The God Killer in the American Comics World

Chapter 290 The deceased is currently in a stable condition

Thor was certainly depressed without Thor's hammer.

His bond with Mjolnir had long surpassed the feelings between people and objects, it was more like a brotherly friendship.

When he stretched out his right hand, Thor's hammer did not respond to his divine thought and flew across the void, he knew that something had changed forever.

Thor didn't know that he was the kind of character who couldn't play unless he was at low health.

He would never know how good he was unless he was in a desperate situation.

The fainting caused by Hulk's heavy punch made him see his father Odin standing on the cliff by the sea in a trance, and saw the sarcasm at the corner of Odin's mouth.

[Without the hammer, you are nothing? ]

In Thor's mind, this sentence kept circling, questioning him.

Then, Thor exploded.

In his eyes, the whites of his eyes were all gone, and the only thing that existed was the scorching electric light.

The terrible thunder that should have been more than ten meters thick condensed crazily under Thor's divine thought, turning into a lightning chain that lingered on his strong right arm.

Although Thor's strong arms were as thin as a matchstick compared to Hulk, Thor's next punch shook the whole city.


It was the punch that was thrown.

It was the thunder that shook people's hearts!

Even though Thor had been blasted below the horizon, when this punch was thrown, the whole city actually sank 20cm as a whole!

Before the audience could react, such a big Hulk soared into the sky.

As he flew up, the [Sky Hammer] that affected Hulk's mind exploded in the violent thunder.

The invincible gladiator in the audience's heart-lost!



Whether they believed it or not, the invincible and victorious gladiator in their hearts, the Hulk, was defeated.

No one knew that after the [Sky Hammer] was shattered, Hulk was no longer a garbage [Nur*Breaker], and he was freed from slavery and turned back into the real Hulk.

"Collector! Let's settle all this!" Thor made a cool and awesome victory declaration, then jumped high and rushed to the collector Gao Tianzun in the VIP room at the highest point of the arena.

His declaration was absolutely awesome.

Unfortunately, as soon as he jumped into the air, the former Valkyrie, who would become his right-hand man in the future, watched the little gadget on Thor's neck start happily.

That was a special device installed in the arena to control the gladiators, and it could even suppress gods.

This was not fantasy, but ridiculously scientific.

In this way, in front of hundreds of thousands of direct and indirect viewers, Thor shouted, A went up, and then fell down...

This kind of anticlimactic ending made people laugh.

Thor didn't know that at this moment, on Earth, three wars broke out almost simultaneously.******Outside the London Temple, a blonde with big waves and a sharp hammer that was not proportional to her slender figure had just arrived in the suburbs of London, and suddenly a black dot flew from the horizon.

"So fast!" Scone*Destroyer just exclaimed, and was surprised to find that the black spot was rapidly enlarged in her field of vision.

This fierce girl was wearing a set of what should have been a tights, and the V-shaped opening that was deep to her belly button made her look extremely hot. It's a pity that men might be sympathetic to women, and Fura, who is also a woman, had no intention of holding back.

A Kryptonian flying kick hit her in the face!

There were no fancy moves, but absolute speed, strength and destructive power!

Scone only had time to raise the war hammer diagonally in front of him, and then he was hit.


The unparalleled impact force was transmitted to the ground through Scone's body, and the grass suddenly sank deeply to a depth of ten meters, and the surrounding flat grass instantly bulged several huge hills.

Under such pure destructive power, the sky hammer in Scone's hand was shattered into a hole and rotten iron without divine power on the spot.

As for her?


The number of bones in her body is ten times more than the number of broken pieces of the Sky Hammer.

The Sky Hammer of Greythos* Destroyer is very special. It looks more like an anchor than a hammer.

If such a heavy weapon really hits someone, it is very likely to kill him in seconds.

There are exceptions to everything.

For example, Diana!

Wonder Woman crushed this guy with just her speed.

The world's martial arts can only be broken by speed!

Maybe the power of the anchor Sky Hammer is really good, but when it encounters a real sword and a Wonder Woman who crushes him with all basic attributes, his appearance is his exit.

This Sky Hammer was shattered by [Hector] in Diana's hand without any suspense.

Three kilometers outside the New York Temple, Nekod* Seabreaker and Mok* Fallen Believers were hit hard by Superman as soon as they appeared.

This scene is a bit too brutal.

These two miserable guys were blasted into the Hudson River by Superman's Kryptonian dive as soon as they set foot on Manhattan Island.

One on the left hand, one on the right hand, two giant-level Sky Hammer Masters about four meters tall were pressed on the riverbed by Dachao with absolute power.


Their strong bodies rubbed fiercely on the riverbed, extending all the way to the sea.

The shocked New York citizens didn't even understand what happened. It looked like two large torpedoes were suddenly launched from the island and plunged into the deep sea.

Without causing any waves, everything was over.

After dealing with two Hammer Lords, Superman spread his perception and repeatedly confirmed that there was no third Hammer Lord in the New York territory. He called Anger in his mind.

"Kratos, I killed two here."

Before Anger answered, Wonder Woman interrupted: "I also dealt with two here."

Anger said: "The fifth Hammer Lord Nur*Breaker was dealt with by Thor."

Superman frowned: "So, there are three left?"

Suddenly, Penthesilea laughed out loud: "All three are here."

"Huh? How are they?" Superman asked.

Anger smiled faintly: "The deceased is currently in stable condition."

That's right, the bodies of Skadi, Quas*Stonebreaker, and Angler*Soul Eater, the three guys, were lying stiffly in the mirror space of Hong Kong.

If they hadn't met Anger, they might have had a chance to cause them some big events.

Unfortunately, becoming a test subject of the [Sword of the Night Sky] is their only fate.

They were like wild boars being hung up and waiting to be roasted, with their swords of death stuck in their bodies.

The history of this life was destined to be distorted. There would no longer be the tragedy of Hela slaughtering the guards of Asgard. Only three Skyhammer Masters had to bear the fierce power of [Sword of the Night Sky].

Skyhammers were indeed the real bodies, and they could turn any human who came into contact with them into Skyhammer Masters. But who could they touch in the mirror space?

Without humans as carriers, they were just magic weapons of a certain quality.

They were easily smashed by Ange.

Dachao was stunned for a second before his mind came to its senses: "Haha! That means everything is done. Very good."

His confidence in Ange increased invisibly.

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