The God of Destruction

Vol 10 Chapter 725: After negotiating escape

Princess Bailian, Seven Spiders, Princess Halloween, Fourth Princess Ao listened, Hu Liu and several people looked at the backs of the fifth prince Ao Lun and the three brothers of Hu Li. The sisters, the princess halloween and the fourth princess Ao listened slowly.

"Each of you leave me a hair and a little blood, and then you leave towards the south. There is a baby given by the king on Princess Bailian's body. This baby can help you hide.

For a while, the Tiger Brothers will attract the attention of the mutant monsters in the west, but there are too many mutant monsters in this mountain, and I do n’t know if this method can deceive these mutant monsters, so I do n’t agree with it. You left together, and I walked eastward for a while.

If the three brothers of Huli are captured, then these mutant monsters will know that you are heading east. At this time, I will attract these mutant monsters, and you can safely leave.

Remember that as long as you go south, then you can leave this mountain, because the south of this mountain is the sea, as long as you enter the sea, then you are safe. "

Princess Bailian, the Seven Sisters of Spider, Princess Halloween, and Princess Ao were surprised when they heard Hu Liu's words, and then Princess Bailian said loudly to Hu Liu, "Hu Liu, don't you go with us?"

"Hu Liu, you deserved to be Hu Huo ’s training. You tricked my fifth brother and three brothers of Huli to get them to attract the attention of the mutant demon. After my five brothers and three brothers of Huli were caught, , These mutant demon clan will know our negotiation with the three brothers of Huli.

After all, these mutant demon clan contains the demon sage of the Da Luo Jin fairy realm, and the things in the minds of the three brothers of Huli cannot hide the demon sage of the Da Luo Jin fairy realm.

When these mutant monsters know, they will definitely chase east, and here you are using our hair and essence to attract these mutant monsters, when these mutant monsters catch you, Bailian and I It should have entered the sea. "Four Princess Ao listened to Hu Liu slowly and said slowly.

Princess Bailian, the Seven Sisters of the Spider, and Princess Wansheng all looked at Hu Liu in surprise when they heard the fourth Princess Ao's heart. They did not expect that Hu Liu's plan was like this.

"Hu Liu, why is this, why do you want to die one by one, is it just because of my identity? We can obviously go together." Princess Bailian looked at Hu Liu and said loudly.

Hu Liu laughed after hearing what Princess Bailian said: "We can walk together, but that is not safe. Hu Liu used to be a little demon, a little demon who can bully.

But one day I met Mother Baiyu, and my life changed. It was the Ziyang mountains that Mother Baiyu brought me. Everything I gave was given to me by Mother Baiyu and the King.

So I want to protect you, because you are more important than me. When I left Ziyang Qunshan demon country and entered the North Sea, I discussed with the three brothers of Huli. If they are in danger, then the three brothers of Huli and I are willing to pay. life.

The three brothers of Huli and I have violated the rules of the Ziyang Qunshan Yaoguo, even if we return to the Ziyang Qunshan Yaogu Hu Huo General Manager will punish us, so we will not return to the Ziyang Qunshan Yaoguo. " Princess Bailian, the Seven Sisters of Spider, and Princess Halloween were silent after hearing Hu Liu ’s words. They did n’t understand why Hu Liu and Hu Li ’s three brothers did so. left.

Princess Bai Lian, the Seven Sisters of Spider, and Princess Halloween wanted to say something and want to say something, but when they saw Hu Liu, did they know what to say.

The fourth princess Ao listened to Hu Liu, then walked to the front of Princess Bailian, the Seven Sisters of Spiders, and Princess Halloween, and took away the hair and a little bit of Princess Bailian, the Seven Sisters of Spiders, and Princess Halloween. Jing blood, finally came to Hu Liu and handed over to Hu Liu.

Hu Liu looked at these hairs and essence blood, and then took out ten puppets from the storage bag. I saw that Hu Liu hit these hairs and essence blood on the puppets. In a moment, these puppets became Princess Bailian, Seven sisters of spider, princess halloween, four princess ao listen to a few people.

Hu Liu looked at the puppets before facing Princess Bailian, the Seven Sisters of Spider, Princess Halloween, and Princess Ao, and several people said, "You can leave now. Remember to walk south to enter the sea. . "

Four Princess Ao listened to these puppets, then looked at Hu Liu, and finally said to Hu Liu: "If you don't have a magic weapon to hide the breath, they will be discovered by them just after you leave."

Hu Liu smiled after hearing the words of the fourth princess Ao, and then took out a magic weapon exactly like the three brothers of Huli. He said to the fourth princess Ao, "Actually, I also exchanged a magic weapon with the Dan Wolf."

Four Princess Ao listened to this magic weapon and knew that it was a hidden magic weapon, because this magic weapon is exactly the same as the magic weapon just brought out by the three brothers of Huli.

Princess Bailian, the Seven Sisters of Spider, and Princess Halloween looked at Hu Liu, and then they were ready to say something, but before they said anything, they heard the fourth princess Ao listened heartily, "White Lotus, Halloween, let's go!"

When Princess Bailian heard the words of Fourth Princess Ao, she quickly said: "Listen, we," Princess Bailian has not finished yet, and Princess Ao hastily interrupted: "White Lotus, we can't stop, we can't stop me. Brother Hu and the three brothers Hu Li can't stop Hu Liu. "

Princess Bailian, the Seven Sisters of Spider, and Princess Wansheng heard Hu Liu's words after hearing Princess Ao's words, and then silently followed Princess Ao's heart and left the cave because they knew they could not stop Hu Liu.

At this time, Princess Bailian, the Seven Sisters of Spider, and Princess Halloween were very regretful because they forced the three brothers Hu Liu and Hu Li to bring them to Luju, Beiju.

"Listen, you said, Hu Liu, Hu Li, may they come back alive?" Princess Bai Lian looked at Si Gong Ao and asked slowly.

After hearing the words of Princess Bailian, Princess Ao nodded, then shook her head, and finally said slowly to Princess Bailian: "I do n’t know, I hope they all come back alive, but this chance is too small, after all, mutant monster There are demon sages in the Daluojin fairy realm. "

"Listen, do you say I hurt them?" Princess Bai Lian said slowly after hearing what Princess Ao heard.

"I don't know, but I know they did what they should do, Bai Lian, now is not the time to blame, Hu Liu all they do is hope that you can leave safely, so let's leave here quickly." Four Princess Ao listened to Princess Bailian and said slowly. ..

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