The God of Destruction

Vol 10 Chapter 793: Quarrel of the demon

After hearing the words of the North Sea Dragon King, the monsters were silent. The monsters did not know whether the North Sea Dragon King said it was true, but now the Jiuling Yuansheng and the North Sea Dragon King obviously could not swallow the supplies around Beiju Luzhou, so the monsters There is no intention to say anything.

The North Sea Dragon King seems to have guessed the idea of ​​the monsters, so the North Sea Dragon King said to the monsters, "You guys, let's discuss how to distribute the supplies around Beiju Luzhou!"

After hearing the words of the North Sea Dragon King, the demon's eyes lit up, and then a demon shouted to the North Sea Dragon King, "I suggest that we divide the supplies around Beiju Luzhou."

"I don't agree, I suggest that we distribute the supplies around Beiju Luzhou according to the number of troops sent!" Said a demon sage of the Fox clan.

"I don't agree. I suggest that we allocate materials in the outskirts of Beiju Luzhou according to how many demon soldiers are lost in the future!" Said a demon saint who will lose the most demon soldiers.

"I disagree, the demon soldiers under my command will have no losses at all, will I not be able to distribute the supplies around Beiju Luzhou!" Said a demon saint who did not lose many demon soldiers under his command.

"I disagree,........"


Following the words of the North Sea Dragon King, the demon sages of the major forces of the demon clan have all said that for a time, the entire hall was arguing.

Jiuling Yuansheng, Beihai Dragon King, Purple Tiger Demon Saint, Bull Demon King, Blue Lion Demon Saint and others all frowned after hearing the words of the demon, then Purple Tiger Demon Saint did not know what came to mind, but saw Purple Tiger Demon Sheng suddenly stood up and said loudly to the demon Saints of the major forces of the demon clan.

"Everyone, please be quiet. The materials around Beiju Luzhou are found by Tiens Alliance, and Jiuling Yuansheng is also an ally of our major forces in the North Sea, so I suggest that Jiuling Yuansheng be allocated to Beijulu. Supplies around the continent. "

After hearing the words of the Purple Tiger Demon Saint, the Devil King stood up and said loudly: "I disagree, the previous suggestion of the Nine Spirit Yuansheng was that which demon forces would have more power and which demon forces would have more distribution.

However, there is no mutant demon at the outer edge of Beiju Luzhou at present, so I think we should divide the materials at the outer edge of Beiju Luzhou. "

After hearing the words of the demon king, the Purple Tiger Demon Saint said aloud: "Equalize the supplies around Beiju Luzhou? That is impossible. If we divide the supplies around Beiju Luzhou, how much can each of our forces be allocated?

The supplies around Beiju Luzhou are simply not enough for us to share equally, so it is recommended to let Jiuling Yuansheng distribute the supplies around Beiju Luzhou. After all, Jiuling Yuansheng is the leader of the major forces in the North Sea area we recommend. "

After hearing the words of Purple Tiger Demon Saint, Niu Demon said loudly: "Purple Tiger Demon Saint, why do you say that the supplies outside Beiju Luzhou are not enough for each of our forces? You Purple Tiger Demon Saint knows that the supplies outside Beiju Luzhou are How much?

You Purple Tiger Demon Saint do not know, since you Purple Tiger Demon Saint do not know how many materials are available outside of Beiju Luzhou, then you should not talk nonsense, I think it is the fairest to divide the materials outside Beiju Luzhou. "

After hearing the words of Niu Demon King, Purple Tiger Demon Sheng said angrily: "Niu Demon King, I don't know how many supplies are out of Beiju Luzhou, but do you know how much supplies are out of Beiju Luzhou?

Don't you know the Bull Demon King? Since you don't know the amount of supplies outside Beiju Luzhou, why do you think the supplies outside Beiju Luzhou are enough for each of our forces? "

Bull Demon King and Purple Tiger Demon Saint You quarreled with me one sentence at a time, and just when Bull Demon King and Purple Tiger Demon Saint quarreled, the green lion suddenly stood up and said to the demon holy forces of the demon clan's major forces. "Everyone, I suggest that we still check how many materials are available on the outskirts of Beijuluzhou, and then we are talking about the distribution of materials on the outskirts of Beijuluzhou?"

Hearing the lion king, the ghost wolf quickly stood up and said to the demon saints of the major forces of the demon clan: "My ghost wolf family agrees with the suggestion of the blue lion demon saint!"

Following the words of the king of the wolf, the North Sea Dragon King, the Jiuling Yuansheng, the West Sea Dragon King and others all said.

"My Beihai Dragon Palace also agrees with the blue lion demon's proposal!"

"My Tiens Alliance also agrees with the suggestion of the Blue Lion Demon Saint!"

"My Xihai Dragon Palace also agrees with the suggestion of the blue lion demon!"


After hearing the words of the demon sages of the major forces of the demon clan, the Purple Tiger Demon Saint and the Bull Demon King also said slowly: "I accumulate the mountain demon country and agree with the proposal of the blue lion demon Saint!"

"My South African Union Federation also agrees with the suggestion of the Blue Lion Demon Saint!"

Seeing that the demon saints of all major forces of the demon clan agreed with their suggestions, the green lion said to the demon saints of the major clan forces of the demon clan: "You, since you all agree with my suggestion, then you will send your demon king together Let's check how many supplies are available outside of Beiju Luzhou? "

After the blue lion finished speaking, the demon sages of the major forces of the demon clan had a discussion, and then sent their demon kings to check how many supplies were out of Beiju Luzhou.

After the demon kings of all major forces of the demon clan left, the demon saints in the hall were all in discussion, and at this time the ox demon king approached the green lion and whispered: "Blue lion, what do you mean? Do you want Jiuling too? Is Yuan Shenglai distributing supplies around Beiju Luzhou? "

After hearing the words of the Niu Demon King, the Green Lion thought for a while, and then said slowly to the Niu Demon King: "Why ca n’t the Jiuling Yuansheng be able to distribute the supplies around Beiju Luzhou? what!"

After hearing the words of the green lion, the Niu Demon smiled and said: "What kind of leader is the Nine Spirit Elemental Saints, and which demon clan forces will listen to him, does he think he is the Snow Wolf King?"

After hearing the words of the Niu Demon King, the green lion also smiled and said: "Since no demon clan forces are willing to listen to the Jiuling Yuansheng, why don't we allow the Jiuling Yuansheng to distribute the supplies around Beiju Luzhou?"

After hearing the words of the green lion, the demon king froze for a moment, and then said to the green lion: "green lion, do you want to give the Nine Lingyuan Saint ugliness?"

The Green Lion smiled after hearing the words of the Niu Demon King, and then said to the Niu Demon King: "It's not that I want to give the Nine Spirit Yuan Saint ugly, but the Purple Tiger Demon Saint wants to give the Nine Spirit Yuan Saint ugly.

Why did the Purple Tiger Demon Saint let the Jiuling Yuan Sheng to distribute the supplies around Beiju Luzhou? Be aware that there is a big conflict between the Purple Tiger Demon Saint and the Jiu Ling Yuan Sheng! "

After hearing the words of the green lion, the Niu Demon smiled. The Niu Demon knew that it was not an easy task to distribute the supplies outside Beiju Luzhou, even if Pan Chen was to distribute the demon sages of the demon clan forces of Beiju Luzhou. Will give Pan Chen face.

"Blue Lion, I know what to do!" Niu Dewang whispered as he watched the Blue Lion.

After hearing the words of Niu Demon, Qingshi smiled and said: "Niu Demon, we don't need to do anything, we just watch the show." ..

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