The God Killer in the American Comics World

Chapter 283: Believe in the wisdom of future generations

"At least you didn't stop me, didn't you?"


Doctor Strange has the ability to see into the future. If Anger was any big devil, he would have fought Anger to death.

These two guys were playing charades, which made Thor next to them depressed: "I know my brother is not good, but Mr. Strange..."

"Doctor Strange--Doctor!" Doctor Strange has a strange persistence in this regard.

"Okay, Doctor, can you tell me why you did this?"

Doctor Strange didn't speak, but Anger answered: "For a predetermined [destiny]."

Not surprisingly, Doctor Strange pulled out a hair of Thor as a medium for casting spells, helping Thor and Loki find Odin. But when sending the two brothers to see Odin, Doctor Strange stopped Anger.

"What? Can I watch the excitement from a distance?" Anger smiled evilly.

"Damn it! You have also peeked into the future. I don't know how you did it, but you have created a time branch. Please don't make trouble anymore, otherwise I'm afraid I can't help but go to war with you."

The Supreme Sorcerer has the important task of maintaining time and space. Doctor Strange let Anger toss because when he peeked into the future, he suddenly found that among the countless bad futures, there was an extra mainline future.

It is a good thing to look at this future for the time being, but it may also bring unpredictable destruction to the earth.

The point here is that Doctor Strange can't see Anger's future clearly. This guy wearing Kratos's suit has too many uncertainties in his future, which leads to too many divergent future versions, and hundreds of thousands of possibilities at once. Unless the doctor is ruthless and does nothing all day, just staring at Anger to make trouble.

If there is a choice, Doctor Strange is more inclined to maintain the established future.

Seeing the doctor's insistence, Anger gave in a little: "Actually, I wanted to meet the great Aesir God King again. Since you insist, let's do this. But I will keep an eye on that side. If there is any movement, I can't guarantee that I won't take action."

Doctor Strange's face was a little dark, he was clearly saying: Why are you pretending to be a good citizen?

The problem is, if a fight really starts, Doctor Strange is not confident that he can take down Anger. Anger already has two infinite gems in his hands, he is thick-skinned and has a very good level of space magic.

If a fight breaks out, Doctor Strange will suffer a lot.

Anger smiled evilly and slapped the doctor's shoulder "gently", beating him to spit blood: "Don't be so nervous, we are all companions protecting the earth, aren't we?"

At the same time, Anger sent his divine thoughts far away to Odin and his son.


At this moment, Odin looked like an ordinary old man. He was wearing a cheap suit and simply sat on a cliff by the British sea.

"Father!" Thor's call startled Odin: "We..."

Odin suddenly said: "Your old friend Kratos is watching us from afar."

"Ah?" Thor is a tough guy. Among all his attributes, perception may be a small shortcoming.

It was only when Loki pointed his hand far away that Thor could barely see a huge, light golden eye above the clouds.

Odin waved his hand: "It's okay. Compared with this god who protects the earth, we are the bad guests. I made an agreement with the Ancient One that I would not set foot on the earth. Whether I came here actively or passively, a foul is a foul. He just watched from a distance and did not take action. This is the greatest tolerance and courtesy."

Odin retracted his gaze and looked at his two big sons kindly.

"Thor, I don't have much time."

Thor was stunned and turned his head: "Loki, undo your damn magic."

"No, Loki is just a pledge. What really made my life pass quickly was your sister, the goddess of death Hela..." Odin told Thor a secret that Thor had never heard of.

Odin's eldest daughter Hela was very fierce, but she was too fierce.

But when Hela became famous, the Aesir was not the top of the universe, and Odin needed her force. She and her undead army were the sharpest spears of Asgard.

Times will change. When Odin basically pacified the nine kingdoms and began to seek stability, Hela's existence seemed out of place.

She caused a lot of killing, making Odin think she was completely crazy.

It's fun to cut the enemy with an uncontrolled double-edged sword, but it hurts more to cut yourself.

After discovering that Hela refused to repent, Odin was desperate and had to seal Hela with his own divine power.

Originally, Odin could have held on for a long time, but Loki pulled Odin out of [Odin's Sleep], cutting off Odin's last chance to recover, and letting Odin lose his last breath.

"I have tried my best. Next, I believe in your wisdom. Remember, Hela cannot be allowed to return to Asgard, otherwise she will recover all her strength." After Odin told this secret in a very brief description, not to mention Thor, even Loki was dumbfounded.

Loki only wanted to satisfy his addiction to being the God King, and he really didn't think that after killing his cheap adoptive father, he would have to take such a big blame.

He only heard of the son inheriting the father's business, but he had never heard of such a terrifying way of playing that the son inherits the father's disaster!

Loki suddenly felt extremely fortunate that it was Thor who was going to inherit Asgard, not him.

In front of the two brothers, Odin admired the beauty of the world, and then silently turned into a rich golden light, and then dissipated between the world.

Originally, my father died, which would be a very sad moment.

No matter how many bad things Odin did in his life, and how many great achievements he made, he was ultimately a great leader who unified the nine kingdoms.

No matter how many complaints and reluctance Thor had, he could only swallow them down at this moment.

Who would have thought that near the place where Odin's golden light disappeared, a space door suddenly opened.

Cold green light leaked out from the gap in space, and an extremely cold breath of death spread in all directions. On the land within reach, every blade of grass began to die and wither at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The insects in the soil seemed to be wailing silently, and they hurriedly crawled out of the cracks in the soil, trying to escape.

Unfortunately, how could their escape speed be faster than the speed of the deathly aura overflowing?

Death spread endlessly in front of the two brothers.

Thor and Loki looked at each other and silently prepared for battle: their suits and casual clothes disappeared in a stream of light, replaced by Thor's armor and Loki's robes.

Slightly to their surprise, at almost the same time, the space on Thor's right also opened up.

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