thought of how to stop this guy from running away, but no matter what, we can't let a city be destroyed by Ultron like this."

"Just you guys?" Ultron tilted his head. For some reason, after he changed from that butterfly-like robot face to Vision's face, he seemed to deserve a slap even more.

Outside the laboratory, hundreds of Ultron's flying robot minions have arrived.

Obviously, they have to protect Ultron's hard-earned body.

Thor, the silly god, swung the hammer in his hand quickly and shouted, "He's mine!"


Thor pounced on him.

Thor flew back.

Thor hit the Vision version of Ultron with a hammer, and the whole person bounced off on the spot.

This scene made Ange speechless.

Scarlet Witch whispered, "Are all gods like this?"

"Well, Thor is a little special. He is the God of Harmony. And he is from the Aesir." Gwen beside him explained in a "whisper" voice that everyone could hear.

For a moment, the Avengers wanted to help Thor quibble, but after they thought of Loki, they decided to forget it.

The God of Harmony, it's not like family members are born in the same family!

A long analysis popped up on Iron Man's data panel, and Tony immediately bared his teeth and reminded: "Be careful, Ultron's body is probably made of vibranium!"

The Avengers' biggest worry still happened.

Vibranium, as the name suggests, is a metal that is very good at absorbing vibrations. The mass of this thing is one-third of steel, but it can withstand very strong impacts. When Captain America and Thor first met, Captain America relied on his shield to take a hammer from Thor, and nothing happened.

Now Thor, the God of Hammer, has become a victim again.

I can only say that this is destined to be black!

Banner instantly turned into Hulk and pounced forward. This Vision version of Ultron actually fought the Hulk with an extremely fierce momentum.


Fist to fist!

A pure duel of strength!

As expected by everyone, Hulk won the duel of strength.

He won in strength, but lost in situation.

This is because the moment Vision (Ultron) was knocked away, the gem on his forehead suddenly burst out a terrible mind laser, and countless attacks on the mind level turned into a scream of the mind and poured into the Hulk's heart.

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