The God of Destruction

Vol 10 Chapter 729: The Encounters of the Ziyang Mountains

Boom! ! !

The rain was pouring down the sky, the world was hazy, the vision was blurred, Hu Liu looked up at the sky, and the rain was flowing down the hair above Hu Liu's head slowly.

Hu Liu gently lifted her palms and brushed her hair, then Hu Liu murmured, "I don't know if Princess Bailian left the mountain or whether the three brothers of Huli were mutated. The demon clan caught. "

Hu Liu stayed for a moment, and then slowly continued to move forward, but Hu Liu was on alert before taking a few steps. I saw Hu Liu looking at the front and said loudly, "Who?"

In Hu Liu's field of vision, there was a figure in front, slender figure, and the whole person was hazy, as if connected with the whole world.

When he stood there, Hu Liu couldn't see clearly, and the figure in front slowly appeared. "Six ear protector?" Hu Liu said with some uncertainty.

The six-eared macaque had long seen Hu Liu, but the six-eared macaque didn't come out for the first time, because the six-eared macaque knew that all the puppets behind Hu Liu were puppets, not Princess Bailian.

"Six-ear protection, you are really six-ear protection! Great, how did you come to Beiju Luzhou?" Hu Liu said quickly after seeing the six-eared macaque.

After hearing the words of Liu Liu, the six-eared macaque said slowly, "Where are they?"

Hu Liu thought about it after hearing the six-eared macaque, and then said slowly to the six-eared macaque: "Aren't they all behind me, Princess Bailian? Look!" Hu Liu said to the six-eared macaque, pointing to the puppet behind him. .

After hearing the words of Liu Liu, the six-eared macaque said angrily: "Nonsense, do you think I can't see clearly?"

Hu Liu did not say anything after hearing the six-eared macaque, but looked straight at the six-eared macaque. The six-eared macaque was very annoyed that Hu Liu did not speak.

But the six-eared macaque did n’t know what he thought of, he did n’t get angry at Hu Liu, but said slowly to Hu Liu: “This is my token. I know you have some doubts about my identity, but you should know Ziyang Group. The token of Mountain Demon Kingdom can't be faked. "

After hearing the six-eared macaque, Hu Liu still did not say anything, but carefully looked at the token passed by the six-eared macaque. Yes, Hu Liu doubted the identity of the six-eared macaque, so he did n’t say to the six-eared macaque. truth.

After a long time, Hu Liu handed the token to the six-eared macaque. After seeing the token, Hu Liu did not doubt the identity of the six-eared macaque. Hu Liu saluted the six-eared macaque: "Let's see the left guard!"

The six-eared macaque waved his hand after hearing Hu Liu's words, and then said slowly to Hu Liu, "Where are they?"

After hearing the six-eared macaque, Hu Liu quickly said, "I don't know where Princess Bai Lian is, because I separated them from Princess Bai Lian."

The six-eared macaque frowned, hearing Hu Liu's words, then looked at Hu Huo, and finally said slowly to Hu Liu: "You tell me carefully?"

After hearing the six-eared macaque, Hu Liu told the six-eared macaque the past few days. The six-eared macaque didn't interrupt Hu Liu's words, but quietly listened to Hu Liu's experience of the past few days.

Hu Liu looked at the six-eared macaque quietly after he finished speaking. The six-eared macaque thought about it and said to Hu Liu: "You mean, there are three mutant demon clan in the big Luojin fairy realm in this big mountain, so You only fled the mountain separately. You and the three brothers of Huli attract the mutant demon clan, and then let Bailian and them escape, and now Bailian and they are right because of the south side of this big mountain? "

Hu Liu nodded when he heard the six-eared macaque, and then said to the six-eared macaque: "Six-eared guardianship, I think these mutant demon clan want to catch us alive?"

After hearing the words of Hu Liu, the six-eared macaque slowly said: "These mutant monsters know your identity?"

Hu Liu shook his head after hearing the six-eared macaque, then said to the six-eared macaque: "I don't know if these mutant monsters know our identity, these are my guesses."

After hearing Hu Liu ’s words, the six-eared macaque thought for a while and then said slowly to Hu Liu: “Okay, you follow me!”

After hearing the six-eared macaque, Hu Liu quickly said, "Shall we not go to Princess Bailian for their six-ear protection?"

The six-eared macaque shook his head after hearing Hu Liu ’s words, and then said slowly to Hu Liu: “No, there are black bears and bamboo leaves in the south of this mountain. I ’ll just send them the news you told me.”

Hu Liu froze when he heard the six-eared macaque, then said to the six-eared macaque: "The black bear generals and bamboo leaf green generals are also coming?"

After hearing Hu Liu ’s words, the six-eared macaque slowly said, “Not only the black bear and the bamboo leaf green, but also the holy sea king, the lich giant, and the elders of the sea monster family.

We are looking for you in three ways. The lich giant and I are on the east side of the mountain, the black bear and the bamboo leaf are on the south of the mountain, and the holy sea king and the elders of the sea monster are on the west of the mountain. "

After hearing the six-eared macaque, Hu Liu quickly said: "Six-ear guardianship, since the right guardian and the elders of the Kraken family are on the west side of the mountain, can they let them look for the three tiger brothers?"

The six-eared macaque heard Hu Liu ’s words and said slowly: “The Holy Sea King has found the three brothers of Tiger Power and the fifth prince of the Dragon Palace in the East Sea.”

Hu Liu was very happy when he heard the six-eared macaque, so he quickly said to the six-eared macaque: "Six-ear protection, how are the three brothers of Huli injured now?"

After hearing Hu Liu ’s words, the six-eared macaque said aloud: "Of course he was injured, and he was seriously injured. If the Holy Sea King arrived in time, the three brothers of Huli would have already died.

It was just the news from the Holy Sea King that Bai Lian and they were with you, and they were on the east side of the mountain, so I searched separately from the Lich Giant.

But I didn't expect you to lie to the three brothers of Huli. You really deserved it from Hu Huo. I don't know what happened to the three brothers. "

Hu Liu smiled when he heard the six-eared macaque, because Hu Liu knew that the three brothers of Hu Li would not be angry. After all, Hu Liu also deceived the three brothers of Hu Li for the safety of Princess Bailian.

The six-eared macaque looked at Hu Liu, and then said, "Okay, let's hurry to the lich giants! After all, no one knows where the mutant monsters of the three big Luojin fairy realms are."

Hu Liu nodded when he heard the six-eared macaque, and then left with the six-eared macaque. When Hu Liu left, he took his puppets.

At this time, the three demons, dragons, and wolves have come to Hu Liu, and the Holy Sea King, the elders of the Kraken family, and others have also come to Hu Liu, because the Holy Sea King thought that Princess Bailian They are just to the east of the mountain.

The Lich Giant has received the jade rune of the Six-Eared Macaque, so the Lich Giant is also ready to join the Six-Eared Macaque. ..

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