
Zeus fell to the ground and walked to Uria, the primeval god, as if dead, motionless on the ground.

But how can a powerful god die so easily, let alone an ancient god, to such a point it is already difficult to kill, otherwise Kronos would not let Ouranos go, and Zeus would not let Kronos go.

Even sending him to Hades was difficult, only repression or imprisonment.

However, Uria was now beaten very badly by Zeus, and his whole body was scorched black, and the original blue-black stone armor was also scorched black after being attacked by lightning.

The heaviest wound was in the abdomen, pierced by Zeus’s blow, and now the wound there is still scorched black and the current is surging.

He was badly wounded, but not dead, and Uria’s eyes moved as Zeus approached, and he looked at Zeus.

“Zeus… Si!!”

His voice was still full of anger, full of hatred.


Zeus did not pity him, and there was even a smile on the corner of his mouth, and he asked: “Do you regret it at this time?” ”

“I only regret that I didn’t help Kronos kill you in the first place!”

Uria’s words were bitter, he hated Zeus so much that all emotions were revealed at this time.

“Do you regret this?”

Zeus nodded, his feet stepped on Uria’s huge body, he held “thunder” in one hand, and the divine power surged in the other hand, a cloud of thunder and lightning attached to his hand, he walked to Uria’s lower abdomen and put his hand into the huge wound.


In an instant, thunder and lightning were overwhelmed, accompanied by Uria’s scream.


The thunder and lightning were well controlled by Zeus, concentrated on the wound, and soon all of Uria was scorched abruptly.

As if Zeus didn’t know how painful it was, he was still smiling gently.

“In that case, I don’t ask if you are willing to submit to me, let me think, do you think it is better to go to hell to accompany Kronos, or to accompany your brother Ouranos?”

Zeus asked Uria, as if he really wanted to listen to his choice, and this gesture made Uria, who was greatly pained, angry.

This is humiliating him! Zeus is humiliating him!!

“Zeus! I curse you in the name of Uria of the Mountain, uh…”

When Uria recited the curse, Zeus directly swung the “thunder”, his hand rose and fell, and Uria’s head was separated from his body.

Zeus’s face was cold and terrifying, if there was anything in this world that made him extremely fearful, it might be those strange abilities, curses, one of them.

From the perspective of history, the horror of curses has long been manifested, and if a powerful god like Uria curses him, even if he is a god-king, it cannot be avoided, such as Ouranos’s curse on Kronos when his penis was cut, and he will be overthrown by his own son.

Kronos was afraid, so he swallowed every child he had just born, but the curse was eventually fulfilled on Zeus, and Rhea, the goddess of time, could not bear to see Zeus swallowed, and found a stone to be swallowed in Zeus’ place.

In the end, Zeus grew up and married Metis, and with her help, rescued Hades Poseidon, and they finally overthrew the rule of Kronos and established Olympus.

Zeus’s level of vigilance against curses was the highest, and he had no way to solve this troublesome thing at the moment, so he would never allow anyone to curse him.

Although Uria was beheaded, he did not die, his spirit remained with his head.

Zeus had intended to suppress him to the hell of Tartarus, after all, he was an ancient god, but now that Uria annoyed him, Zeus decided to torture him.

Zeus placed Uria’s head on the bottom of the Olympian Heavenly Prison, and Zeus used his divine power to attach it to a huge bronze chain, trapping Uria’s head to death.

He went to Hera again to ask for the serpent skin, and he ordered the serpent to guard the bottom of the dungeon, and whenever Uria tried to close his eyes, he used Uria’s head as a leather ball, and Zeus deprived him of the right to sleep.

Zeus’s torture was cruel, the worst god so far, and he made the god’s punishment public, which was against him, even the so-called Taikoo Mountain God.

As for Uria’s body, Zeus didn’t care, he just removed the powerful artifact mountain stone armor.

However, the large hole caused by him was difficult to repair, and Zeus shrunk the armor and held it in his hand, and the small hole in the abdomen was clearly visible.

“Maybe it should have been a different approach.”

Zeus felt that it was a pity that this perfect defensive artifact now had a more fatal weakness, and it was obvious that it was in the lower abdomen, so the effect became a bit chicken.

“Find an opportunity to fix it later, or find something else to make up for it.”

After thinking about it, Zeus used his thunder and lightning divine power to quench for a while.

“Armor of Uria.”

Zeus renamed the armor after Uria, his trophy and the first item in Zeus’ own treasury.

A little joyful, Zeus left the sand, leaving Uria’s huge body alone to witness the great battle that had taken place here.

Urya’s body was covered by dust and sand on the sand every day, and the wind and rain hit him, and sometimes a thunder and lightning struck him.

Later, the body of Uria on this sandy land disappeared, turning into a rolling mountain range, the highest peak of which was called Uria.

Here the story of Zeus’ victory over Uria circulates….


ps: second more.

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