The God of Destruction

Vol 10 Chapter 1260: Discussion of the three chief executives

"Jinhu, if you have nothing to do, go to Hu Huo, where Snow Lion is also Hu Huo, I think you should talk to Hu Huo and Snow Lion." The six-eared macaque said slowly after looking at Jin Hu .

"Snow Lion is also in Huhuo, then I'll go over and see." Jinhu froze after hearing the six-eared macaque, then thought for a while, and finally Jinhu said to the six-eared macaque.

"Dragon King, don't you pass?" After the Devil King saw the Golden Tiger leaving, the Dragon King did not leave, so the Devil King asked the Dragon King.

"What did I do in the past? Hu Huo is the chief executive of the Ziyang Mountains Demon Kingdom, Snow Lion can also be said to be the chief executive of the Tiens Alliance, and the Golden Tiger is the chief executive of my Southern Union Ministry.

The three chief executives must be discussing some secret things together. I will be driven away by the Golden Tiger in the past. What have I done in the past, I might as well stay here. "Poison Dragon King shook his head after hearing the words of the Bull Demon King, and then said to the Bull Devil King, the Blue Lion, and the Six-Eared Macaque.

The Niu Demon King, the Green Lion, and the Six-Eared Macaque laughed a few times after hearing the words of the Dragon King, and then chatted with the Dragon King about some interesting things about the Monster Race.

Not talking about what the four demon kings, blue lions, six-eared macaques, and poisonous dragon kings are talking about. Hu Huo saw Jinhu coming and said to Jinhu: "Jinhu, you came just right. Snow Lion and I are preparing Look for you?"

"What are you looking for from me?" Jin Hu froze after hearing Hu Huo's words, and then asked Hu Huo and Snow Lion.

"Snow Lion and I want to talk to you about something." Hu Huo said slowly after hearing Jinhu's words.

"Hu Huo, what do you and Snow Lion want to talk to me?" Jin Hu looked at Snow Lion after hearing Hu Huo's words, and then asked Hu Huo and Snow Lion.

"Jinhu, don't worry. We have time. We sit down first, and then we speak slowly." Hu Huo smiled after hearing Jinhu's words, then said to Jinhu.

After hearing Hu Huo's words, Jin Hu thought for a while, and then sat down slowly. Hu Huo and Snow Lion saw Jin Hu sat down and slowly sat next to Jin Hu.

"Hu Huo, now you can talk about, what do you and Snow Lion want to talk to me about?" Jin Hu asked Hu Huo and Snow Lion after seeing Hu Huo and Snow Lion sitting down.

"Golden Tiger, Snow Lion and I just wanted to talk to you about the establishment of the Four Seas Dragon Palace in the Four Seas Dragon Palace, and the preparation of the Beiju Luzhou Mutant Demon Race to enter the North Sea." Hu Huo looked at the Snow Lion after hearing the words of the Golden Tiger. And then said to Jinhu.

"Is there anything to talk about the establishment of the Four Seas Alliance in the Four Seas Dragon Palace and the preparation of the Beiju Luzhou Mutant Demon Race to enter the North Sea waters?"

These things have been discovered, and my king, Snow Wolf King, and Jiuling Yuansheng have all agreed! "Golden Tiger froze after hearing Hu Huo's words, then said to Hu Huo and Snow Lion.

"Golden Tiger, do you say that the Beiju Luzhou Mutant Demon Clan will enter into the North Sea waters with the old dragons of the Four Seas Dragon Palace? Or will the old dragons of the Four Sea Dragon Palace and the Beiju Luzhou Mutant Demon Alliance Hu Huo shook his head after hearing Jinhu's words, then said to Jinhu.

"Golden Tiger, do you still think there is nothing to talk about the establishment of the Four Seas Alliance in the Four Seas Dragon Palace and the preparation of the Beiju Luzhou Mutant Demon Race to enter the North Sea?" Snow Lion also pointed at the Golden Tiger after hearing Hu Huo ’s words. Said.

"Hu Huo, Snow Lion, did the Snow Wolf King and Jiuling Yuansheng arrange you?" Jin Hu thought about Hu Huo and Snow Lion, and then said to Hu Huo and Snow Lion.

