The God of Destruction

Vol 10 Chapter 1284: The results of the discussions of the old dragons

"Ao Ling, I know the consequences of betraying the reputation of the monster race on the back of our Four Seas Dragon Palace. This thing our Four Seas Dragon Palace needs to deal with well, if this thing our Four Seas Dragon Palace does not deal well.

Then our Four Seas Dragon Palace will be the traitor of the Demon Race, and our Four Seas Dragon Palace will never become the top power of the Demon Race.

As for our alliance between the Four Seas Dragon Palace and the Beiju Luzhou Mutant Demon Clan, the hostility of the demon clan forces and the demon clan demon against the Beiju Luzhou Mutant Demon Clan has not been dealt with properly.

Our Four Seas Dragon Palace really has no way to form an alliance with the mutant demon clan in Beiju Luzhou. After all, the reputation of the monster clan traitor, our Four Seas Dragon Clan dare not recite it. Ao Jin looked at Ao Ling and said slowly.

Ao Ling, Ao Jiao, and Ao Qinglong thought carefully after hearing Ao Jin's words, and then Ao Qing Long said to Ao Jin, Ao Ling, and Ao Jiao.

"Ao Jin, Ao Ling, and Ao Jiao, I don't think we need to eliminate the hostility of the demon clan forces and the demon clan demon against Beiju Luzhou mutant demon clan.

We only need to let the major forces of the demon clan and the demon clan demon understand the reason why our Sihai Dragon Palace and Beiju Luzhou mutant demon clan form an alliance. "

"Ao Qinglong, I think you are confused. Do we at the Four Seas Dragon Palace tell the demon clan forces, as well as the demon clan demon, say that our Four Seas Dragon Palace wants to change our Four Seas Dragon Palace's situation in the Demon Race.

Therefore, our Four Seas Dragon Palace needs to form an alliance with the Beiju Luzhou Mutated Demon Clan. Hope that the major forces of the Demon Clan and the Demon Clan Monsters understand our Four Seas Dragon Palace? "Ao Jiao sneered after hearing Ao Qinglong's words, then said to Ao Qinglong.

Ao Jin and Ao Ling frowned after hearing Ao Qinglong's words. Ao Jin and Ao Ling also felt that Ao Qinglong was confused, but Ao Jin and Ao Ling did not say anything.

But after hearing Ao Jiao's words, Ao Jin and Ao Ling thought about each other, then looked at Ao Qinglong, and finally Ao Ling said to Ao Jiao.

"Ao Jiao, what do you say, although Ao Qinglong is not right, but Ao Qinglong Hou is also for our four-sea dragon palace, how can you satirize Ao Qinglong?"

Ao Jiao froze after hearing Ao Ling's words. Ao Jiao regretted it just after the speech, but the words were already spoken, and regret was useless, but Ao Jiao did not expect that Ao Ling would even scold himself.

Ao Jiao looked at the expressions of Ao Jin and Ao Ling, and then looked at Ao Qinglong. Ao Jin and Ao Ling were only a little angry, but Ao Qinglong was already gloomy.

"Ao Qinglong, me, I was just unintentional, you also know my character, don't worry about it, I apologize to you." Ao Jiao said to Ao Qinglong after thinking about it.

"Ao Jiao, I know what character you are. I won't worry about it. I also know that you are anxious about the situation of the Four Seas Dragon Palace in the Demon Race." Ao Qinglong was not so gloomy when he heard Ao Jiao's words. Said to Ao Jiao.

"Okay, let's talk about how to eliminate the major forces of the demon clan and the hostility of the demon clan demon against the Beiju Luzhou mutant demon clan!" Ao Jin waved his hand and then said to Ao Qinglong and Ao Jiao. "Ao Jin, Ao Ling, Ao Jiao, I still just said that we don't need to eliminate the major forces of the demon clan and the demon clan demon against the Beijuluzhou variant demon clan Hostility.

