The God of Destruction

Vol 10 Chapter 813: Cow Demon's Idea

After hearing the words of the Demon King, the Green Lion was stunned for a moment, then thought about it, and finally said to the Demon King: "There are not many demon forces currently staying outside the North Juluzhou.

When the Tiens Alliance and the Nanyuezhou Alliance left the periphery of Beiju Luzhou, some demon forces also left the periphery of Beiju Luzhou. In the past twenty days, some demon forces also intermittently left the periphery of Beiju Luzhou.

Therefore, there are really not many demon clan forces left behind. These remaining demon clan forces are all demon clan forces that are relatively lacking in materials. They should have some ideas when the Blackhawks are destroyed.

If both of our forces have left the outskirts of Beijuluzhou, then I believe they will follow us out of the outskirts of Beijuluzhou. After all, their strength is not too strong, so they will not stay outside the outskirts of Beijuluzhou. "

After hearing the words of the green lion, the demon king nodded and said to the green lion: "green lion, you are right, but you don't understand what I mean."

After hearing the words of the demon king, the blue lion froze for a moment, and then thought about it carefully, and finally said to the devil king, "The devil king, do you want to annex these demon forces?"

After hearing the words of the green lion, the devil king smiled and said to the green lion: "Blue lion, don't you want to swallow these demon forces?

There are not many demon clan forces currently staying on the periphery of Beiju Luzhou, and these demon clan forces are also small demon clan forces. Their strength is not strong. Do you have no idea? "

After hearing the words of the Demon King, the Green Lion's eyes lit up, and then he thought about it carefully. Finally, he shook his head at the Demon King and said, "I have to say that you are brave, but have you ever thought about it? The idea of ​​the demon nation forces such as Ziyang Mountains, Tianshi Alliance, Nanyuezhou Alliance, Four Seas Dragon Palace, Heavenly Court, Lingshan, etc. "

After hearing the words of the blue lion, the Niu Demon smiled and said: "You can rest assured, the blue lion, the demon kingdom of the Ziyang mountains, and the Youlang family are our allies. The heaven and the Lingshan are not our demon forces. As for the Tianshi alliance, the Nanyubeizhou alliance, What are we afraid of: the demon clan forces such as the Four Seas Dragon Palace.

The forces of the demon clan such as the Tianshi Alliance, the Nanyuezhou Alliance, the Four Seas Dragon Palace and so on are in conflict with us, and even if they have any ideas, they dare to accumulate the mountain demon country with me, your lion camel mountain demon country, Ziyang mountains demon country Is the Wolves fighting? "

After hearing the words of the Demon King, the green lion slowly said: "The demon clan forces such as the Tiens Alliance, the Nanyuezhou Consortium, and the Four Seas Dragon Palace really do n’t dare to talk to me, the Lion Tuoling Demon Kingdom, the Ziyang Mountains Demon Kingdom, the Wolves, and you. Accumulate mountain demon country to fight.

But have you ever thought about the Ziyang Qunshan Demon Kingdom and the Wolves? Or is it the Snow Wolf King's idea? Although Tianting and Lingshan are not our demon clan forces, Tianting and Lingshan also have some prestige in our demon clan, not to mention some small forces of the demon clan have turned to Tianting and Lingshan. "

After hearing the words of the blue lion, the Niu Demon thought about it, and then said to the blue lion: "Blue lion, I think this is an opportunity. Now there is nothing too powerful demon clan power outside the North Club Luzhou, as long as you lion camel Ling Yaoguo and I accumulate mountain demonguo to join forces, we can completely swallow these demon clan forces. "

The Green Lion shook his head after hearing the words of the Niu Demon King, and then said to the Niu Demon King: "Niu Demon King, I understand the situation of the demon clan outside Beiju Luzhou, and I know this is an opportunity, but I still say that, you have Have you considered the ideas of the demon country and the ghost wolf family in the Ziyang Mountains? "

After hearing the words of the blue lion, the Niu Demon smiled and said: "Blue lion, what do you think of the Snow Wolf King!"

The Green Lion nodded after hearing the words of the Demon King Niu, and then said to the Niu Demon Mountain: "Niu Demon King, you are right. I was worried about the Snow Wolf King's idea.

If the Snow Wolf King has no idea about us annexing the demon forces that are staying on the outskirts of Beiju Luzhou, then we can completely annex these demon forces.

But if the Snow Wolf King has any thoughts, or that the Snow Wolf King is dissatisfied with our actions, then our trouble will be great, and at any time we will have to pay a huge price.

The price is not to compensate for these demon clan forces to compensate us, so I think this matter we are still slow! "

After hearing the words of the Blue Lion, the Bull Demon said loudly: "Slowly? Blue Lion, do you think this opportunity will be available at any time?"

You should know the current situation of the demon clan, Ziyang mountains demon country, Nanyuebeizhou alliance, Tianshi alliance, these three forces are the most powerful forces of the demon clan. The clan top power, we are just the demon clan first-class power.

A few years ago, I accumulated the mountain demon country and your lion camel demon country or the top power of the demon clan, but now? Only when the forces of our two sides are combined can we fight against the Union of South Africa.

The reason why the Nanxunzhou Alliance has developed so fast in recent years is because the Nanxunzhou Alliance has annexed other demon forces. As for the Tiens Alliance, we ca n’t learn, nor can we learn. The top force is because of the people behind Jiu Lingyuan Sheng, and the support of Heavenly Court and Lingshan. "

The Green Lion smiled bitterly when he heard the words of the Demon King: "I know everything you said, but there is no one behind us, so we have to think about it."

I also want to annex the demon forces that are staying on the outskirts of Beiju Luzhou, but I have to consider the ideas of other demon forces, because my lion camel demon country is not the top power of the demon clan, and my lion camel demon country There was no one behind me, so I had to think more. "

After hearing the words of the Blue Lion, the Devil King said loudly, "Blue Lion, are you ready to support me?"

The Green Lion shook his head after hearing the words of the Niu Demon King, and then said to the Niu Niu Demon King: "Niu Demon King, what you think is too simple. Although the Snow Wolf King is your wise brother, I believe that the Snow Wolf King will not want to see it. You accumulate mountain demon kingdom and swallow the demon clan forces that stay outside the north of Juzhou.

The Snow Wolf King is unwilling to see. Do you think that the forces of the Southern Union, Tiens Alliance, Four Sea Dragon King, Heavenly Court, Lingshan and other forces would like to see you accumulate the mountain demon country and swallow the demon forces that stay on the periphery of Beiju Luzhou? "

After hearing the words of the blue lion, the bull demon said loudly: "This is an opportunity for me to accumulate the mountain demon country and your lion camel mountain demon country to return to the top power of the demon clan. Your blue lion disagrees. Has your green lion's courage become smaller? "..

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