"Golden Tiger, didn't the Purple Tiger Demon Saint give you anything?" Hu Huo and Xueshi nodded after hearing Jin Hu's words, and then Hu Huo asked Jin Hu.

Jin Hu was surprised when he heard Hu Huo's words. It seemed that these things were indeed confessed to Hu Huo and Xue Shi by the Snow Wolf King and Jiuling Yuan Sheng, but why did the King not explain to himself?

"Hu Huo, Snow Lion, the king of my family certainly gave me some things. Now let's talk about the establishment of the Four Seas Alliance in the Four Seas Dragon Palace and the preparation of the Beiju Luzhou mutant monsters to enter the North Sea waters!" Jin Hu thought After a while, he said to Hu Huo and Snow Lion.

"Let's first talk about the establishment of the Four Seas Dragon Palace. Our Ziyang Qunshan Demon Kingdom means to continue to suppress the Four Seas Dragon Palace.

There is no way to prevent the establishment of the Four Seas Alliance in the Four Seas Dragon Palace. If we prevent the Four Seas Palace from forming the Four Seas Alliance, the old dragons in the Four Seas Dragon Palace will definitely provoke war.

There is no war among the demon races now, but the establishment of the Four Seas Alliance in the Four Seas Dragon Palace will definitely threaten the status of the Demon Kingdom of the Ziyang Mountains, the Union of the Southern Division, and the Tiens Alliance in the Demon Race.

Therefore, the meaning of our Ziyang Qunshan Yaoguo is to suppress the Four Seas Dragon Palace and the dependent forces of the Four Seas Dragon Palace so that the major forces of the Demon Clan can isolate the Four Seas Dragon Palace.

But the mutant demon clan in Beijuluzhou is a variable. I am worried that the mutant demonclan in Beijuluzhou will form an alliance with the Four Seas Dragon Palace. Hu Huo thought about it after hearing Jinhu's words, then said to Jinhu and Snow Lion.

After hearing Hu Huo ’s words, Jinhu and Snow Lion looked at each other, and then Snow Lion said to Hu Huo and Jinhu: “My Tiens Alliance also agrees to suppress the Sihai Dragon Palace with all its strength, as well as the demon forces and Sihai Dragon Palace belonging to the Sihai Dragon Palace. Ally.

However, as to whether the old dragons of the Four Seas Dragon Palace will form an alliance with the mutant demon clan of Beijuluzhou, my Tiens Alliance believes that the old dragons of the Four Seas Dragon Palace will definitely align with the mutant demon clan of Beijuluzhou because The only option for the old dragons of the Four Seas Dragon Palace.

After all, the old dragons of the Four Seas Dragon Palace need allies, and the major forces of the Demon Clan will not ally with the old dragons of the Four Seas Dragon Palace, then the old dragons of the Four Seas Dragon Palace will definitely ally with the mutant monsters of Beijuluzhou.

If the old dragons of the Four Seas Dragon Palace allied with the mutant monsters of Beiju Luzhou, it would be troublesome to suppress the four sea dragons, but the alliance of the old dragons of the Four Seas Dragon Palace with the mutant monsters of Beijuluzhou is also for us. beneficial.

Because as long as the old dragons of the Four Seas Dragon Palace form an alliance with the mutant monster clan of Beiju Luzhou, then the prestige of the Four Seas Dragon Palace in the Monster Clan will be greatly reduced, and these Four Seas Dragon Palace will not threaten my Tianshi Alliance, Ziyang Mountains The demon country, the South Union Ministry of the Union's status in the demon clan. "

Hu Huo and Jin Hu thought about it after hearing Snow Lion, and then Jin Hu said to Snow Lion and Hu Huo: "Snow Lion, Hu Huo, do you think the mutant demon clan in Beiju Luzhou and the old dragon in the Four Seas Dragon Palace Are we allied?

After all, the alliance is a matter of the two forces. Even if the old dragons of the Four Seas Dragon Palace want to form an alliance with the mutant monsters of Beiju Luzhou, are the mutant monsters of Beiju Luzhou willing to form an alliance with the old dragons of the Four Seas Dragon Palace? "..

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