The God of Destruction

Vol 7 Chapter 19: Promotion with opponent

"Yo, Green Room, did you read the Tokyo Sports Daily this morning? Ryota Wase in the Miracle Age was actually beaten by a newcomer, and he scored 70 points in a game. You have your style, now. His news is everywhere on the Internet. Someone has compared him with you and said that he is the real No. 1 shooter. "

The basketball players of Xiude University, who were still training, stopped the movements of their hands when they heard this Huobao. They looked at him one by one. They have known this Huobao since the first day of entering the basketball department, except for him. People will do this kind of thing during training, only Takao Hecheng is the point guard.

"Hey, green room, don't play with your divination tool, so coldness is not conducive to interpersonal relationships, give me a chant, come, so hey laugh!" Takao and Cheng Flip forward accurately fell on the green In front of Mae Taro, then pulling his face with his hands, revealing a weird smile, which immediately triggered the smile of the audience, and for a time the laughter became loud.

Seeing Shintaro Greenma still ignore Takao Kazuhiro, and playing with his divination tools intently, it looks a bit like Huang Ruliang, but the baby-faced Miyaji Kiyoshi smiled, "Takao, you do n’t have Seeing the passing skills of that sunspot, it is worse than you. If you are not training hard and continue to be such a treasure, then you ca n’t keep up with our strength, and the coach is already angry. "

Takao Hecheng glanced at the coach, and the coach Ji Kaiqing's brows were already wrinkled with Chengchuan, as if he was playing tricks and reached the edge of anger.

"Hey, I said the coach, but I'm analyzing the situation for everyone. You know that our opponent in the regional preliminaries is probably this sincerity. Shouldn't we pay attention to it in advance? Look at how crazy Panchen is. Energetic, this is the rhythm of preparing to explode all the shooters. Isn't it worth noting? Besides, if our training is so heavy every day, if the injuries are too troublesome, sometimes the atmosphere is good. "

"And I think they are also very happy, hey." He seems to have discovered something surprising. "This guy is so handsome, so much better than the baby face of Gongdi Qingzhi. Maybe this time it will attract a lot of beautiful. Girl, it's really annoying, hateful "

On the side, Miyaji Kiyoshi and the coach were ready to get angry at the same time. This guy said everything before, and he completely crooked the floor later. Although he is a point guard, it can be said that the entire team ’s possession is controlled by him , But that's just too bad. You see that at least there are not so many words about the sunspots. It's such a living treasure.

"It's him! Although a backward jumper is one of the most difficult moves in basketball, it hurts the body the most. However, it doesn't take long for him to use this frequency to cause physical damage, and it is impossible to maintain such a hit rate, and His other skills are too weak, and there is nothing worth noting at all, and at all, no, handsome! "Gong Di Qingzhi glared at Takao and Cheng after coldly preaching.

Only after hearing his last word, all laughed again.

"Hahaha, I said Senior Gongdi, you will do the same, I really didn't expect, I want to develop your potential for living treasure." Takao and Cheng laughed very cheerfully, and then he turned towards the green Mataro said, "Senior, don't you want to express any opinion?"

Shinjiro Greenma looked up, pushed his glasses, and then looked at Takao Hecheng seriously and said, "Your luck is very bad today, it should be unlucky."

Before the words fell, I heard a slamming noise. Takao Hecheng was smashed into his head by the coach, and suddenly called out.

Everyone watched Takao Kazuhiro leaping around with his head out of his mind, and the laughter of the basketball court thundered again, and at this time even the coach himself laughed, but after a moment he said seriously, "Now Let ’s talk about the Chengling Basketball Team! "

And basically this is a chat topic for all college basketball teams, and most basketball team shooters are not as calm as Majiro Greenma, but most of them are a little bit of a fight, wanting to teach Pan Chen how to be a person, the shooter is not that fun.

It's just that Pan Chen at Seongin College doesn't care about these things. He is training his basketball skills in the training room.

After 100 hours of training, the next day he had obtained his own accurate basketball data, and he was finally upgraded from a beginner to a skilled basketball player.

Offensive ability, ball control, passing, shooting, long shot, free throw and extraordinary breakthrough all reach the level of c, which is to reach the level of third-rate basketball.

The defensive ability steals, high hats, one-on-one defensive ability, and rebounding ability have all reached the level of b because of Pan Chen ’s own consciousness and fighting basis, which is almost comparable to the second-class level in the basketball world, which is close to the Chengling basketball team. The degree of being selected.

However, his judgment, leadership, tactical talent, offensive and defensive positions, and teamwork are still c-level, because he is good at single-player action and has a little weak knowledge of team awareness.

As for its own physical fitness, there is absolutely no problem. It has reached the level of a, and it is estimated that even Vulcan can't compare with it.

The comprehensive ability is also at the b level.

However, this is only basic data. The most important thing in the black basketball world is skills. Otherwise, even if your personal abilities all reach a +, you do n’t have any skills, and you ’re just a normal person with a strong foundation. If you kick, you do n’t have to kill, you do n’t know how to do magic.

However, this is also the limit of Pan Chen's ability to train. After that, he will get entertainment points in the next series of games to exchange skills, so as to be truly unique, and the choice of skills also has a big problem. ..

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