"Don't think about it, how can my master's meat be eaten by your group? Even monsters want to eat it, but they can't eat it?" Bajie cursed.

"Especially the head chef here, you should die." Seeing that he can't eat the delicious food in Wanjie restaurant, Bajie might as well blackmail Li Fan directly.

"En?" Li Fan frowned. When is he really going to eat Tang Monk meat? Zhu Bajie said this, which really made Li Fan a little annoyed.

"Don't pretend to be high-minded, don't pretend to be confused, you are a group of goblins, after a while, let's see if the monkey will beat your brains out. Especially, this chef, just wait, your brains will be sure in a while You will be stepped on and demoted." Zhu Bajie cursed loudly.

Is it over yet?

"Ye Fan, help me shut his mouth." Li Fan felt that Zhu Bajie was very noisy, don't think that he is the Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva enlightening Buddhist scriptures, so Li Fan dare not go up to promote him?


You Zhu Bajie are so awesome, you Sun Wukong are so awesome, why don't you stand shoulder to shoulder with the sun, and are still screaming here.

"Leave this matter to me, hahaha, brother Li." Everyone agreed in unanimous approval, and sealed the pig's mouth 220, and we'll have dinner later, this is the boss's hard work The results of the night, can this pig be messed up.

After a while, Ye Fan sealed Zhu Bajie's mouth with a rag, and said to Li Fan, "Boss, everything is settled."

"Okay, everyone, let's eat, we've been waiting for a long time." For this dinner, everyone has waited for a long time, so everyone is in high spirits.

However, Zhu Bajie is very hard.

Sha Wujing wanted to help Bajie untie it, but Li Fan waved his right hand, and a small dragon circled out of his wrist and flew directly to Sha Wujing. Wujing.

The red dragon circled twice above Sha Wujing's head.

Sha Wujing spread out on the ground like a sponge, unable to stand up.

"Chirp!" Xiaolong hiccupped full of energy after absorbing Sha Wujing's whole body, looking extremely happy, and then burrowed into Li Fan's sleeve and hid himself.

Journey to the world.

Wukong and Tang Seng rushed on the road for a long time, but they didn't wait for Drifting to come back. Tang Seng said anxiously: "Wukong, look, it's been three to five hours since you, Brother Sha, have been away."

But I didn’t come back, did something happen?”

If it is said that Zhu Bajie Huazhai will not come, it may be that he found a willow tree to sleep on the way, that is also understandable, but if Drifting did not come back, something must have happened to the master and the apprentice.

Wukong comforted Tang Seng and said: "Master, don't worry, my old grandson will go and have a look now."

"But, Wukong, if you go, you will be alone on this vast road as a teacher. What if you meet a monster?" Apparently Tang Sanzang was even more afraid, Wukong was his umbrella, only Wukong Only by his side can Tang Seng feel safe.

"Master, how about this, my old grandson will give you an amulet, and you wear the amulet on your body. Once a monster comes to catch you, you will take the amulet off your body. At that time, my old grandson will know that there is something wrong with you, master." , My old grandson will come to rescue you immediately, master." Wukong said.

Tang Seng said: "But..."

Tang Seng was really scared, so he was so scared that his legs were shaking, Wukong said: "Then master dismounts, I will draw a circle for you, stay in this circle, don't leave, my grandson will go!" Go and come back. Also, little white dragon, show your original shape quickly."

Wukong asked the little white dragon to show its original shape, and then asked Tang Monk to sit cross-legged in the circle and not to go out.


In the dark world.

The Lord God of Darkness saw a shooting star streaking across the sky, (dbdi) he counted, and shouted loudly: "Tian Xuanji, I saw a shooting star streaking across the sky just now, you can predict which fairy landed ?"

"Reporting to the Lord God, Xuanji calculates that it should be the Hua Monk Lu Zhishen among the thirty-six heavenly gangs and seventy-two earth evil stars. At this time, Tianxuanjidao is hidden in the darkness.

The reason why they can see this vision in the dark world.

All because Drifting released Lu Zhishen from the Wanjie restaurant, as long as Lu Zhishen walked out of the Wanjie restaurant, there would be no traces of Lu Zhishen. will be discovered by them.

Because they had already left marks on Lu Zhishen.

"Why is he returning to the throne? He dared to come back without finishing the work. If he is left in the world, he will betray us sooner or later. The killer of the dark world, who of you dares to take on this task and kill Lu Zhishen? "At this time, the Lord of Darkness said.


The dark world sent two additional trainee killers to target Lu Zhishen and silence him. This dark guy not only has a black appearance, but also a dark heart.

But for Li Fan.

This is the ultimate purpose of their appearance this time. They want to capture Li Fan alive, and they don't want Li Fan to die. Therefore, even if Lu Zhishen failed to perform the mission this time, they still sent other people to lure Li Fan. .

"How is Li Shimin? How come I haven't moved at all?" The Lord God of Darkness is using the reason of inviting Li Fan to cook in the Tang Dynasty, hoping to lure Li Fan to the Tang Dynasty. At that time, the Lord God of Darkness will hope that Get Li Fan.

Let's not know why the Lord of Darkness wants to get Li Fan.

But there is one thing, Li Fan's unique culinary skills must be of great importance to him, otherwise, the Lord of Darkness would not have tried his best to think of various ways, if it wasn't for Li Fan's really important If it works, it must have been killed long ago.

"Report to Lord God. According to Master Programmer's calculations, it was found that Li Shimin did not enter Wanjie Restaurant and was refused outside the door." Master Programmer was a little timid, even a bunch of systems were still afraid to say such words.

"Trash~ They are all a bunch of fucking trash. A fool like Lu Zhishen is enough. Master Programmer, you have made an unforgivable mistake. How do you want to die?" Those who make mistakes, as far as his subordinates can live, have not made mistakes.

Therefore, even if it is said that this program master was cultivated by the Lord God of Darkness, since he made a mistake and miscalculated, the Lord God of Darkness will use very cruel means to kill him.

The opponent Li Fan met this time is really strong, really, it's scary to think about it!.

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