The God of Destruction

Vol 10 Chapter 1744: The Fairy's Marriage Has Arrived

Suddenly, colorful lights appeared in the wooden house, fairy music floated out of the thin air, and white flowers appeared one after another, very holy.

"Is this?" Pan Chen was a little confused about the situation.

"The fairy's marriage is here."

The moon smiled, his hands slowly raised, and a soft force moved to both sides. Immediately, the two marriage red lines extending from both sides were connected together under the control of the moon.

"Erlang God Yang Jian?" Pan Chen unexpectedly encountered Erlang God's marriage, "the three princesses of the Dragon Clan in the East China Sea."

"Marriage is born, blessings are unrighteous, only self-knowledge." Moon said, "Sun Wukong, you must see, you can go."

"Um" Pan Chen changed his hand and then left. "The moon is old, what about the fairy's marriage?"

"It's not here." The moon walked out of the hut.

Pan Chen also went out with the moon, just walked out of the wooden house, glanced at a wooden sign in the house, turned out to be an old wooden sign.

The red line married to the old wooden sign punched and fell on the wooden sign in the right hand, which was very strange.

"Right hand?" Pan Chen saw this scene, a little dumbfounded, thinking of the face in front of the old moon, and said to himself: "Whose right hand is this?" It can make the moon sad and sigh. "

After that, Pan Chen was not in a hurry to leave Marriage Valley. But talking to Moon Old, want to ask his marriage from Moon Old Mouth, but Moon Old Man is as tight as a bottle, making him unable to do it.

He didn't spend much time in Marriage Valley, so he went back. On the way, I heard that Jade Emperor would cause a sensation again, and his anger was high. Marshal Tian Peng said on the side that this matter is getting worse.

"Bring me the sun monkey."

The voice of anger resounded through the Temple of Heaven and scared all the gods. Jade Emperor was very angry. Once again, when he saw the early gathering of the Temple of Heaven, the fairies were embarrassed and angry.

Since we cannot move the dragon, then move another one, the little sun monkey, as a representative of the chicken, to curb the dragon's arrogance.

Regarding what happened in the Temple of Heaven, Pan Chen walked back to the Tianzi Pavilion, but in front of the Jade Emperor met the great red man, Taibai Venus.

"Venus is too white," Pan Chen greeted with a smile.

"Sun Wukong, I finally found you." Venus too white breathed.

"Are you looking for me?" Pan Chen said: "Your Venus and everything else have been redeemed. Even if these r are lost, I will not."

"I am not looking for you, but the Jade Emperor is looking for you." Taibai Jinxing Road.

"Jade Emperor" Pan Chen was surprised to hear this sentence, "Venus is too white, what is going on?"

Jade Emperor is noble, why did he find him a small royal cavalry, Sun Wukong, a heavenly god?

"This is not a Dragon Casino." Taibai Venus said: "These r, our things won again, when the Jade Emperor will find out that the fairy's things are not there yet, and Laojun's Jiu Zhuan Jin Dan, because it is still No contribution. "After that, Marshal Tian Peng added oil and vinegar to the side, and Jade Emperor came to catch you with anger. "

"Arrest me?" Pan Chen was surprised, "This should go to Jianglong, why come to me?"

"The dragon has its special status, and the Jade Emperor dare not offend it. You are a little fairy, and the royal Sun Wukong takes care of you, catches you, kills the chicken-like monkey, and deter the dragon to show the majesty of the Jade Emperor." Taibai's Old gentleman.

"Damn" Pan Chen was furious, his status was low enough to withstand the risk of being caught in the pot.

"Let's go quickly. If we are done, the Emperor Jade Emperor will blame us again." Taibai Jinxing pulled Pan Chen and flew to the Temple of Heaven quickly.

"It's too white, you have to say something good for me."

"Of course, what am I missing?"

"I will let you redeem it cheaply."

"Okay, that's it."

The Temple of Heaven is like an imperial palace on earth, where the Jade Emperor lived and where he met in his early years.

At this time, in the palace in the palace, the Jade Emperor opened his eyes and stared at the fairy present.

The exquisite pagoda of the terracotta warrior king Li Jing is still not there, and the double gods of the great gods are there, but his military uniform has become the simple armor of the heavenly soldier. Marshal Tian Peng scoffed at his handsome face. Fairies of one kind or another, like a dark beast hidden in the hall, crawling and peeping at the fairy, oppressing the atmosphere.

"Jade Emperor"

Outside the hall, I remembered the voice of Venus. So Taibai Venus led Sun Wukong Pan Chen to walk in. Pan Chen lowered his head and was startled.

This is the Temple of Heaven, and only officials with more than six products can enter. The six or more officials are at least the identity of the Golden Fairy. Apart from the Jade Emperor, the weakest person who can enter here is the Golden Fairy.

"Sun Wukong, when you see Jade Emperor, you won't kneel." Marshal Tian Peng Leng Lu.

