The God of Destruction

Vol 10 Chapter 741: Return to the North Sea continued

In the evening, the sea is magnificent, mysterious and beautiful, and the sunset is burning, the sky is still burning an orange-red sunset.

The sea is also dyed golden yellow by the ray of light. The ray of light reflected on the wave peak is like a burning flame, flickering, rolling, wave after wave, but in such a beautiful environment Next, a demon cloud was moving fast.

"Bai Lian, did you say that what happened to the Demon Clan?" Princess Halloween said slowly to Princess Bai Lian.

After hearing the words of Princess Halloween, Princess Bailian said slowly: "I don't know, but I think what should have happened, otherwise we won't meet so many demon clouds."

"Yes! Yes! We have met seven or eight times in the past two days!" The seven youngest sisters with the seven smallest spiders said loudly after hearing the words of Princess Bailian and Princess Halloween.

The fourth princess Ao listened to the distant demon cloud, then said to the white lotus princess, halloween princess, and the seven sisters of spider: "White lotus, did you find that the demon cloud we met all went to the North Sea waters? . "

Princess Bailian, Princess Halloween, and the Seven Sisters of the Spiders thought about what the fourth princess Ao heard, and then princess Bailian said to the fourth princess Ao: "Yes! They all headed for the North Sea."

"Did they all go to the founding banquet of the Union of South African Territories?" Princess Wan Sheng said slowly after hearing Princess Bailian's words.

"No, they must not have participated in the founding banquet of the Nanyuezhou Consortium. These are demon soldiers, demon kings, demon kings and demon sages?" Ao Sisi said loudly after hearing the words of Princess Wan Sheng.

"Ao listened to what was said, I guess it must be something happened in the North Sea area, otherwise the major forces of the demon clan will not send demon soldiers and demon to go to the North Sea area." Princess Bailian said quickly after hearing the fourth Princess Ao's heart.

After hearing the words of Princess Bailian, Princess Ao thought about it, and then said to Princess Bailian: "Bailian, do you want us to go to the North Sea area too? Did n’t Liu Liu let us go to the North Sea area to find the sea monsters?"

Princess Bai Lian slowly heard the words of the fourth Princess Ao, and said slowly: "Hu Liu let us go to the Beihai waters to find the Kraken family. I hope that the Kraken family can send someone to **** us back to the Ziyang Mountains, but I want to hurry back to the Ziyang Group. Mountain demon country, so did not go to the North Sea waters.

But now all major forces of the demon clan have sent demon soldiers and demon to go to the North Sea area. I think something must happen in the North Sea area. If something really happens in the North Sea area, then my brother-in-law will definitely send someone to the North Sea area, so we Just go to the North Sea. "

(Princess Bailian is the younger sister of Baiyu, so the Snow Wolf King is also the brother-in-law of Princess Bailian.)

Princess Halloween and Seven Spiders heard the words of Princess Bailian and said quickly: "Bailian you are right, we will go to the North Sea!"

Hu Liu thought that Princess Bailian, Princess Halloween, the Seven Sisters of the Spider, and Fourth Princess Ao would listen to the North Sea, so Hu Liu told the six-eared macaque and other people about the approximate route, but Princess Bailian did not listen to Hu Liu. , So the six-eared macaques are destined to meet them and Princess Bailian.

‘Nine Fairy’ decided to go to the North Sea area and flew towards the North Sea area. After flying for a while, ‘Nine Fairy’ flew a demon cloud behind him.

"Bai Lian has a demon cloud behind us, and they are flying towards us." Princess Halloween looked at the demon cloud behind him, and then said to Princess Bai Lian.

After hearing the words of Princess Halloween, Princess Bailian said slowly, "I saw it, and we flew to the left."

Princess Halloween, Seven Spiders, and Fourth Princess Ao listened to Princess Bailian's words, and all flew to the left, but as Princess Halloween, Seven Spiders, and Four Princess Ao listened to their actions, the demon cloud behind them also Flying towards the left.

"Bai Lian, I think the target of this demon cloud is us?" Four Princess Ao listened to the demon cloud behind her, and then said to Princess Bai Lian.

Princess Bai Lian said slowly after hearing the words of the fourth princess Ao: "I also found out that we are now flying to the right to see if they still follow us."

After hearing the words of Princess Bailian, Princess Ao took the Princess Halloween and the Seven Sisters of the Spider to the right, but the demon cloud behind them also followed them to the right.

"Bai Lian, their goal is us, what are we going to do now?" Princess Halloween said to Princess Bai Lian with some anxiety. In fact, it wasn't just Princess Halloween who was anxious, Seven Spiders, Princess Ao listened, Princess Bai Lian was all anxious After all, the demon cloud behind them has at least hundreds of thousands of demon soldiers and demon generals.

After thinking for a while, Princess Bailian said to Princess Halloween, Seven Spiders, and Fourth Princess Ao: "We will stop now. I don't believe any demon forces dare to take action on us. My brother-in-law can be Snow Wolf. king!"

Princess Halloween, Seven Spiders, and Fourth Princess Ao nodded after hearing the words of Princess Bailian, and then stopped their flying spirit treasure.

After a while, this demon cloud slowly approached Princess Bailian, Princess Halloween, the Seven Sisters of Spider, and Fourth Princess Ao listening to them.

"Bai Lian is the banner of the accumulation mountain demon country!" Princess Halloween said with some joy to Princess Bai Lian, because Princess Halloween knew the relationship between the accumulation mountain demon country and the Ziyang mountains demon country, and also knew the demon accumulating the mountain demon country. Will not do anything to yourself.

After hearing the words of Princess Halloween, Princess Bailian nodded, and then said to Princess Halloween, Seven Spiders, and Fourth Princess Ao, "The demon king or demon in this demon cloud should know us, otherwise they will not Follow us. "

After hearing the words of Princess Bailian, Princess Ao nodded and said to Princess Bailian, "Bailian, guess who they are?"

After hearing the words of the fourth princess Ao, Princess Bailian thought for a while, and then slowly said to the four princess Ao: "I think they must be the wishful true fairy or the director Niu Fen, because they accumulate several kings of the mountain demon kingdom I have gone to the North Sea. "

After hearing the words of Princess Bailian, Princess Halloween and the Seven Sisters of Spider said happily: "I hope it is Ruyi Zhenxian, Ruyi Zhenxian is the best for us, if it is Ruyi Zhenxian, then we will go to the North Sea with him . "

Princess Bailian nodded after hearing the words of Princess Halloween and the Seven Sisters of Spider, and then said to Princess Halloween and the Seven Sisters of Spider: "If it is really good, then let us take him to the North Sea."

And just after Princess Bailian talked, the demon cloud behind them stopped, and a few moments later they flew towards Princess Bailian. ..

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