We only need to let the major forces of the demon clan and the demon clan demon understand the reason why our Sihai Dragon Palace and Beiju Luzhou mutant demon clan form an alliance. "After hearing Ao Jin's words, Ao Qinglong thought about it and then said to Ao Jin, Ao Ling, and Ao Jiao.

Ao Jin, Ao Ling, and Ao Jiao looked at each other after hearing Ao Qinglong's words, then thought about it, and finally Ao Jin said to Ao Qinglong.

"Ao Qinglong, are you sure that you are not kidding? Can the reason why our Sihai Dragon Palace and Beiju Luzhou Mutated Demon Clan form an alliance can tell the demon clan forces and the demon clan demon."

"Ao Jin, Ao Ling, Ao Jiao, I'm not kidding, I'm serious now, and I haven't said to tell the real reason why our Sihai Dragon Palace and Beiju Luzhou Mutated Monster Clan have formed an alliance, And the demon clan!

What I mean is that our Four Seas Dragon Palace can compose one enough for all major forces of the Demon Clan, as well as the demon clan to understand the reason why our Four Seas Dragon Palace and Beiju Luzhou Mutated Monster Clan form an alliance. "Ao Qinglong shook his head after hearing Ao Jin's words, and then said to Ao Jin, Ao Ling, and Ao Jiao.

Ao Jin, Ao Ling, and Ao Jiao were all stunned after hearing Ao Qinglong's words. Then Ao Jin, Ao Ling, and Ao Jiao looked at each other, and finally Ao Jin said to Ao Qing Long.

"Ao Qinglong, what exactly do you want to say, you can clearly say that if your suggestion is a good one, Ao Ling, Ao Jiao and I will definitely support it."

"Ao Jin, Ao Ling, and Ao Jiao, please talk about the three forces of the Ziyang Mountains Demon Kingdom, Tiens Alliance, and Nanyuezhou Alliance, which promised that the mutant monsters of Beiju Luzhou entered the North Sea, and the major forces of the demon, And why did the demon clan demon not object?

Is it because the three forces of the Ziyang Mountains Demon Kingdom, Tiens Alliance, and Nanyuezhou Alliance are the top forces of the Demon Race? Ao Qinglong smiled after hearing Ao Jin's words, and then said to Ao Jin, Ao Ling, and Ao Jiao.

Ao Jin, Ao Ling, and Ao Jiao were shocked after hearing Ao Qinglong's words. Then Ao Jin, Ao Ling, and Ao Jiao looked at each other, and finally Ao Jin said to Ao Qing Long.

"Ao Qinglong, Ziyang Mountains Demon Kingdom, Tiens Alliance, Nanxun Union Alliance, the three parties agreed to the North Juluzhou mutant demon into the North Sea, the demon clan forces, and demon clan demon opposed.

It's just that the three forces of Ziyang Qunshan Demon Kingdom, Tianshi Alliance, and Nanyuebeizhou Alliance are the top forces of the demon clan, so the major forces of the demon clan and the demon clan demon did not say anything.

This matter knows all major forces of the demon clan, don't you know? Saying that this thing just happened, we also participated in the Four Seas Dragon Palace! "

"Ao Jin, you are not right. I think that the major forces of the demon clan and the demon clan do not object to the mutant demon clan in Beijuluzhou entering the North Sea.

It is because the major forces of the demon clan, and the demon clan demon know that the three forces of the Ziyang Mountains Demon Kingdom, the Tiens Alliance, and the Nanyuezhou Alliance agreed that the mutant demon of Beijuluzhou entered the North Sea.

And the reason is that the three forces of the Ziyang Mountains Demon Kingdom, the Tiens Alliance, and the Nanyuezhou Consortium told the major forces of the demon clan and the demon clan demon.

The major forces of the demon clan and the demon clan demon do n’t know, but we should know that the Four Seas Dragon Palace is due to the compilation of the three forces of the demon kingdom of the Ziyang Mountains, the Tiens Alliance, and the South Union Tribe Alliance. "Ao Qinglong shook his head after hearing Ao Jin's words, and then said to Ao Jin ..

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