In terms of average damage per second, Thor is not necessarily the strongest. Superman and the versatile Anger are almost the same as Thor, or even slightly better than Thor.

In terms of the maximum damage value of a single attack, Thor is definitely the leader.

Thunder is all about violent output, one burst of energy, then a second burst of weakness, and a third burst of exhaustion.

The top enemies can catch Thor's full-strength attack, then slowly turn the tables and beat Thor; in most cases, Thor kills the enemy in one move.

When Thor, surrounded by lightning, reached his peak, Thanos had to make a cruel decision to take the attacks of other heroes and fight Thor with all his strength.

Thanos is cruel to others, but even crueler to himself!

He raised the [Tyrant's Double Blade] and slashed at Thor, who was falling rapidly from the sky.

The huge battle blade tore through the atmosphere, crushed the elements, and was very likely to cut off the fate of the blow.

At the moment before this shocking collision like Mars hitting the Earth was about to happen, Thanos suddenly felt his feet empty.

A terrifying wolf head sprang out from the void under his feet with great speed and bit his legs.

Fenrir, the Destroyer Wolf!

Even though Thanos had already seen this huge undead wolf through the battlefield monitoring, it was one thing for the wolf to bite from a distance, and it was another thing for it to use the space portal to hit his lower body directly.

Thanos, who was caught off guard, clearly felt the pain in his legs.

His leg armor, which might not be penetrated by the main guns of the space battleship, was actually pierced by the sharp fangs of the wolf.

The heart-piercing pain spread throughout his body in an instant!

What's more amazing is that a golden sword slashed out from the void and slashed towards the left side of his neck with great sharpness.

Thanos saw at a glance that at this most critical and critical moment, that bastard Anger still took action.

But what else can he do?

The power of the two infinite gems has been squeezed to the extreme by him. Now it's not that he doesn't want to use the power of the gems, but his body, which is the fulcrum for using the gems, has been completely overdrawn. If he uses it more, his body will collapse on the spot before the enemy kills him.

There are too many strong people on the opposite side.

He, Thanos, is not a three-headed and six-armed man.

He chopped Thor with a war blade in his right hand and knocked Superman with an infinite gauntlet in his left hand, and his feet were bitten by the beast.

Even with his sub-god-level strength, he felt a sense of despair and powerlessness at this moment!

He, he has it too hard!

In a trance, Thanos felt that the ambition to destroy half of the creatures in the universe was leaving him quickly.

Every time he dreamed at midnight, Thanos could dream of how the entire universe civilization was rebuilt with enough space and resources after half of the creatures disappeared from the universe.

Perhaps there will be short-term pain and despair in the lives of all realms in the universe, or there will be chaos in the universe for just a hundred years, but Thanos believes that chaos will eventually subside, and the process of various races re-establishing a new order will definitely be a glorious era full of infinite hope.

Suddenly, Thanos found himself losing this future.

It was him!

That was him!

The intruder who fed on [war] cut off his connection with the future with the ruthless [space].

It's not over yet!

Thanos gritted his teeth!


This is not the wailing of a weakling before death.

This is the rejection of fate by the top powerhouse in the universe!

At the last moment, Thanos clearly sensed his connection with the two gems on the Infinity Gauntlet.

Suddenly, the purple light on Thanos' body was shining.

"Huh?" Ange felt as if his heart skipped a beat. This shock was not trivial, and the first reaction was that he thought he had an illusion. After all, Thanos is a purple potato spirit, and it's very 'beaver' to have purple on his body, right?

With a glance in a flash, Ange was shocked to find that countless purple lines of law emerged from his gloves, and they were more closely connected with Thanos's burly body.

That was the glory of [power]!

At this moment, not only this desert, but even the entire American continent was shaken!

I don’t know how many national seismic monitoring stations recorded terrible readings like earthquakes.

Only the epicenter above sea level told the world that this was not an earthquake at all.

This is power!

The purest power in the universe!

The infinite power of the [Power Stone] penetrated Thanos' body and ignited every cell in him.

Time seemed to freeze!

Because Anger, Superman, Thor... every strong man who participated in the siege of Thanos was shocked to see that Thanos' body suddenly became blurred.

This is collapse!

Even the Eternals can't bear the limitless power!

It is overdrawing Thanos' body from the atomic level.

It's terrible!

Why can he do this?

Even at the cost of the collapse of his body, he wants to destroy half of the creatures in the universe! ?

The besiegers can't understand!

Not understanding is not a reason for them to stop, they still mobilize their strongest power and continue their offensive.

Facing the thunder, Thanos' last move was to bite with his teeth.


You read it right!

He bit!

If his hands were broken, he would kick with his feet. If his feet were broken, he would butt with his head.

Even if his neck was broken, he could still bite with his teeth!

Thanos, who had dominated the universe for countless years, did not give up until the last moment.

The thunder in the sky was injected into the [Storm Axe], which looked like a primitive stone axe. Everyone knew that it was not a big move that a fragile neck or a top of the head could take.

Thanos bit it.

He used his body as a carrier and infused the huge divine power drawn from the [Power Stone].

At this moment, his mouth was no longer a simple mouth. The shocking bite force and destructive power made even Leviathan pale in comparison.

Thor, who was a little weaker than in history, was unable to chop down with this axe.


The lightning exploded, and the sky and the earth changed color!

Half of Thanos' face was shattered by the terrifying thunder and lightning, and instantly turned into charcoal and scattered around. Without the face, there was only the terrifying gums... no, there were not even a few teeth left.

But Thor's attack that almost killed the six-gem Thanos in the original history was weakened a little, but was eventually stuck by Thanos' upper and lower jaws.

If the battle ended here, it would be the most exaggerated and shocking scene, and it would even be praised by countless space travelers.

Unfortunately, there was one more Anger.

When it comes to collecting heads, Anger is the most professional.

The Sword of the God of War, which was infused with the soul of Ares, the former God of War, was also a top-level artifact.

That golden divine glow became the last straw that broke the camel's back for Thanos.

Thanos suddenly found that his vision began to spin endlessly.


Is it my head flying up?

Am I dead after all?

Even though Thanos' heart was as hard as steel, he couldn't help but have cracks of regret at the last moment. That was the collapse of his entire belief in annihilation and his entire world of self.

Thanos realized that he had failed, and failed miserably.

This crowded world rejected his purification and cleansing.

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