"Monkey worships the Jade Emperor." Pan Chen knelt in panic.

Jade Emperor stared at Pan Chen for a long time, a strange miracle appeared in his eyes. "Why does this monkey look so familiar?"

"Jade Emperor, this is Sun Wukong." Taibai Venus said: "He is just a giant dragon sent to manage casinos and racetracks, without much real power."

After getting the benefits, Taibai Jinxing naturally lobbied for Pan Chen.

"Venus is too white, this is where you are wrong." Marshal Tian Peng stood up. "The Royal Horse Superintendent is Sun Wukong's territory. Without his permission, would Dragon force him to open a casino and a horse farm?" I heard that Dragon would give him all kinds of fairy treasures to manage. Is this also fake? "

"Jianglong is the first of the 18 Arhats. In the Buddhist world, things are very busy, and it is natural for one person to handle it." Taibai Jinxingguang said, "Presumably, the storage space must have the mark of the dragon, Even if it is handed over to a mortal management, it is possible. "

"Busy Dragon Business? I have never seen him do business." Corporal!

"Okay, shut up." Jade Emperor quelled the quarrel between the two and looked at Pan Chen. "Are you Monkey King who messed up heaven?"

"Jade Emperor Xiaoxian just helped, but the heavens haven't filled the smoke." Pan Chen was afraid of fear, but there was a trace of doubt in his heart. "This sound is familiar. Have I seen the Jade Emperor?"

"When you give the horse to you, your duty is to take care of the 100,000 gods in the sky. What sin is it to open a horse farm, a fairy horse and a casino next to the warden?" Jade Emperor's The sound is very majestic.

"This" Pan Chen was very nervous and speechless. This was the first time he encountered such a situation. Everyone present has a much higher status than him, and there is a clear ruler in heaven.

"Why did you lower your head when the emperor was talking to you?" Jade Emperor said, "raise your head and let the emperor take a good look at who is disturbing the order of heaven."

"Yes, Jade Emperor." Pan Chen slowly raised his head and looked at Jade Emperor. When he saw the emperor's face, he blurted out, "It's you."

Emperor Jade Emperor is a good man in yellow robe. He has been sneaking into the Moon Palace, but he is very obscene in the Moon Palace and very dignified in the Palace.

"Does the emperor know you? Why do you say that?" Jade Emperor was also stunned, but immediately responded and hinted to Pan Chen.

Mingyue Palace is prescribed by Guanyin Bodhisattva and Tianxian. Those who break into the Moon Palace will be severely punished, even if he is the Emperor Jade Emperor.

Seeing the hint of the Jade Emperor, Pan Chen put down the boulder in his heart and held the handle of the Jade Emperor. I'm afraid there won't be any harm this time, and it's still beneficial.

"Emperor Jade, the little fairy often thinks of the majesty of Emperor Jade in his dreams. God is as majestic as prison, and God is as kind as the sea. He is the ruler of heaven. Today, when I see you, I am sure I am a little bit I'm not surprised, so I'm a little wrong. "Pan Chen flattered himself immediately.

"Well," Emperor Jade said: "Look at you, you don't seem to know who is fooling around. I'm sure this is a little indescribable."

"Jade Emperor learned a lesson from it." Pan Chen smiled.

In the hall, the fairy is at least the realm of the golden fairy. The reaction of the Jade Emperor and Sun Wukong will naturally fall in the eyes of the fairy, and can't help but guess the relationship between the two.

The Empress Dowager ’s eyes are also in circulation with Pan Chen and Jade Emperor, and I do n’t understand why Jade Emperor knows the official Sun Wukong of this small Qipin.

"There is a play."

Venus was very happy, and immediately stood up and said with a smile: "Jade Emperor is wise, Sun Wukong is not disturbing the heaven, but for other purposes."

Oh? Jade Emperor Road, "It's too white to hear."

"Jade Emperor" Taibai Venus said: "Heaven is the gathering place of all fairies, as all fairy families live at home, they practice in the sky, and they rarely communicate." When you are in danger, you are not too concerned Familiar with. How can you help your heart? The existence of racetracks and casinos has promoted the exchange of fairies, increased feelings, and made the fairies more familiar and harmonious. Sun Wukong's move is not only useless, but also indispensable. "

"Jade Emperor" Marshal Tian Peng immediately said: "It's nonsense Taibaijinxing. Racetracks and casinos disturb the tranquility of heaven.

Emperor Buyu is now determined to stand on Pan Chen's side. How can he listen to Tian Peng? "If it makes sense, if the fairies get along badly, how is it possible to make peace with the earth every day?" What do you think of fairies? "

"Jade Emperor is wise, it makes sense to say so."

All the fairies said in one voice that most of them are grasshoppers on the Internet. Fairies and treasures are on Sun Wukong, how can there be steps to not go down.

"Jade Emperor, if everyone is like a grandson monkey, how can the fairy world calm down?" Marshal Tian Peng continued. ..

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