The God of Destruction

Vol 10 Chapter 745: Purple Sun Mountains Demon Council

Beihai waters, Shenghai City, the meeting hall.

Pan Chen sat at the top of the meeting hall and looked at the demons underneath, no one knew what Pan Chen was thinking, and the demons underneath were talking non-stop, and no one knew what they were talking about?

"The king, the six-eared macaque and the holy king are back!" Hu Huo walked slowly to Pan Chen, then whispered to Pan Chen.

Pan Chen raised her head slowly after hearing Hu Huo's words, then said to Hu Huo: "Oh! The Six-Eared Macaque and the Holy Sea King are back. What about Bailian?"

Hu Huo heard Pan Chen's words and said quickly: "The king, the six-eared macaque and the king of the sea did not find the 'nine fairies', only the three brothers Hu Liu and Hu Li, but it is said that Princess Bailian is no longer in Luju, Beiju."

Pan Chen frowned after hearing Hu Huo's words, then looked at Hu Huo and said slowly: "Bai Lian and they are no longer in Beiju Luzhou? Do you know where they are?"

Hu Huo replied quickly after hearing Pan Chen ’s words: “I do n’t know this, but Princess Bailian and they have entered the sea. I think Princess Bailian and they are preparing to go back to the demon kingdom of Ziyang and the mountains. After all, they do n’t know that we are in Beihai. Sea area. "

After hearing Hu Huo's words, Pan Chen thought about it and said to Hu Huo: "Hu Huo, please tell me carefully why the six-eared macaque monkey and Shenghaiwang did not find the white lotus. Is there any change in Beiju Luzhou? ? "

Hu Huo heard Pan Chen's words and said quickly: "The king, the six-eared macaque and the holy sea king are coming, or they will let the six-eared macaque and the holy sea king say, I don't know too much."

Pan Chen nodded after hearing Hu Huo's words, and then said to Hu Huo and Mrs. White Bone: "What are the major forces of the demon clan doing now?"

Hu Huo heard Pan Chen's words and said quickly: "The king according to the news of the sea monster family, all the forces of the demon clan are now sending demon soldiers to the North Sea."

"Oh! It seems that they are also anxious, or they have also discovered the situation of Beiju Luzhou? What actions did Tianting and Ling have." Pan Chen said slowly after hearing Hu Huo's words.

"King, Tianting and Lingshan have nothing to do, and they haven't contacted those demon forces." Hu Huo said quickly after hearing Pan Chen's words.

After hearing Hu Huo's words, Pan Chen thought about it and then said slowly to Hu Huo: "Hu Huo, why don't you say that Tianting and Lingshan did nothing, what are they waiting for? Or what are they calculating?"

Hu Huo thought about Pan Chen after hearing it, and then said to Pan Chen: "Master, I think they are waiting for the establishment of the demon kingdom in the Southern Union, or because of our arrival, so Tianting and Lingshan did not Minor movements. "

Pan Chen laughed after hearing what Hu Huo said: "Hu Huo, you are too high to see our demon country in the Ziyang Mountains, and too small to look at Tianting and Lingshan. Tianting and Lingshan must be thinking about something. If I did n’t guess wrong, Tianting and Lingshan must have reached an agreement. "

"King, I guess Tianting and Lingshan are waiting for an opportunity, or that Tianting and Lingshan are counting us?" Madam Bai Gu thought for a while and then said to Pan Chen.

Pan Chen thought about it after hearing Mrs. Bone Bone, and then said to Mrs. Bone Bone: "Bie Bianxian, please talk about your thoughts."

After hearing Pan Chen's words, Mrs. Bone quickly said: "King, Tianting and Lingshan are not very powerful in the North Sea, and Tianting and Lingshan are also in contact with some small forces of the demon, so Tianting and Lingshan have no strength in the North Sea. There is also no ability to attack Beiju Luzhou.

Moreover, the major forces of the demon clan are not willing to deal with Tianting and Lingshan, so Tianting and Lingshan are waiting for an opportunity to gather the major forces of the demon clan together.

The founding banquet of the Union of the South Chapel is an opportunity, but the Purple Tiger Demon Saint does not like to deal with Tianting and Lingshan, so Tianting and Lingshan put our attention on us, because you can also gather all the forces of the demon clan. Together. "

Pan Chen nodded after hearing Mrs. White Bone's words, and then said to Mrs. Bone Bone: "White Bone Immortal, you are right. Tianting and Lingshan are trying to bring the demon clan's forces together, but I don't understand why Tianting and Lingshan The major forces of the demon clan must be brought together.

Do Tianting and Lingshan think that I can order these demon forces, or that Tianting and Lingshan want to order these demon forces to attack Luju, Beiju? "

"Master, I think Tianting and Lingshan want to use the forces of the demon clan to attack Beiju Luzhou." Hu Huo thought for a while and then said to Pan Chen.

Pan Chen slowly said after hearing Hu Huo: "I think so too, but do you think that the Bull Demon King, the Blue Lion and others are stupid? It is said that the mutant demon clan is just a soldier, and the purpose of the heaven and the spirit mountain should not be the mutant demon. Family. "

"King, I think Tianting and Lingshan want to control Beiju Luzhou, or Tianting and Lingshan want to conquer the mutant demon." Madam Bone thought for a while, then said to Pan Chen.

Pan Chen thought about it after hearing Mrs. Bone Bone, and then slowly said to Mrs. Bone Bone and Hu Huo: "We do n’t care what Tianting and Lingshan want to do, and I do n’t care if Tianting and Lingshan will conquer the mutant monsters. , We have to deal with hundreds of people, not mutant monsters.

As for whether the mutant demon clan will turn to Tianting and Lingshan, or whether Tianting and Lingshan want to control that Beiju Luzhou has nothing to do with us, we came here to watch the show. "

Mrs. White Bone and Hu Huo understand Pan Chen's meaning, and also understand Pan Chen's thoughts, but do other demon forces, Heavenly Court, and Lingshan understand Pan Chen's thoughts? Do you understand what Pan Chen means?

Obviously, the other demon forces, Heavenly Court and Lingshan did not know Pan Chen ’s thoughts or the meaning of Panchen, so Heavenly Court and Lingshan would count Panchen.

Mrs. Bone and Hu Huo thought for a while, and finally prepared to remind Pan Chen, but just as Mrs. Bone and Hu Huo were going to speak, the door of the meeting hall opened, and then the six-eared macaque monkey, holy sea king, black bear and others left Come in.

"Participate in the king!" Five eared macaque monkeys, holy sea kings, black bears, lich giants, and Zhu Yeqing salute Panchen.

Pan Chen nodded after hearing the words of the six-eared macaque and others, and then said to the six-eared macaque and the others, "Well, you sit down!" After the six-eared macaques sat down, Pan Chen said again: " Six-eared macaque, Holy Sea King, tell me about your experience this time, I'm curious! "

The six-eared macaque monkey and the king of the sea nodded when they heard Pan Chen's words, and then told Pan Chen, Hu Huo, Mrs. Bone Bone and others about everything that happened in these days. ..

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