The God Killer in the American Comics World

Chapter 95: The City is Broken (4 more chapters)

Penthesilea's expression is wonderful.

First he was shocked, then he was confused, and finally he was doubtful.

"You say this is a Greek conspiracy?"

"To be precise, it's Odysseus' conspiracy."

"Where are you from? Why are you so sure?"

Ange was stunned for a moment, he didn't know how to explain.

Ange made his last effort and pointed his index finger at the huge and weird wooden horse.

"What if I say that there is a squadron of the strongest heroes of the Greeks hidden inside?"

The wooden horse is huge, seven stories high. The Trojans tried their best to pull it inside the city gate. The strange wooden limbs are made from a single giant log and are four stories above the ground.

Not only that, the limbs of the wooden horse are also very smooth.

Out of trust in Ange, the Queen asked people to climb up, but all failed without exception.

They couldn't climb up at all, even if they tried to use an ax to cut a hole in the horse's legs or add a foothold.

Feeling the faint divinity emanating from the wooden horse, Ange finally realized - this is the conspiracy of the gods!

He gave up explaining.

"Pentesilea! Do you believe me?"

The Queen nodded vigorously.

"Then get ready and leave tonight!"

"So urgent?"

"Tonight, the city of Troy will be destroyed!" Ange said with great certainty.

The queen's face lost all color: "I'm going to find His Majesty the King."

As expected, she was ridiculed mercilessly.

Not by the king, but by a group of Trojan generals.

The identity of the guest general is always extremely embarrassing.

When the Greeks came to the city, the Trojans could only work together and trust every ally.

What about the moment when the Greeks retreated?

Every Trojan general inevitably has some thoughts.

The greatest credit for killing Achilles was taken away by outsiders, and there was not much honor left for the Trojan generals. How could they allow outsiders to make great achievements at this time?

In the final analysis, it is not so much that the Trojans were deceived, but that they preferred to believe that the Greeks were gone.

The ten-year siege was a huge torture for both sides.

Troy was trapped in an isolated city and relied on exaggerated food reserves to survive until now.

The Greeks also had a hard time. Although they conquered all the Trojan territory except the city of Troy, the Trojans never gave up their dreams until the city of Troy fell.

And because they believed in the same gods, the Greeks couldn't do anything to massacre the Trojans.

For ten years, the Greek army traveled across the oceans, leaving their homes and languishing in the city.

If it weren't for the presence of gods such as Athena behind the scene, the kings alone would never be able to suppress the homesick Greek soldiers.

As a result, all the Trojans were carried away by the unprecedented joy of victory.

Seeing the Trojans singing and dancing around the huge wooden horse to celebrate their victory, Ange no longer had any hope. He carefully counted his gains.

The biggest good news is, of course, that the chariot composed of three immortal horses [Trojan's Nightmare] can be stowed away. With Ange's thought, it can be received into a divine space, waiting for his call before tearing apart the space and appearing.

Another good news is that Ange was allowed to use the portal by the king, and he sensed the coordinates of the space where he stayed in Gotham City.

The problem is, this space seems to be blocked.

Angor suddenly realized: I don’t know Athena or which god secretly closed the space barrier of Troy City.

As night fell, Ange finished his last supper in Troy, refused all invitations, and just sat quietly in the room, waiting for the final moment to arrive.

Penthesilea believed his words and was also ready to fight. But she hasn't decided yet whether to abandon the Trojan royal family and follow him.

After all, to her, this is the world she is familiar with.

After leaving the city of Troy, she only needed to ride a horse for two weeks to return to her Amazon clan. There was no need to follow Ange's teleportation adventure.

As expected, the accident came.

The time came to two o'clock in the night, and the Trojans who had celebrated wildly for two days fell asleep from exhaustion.

Even the sentinels who used to tense up at the top of the city fell into a deep sleep due to drinking.

A hole was quietly opened in the belly of the giant wooden horse that could not be climbed during the day, and several ropes were lowered. A group of Greek heroes, including Ajax and Ajax, completed the rappelling in full gear.

Then they met Penthesilea and a force of three hundred men at her command.

"Enemy attack!"

"The Trojan horse is a Greek conspiracy!"

They stepped forward without fear.

However, after just one meeting, they were completely defeated.

For no reason, an injured Penthesilea faced a squadron composed of more than thirty heroes with the blood of gods. There was a huge gap in quality, and even delaying time became a luxury.

Although the Amazon Queen fought bloody battles, at this moment she finally understood why Kratos refused to join her in stopping the Greek elites who slipped out of the Trojan horse.

Each one counts as one, but whoever has a concentration of divine blood in his body exceeding ten percent is qualified to be called a demigod.

The more than thirty Greek heroes in front of me can all be called demigods.

So what if Penthesilea was brave?

She is really hard to beat with four hands.

If the Greeks hadn't been in a hurry to open the city gate, she would have died here too.

Their warnings did wake up many Trojans, but these drunk guys were no match for the Greek heroes.

After less than ten minutes of fighting, the queen heard a heavy creaking sound coming from the huge city gate.

The city gate fell!

Thousands of fully armed Greek warriors poured in from outside.


"Kill all the Trojans!"

"Revenge for Achilles!"

The queen jumped onto a three-story building, and in the light of the fire, she saw Agamemnon's flag from afar!

"Sure enough! Agamemnon is really not dead! Kratos is right."

She lost her mind, and even the last two Amazon warriors who followed her died.

At this point, she had no more worries, and turned around and ran towards the direction of the portal.

This mighty city, which had been besieged by the Greek coalition for ten years but still stood firm, finally fell under the conspiracy of the Greeks and the gods. There were flames everywhere, and there were tragic massacres everywhere.

The Greeks vented their resentment of not being able to conquer the city for a long time on the Trojans.

They committed almost every crime that could be committed in the world...

Of course, this does not include the massacre. In the eyes of many people, the democratic and civilized ancient Greece was a slave country.

This has nothing to do with Ange.

When he finally waited for the familiar figure who staggered over at the side of the portal, he smiled.

Who knew that at this moment, he suddenly heard a voice that was not unfamiliar to him from another direction.

The other party said weakly: "Mr. Kratos, can you give me a ride?"

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