The God of Destruction

Vol 10 Chapter 1806: Overthrow Qian Kunyue [Six Million Words Wang Wen, Seek Slaughter]

The ghost replied: "Yes, Lei Chen and Yunfei have not been completed since the king appeared." I am afraid that even the divine power is incomplete. If you want to enter the underground world, you must simultaneously open it with perfect power. "

Feng Zi nodded and continued: "Lei Yin God King Ye Diaozhu is a knight all over the world, the correct way is strong, and the whole world is respected." However, because Master ordered Mo Junlin to overthrow Qian Kunyue, Ye Shenjun No longer the first in the world. With the wisdom and courage of his father, I can't believe he couldn't control the word with this name. "

Although Pan Chen has never seen Mo Junlin, he is quite familiar with Yue Zhongliu's skills. His father is not as good as this man, he is not surprised at all. He was surprised that, although his father did not want to succumb to others, he and his predecessor were brothers of justice, and he must have a great understanding of his means. Not only the meaning of these three swords, I am afraid my father can not match the strength of his life. What if you give up the name in the world?

He bit his teeth and whispered, "Continue."

If Fengzi didn't care about his attitude at all, he sighed: "Yue Mo and the two have become amazing heavens, and it is almost impossible to surpass them." But Ye Shenjun knows the secrets of the underworld and knows that it is wrong Conditions to enter the underworld.

In order to make Lei Yun's power perfect, he first snatched the nine tripods from the king's gate to **** the gods, so that when others robbed, he would not only **** the Yuanshen, but also force them to **** the cloud. For good or bad, several famous masters were killed by him, and he himself became infatuated and mentally disturbed. After that, Kunlun was killed three times in an attempt to **** Evil Jade, and dozens of Kunlun disciples were injured or killed.

He entered Guanghan five times with the intention of stealing Leng Shi and hand in hand to kill Gu Shi Sanren. Not only that, he also seized various spiritual but sinful acts and created countless sins. In small schools, they often kill them. It finally aroused public anger and aroused nearly 100 families in the world to send experts to kill people. "

Pan Chen was too frightened to believe such words as "Feng Zi". But he couldn't help but clenched his fists, even the whole body even forgot all the ghosts. Suddenly stood up, but it was difficult to stand, immediately fell to the ground, a stone hit the corner of his forehead, blood flowed into the river.

Feng Zi opened his eyes as if to continue, "Your father is very tall. Although crazy at this time, Lei Yun's power is also stronger."

With this untraceable Yunzang art, coupled with Yun Ruolei's retreat, many schools lost a lot of money and suddenly came back. Even if he was besieged several times, no one could leave him. Seeing this feat of chasing evil, it will turn into a farce with a gray face.

Your father angered the Divine Gate again, forcibly opened the Divine Gate Lock Demon Tower, entered the Divine Gate, looking for a magic weapon that could lead directly to the Underworld. However, he did not get it, but as soon as he opened the lock demon tower, he was discovered by Shenwumen. God shot with Wu, and he shot badly. "

At this moment, Feng Zi waited for a while, and pointed to a faint golden tow on Pan Chen, followed by a severe cough. The more than 100 ghosts on Pan Chen's body should be pointing down, but he didn't feel it, and he was still lying on the ground with his teeth shuddering. The ghost didn't care what was going on, and he was entangled with the ghosts, and was sitting on his knees, but the pale face suddenly flashed a scarlet.

Feng Zi continued: "In the locked magic tower, the town was locked by countless demons, many of them demons like ghost emperors." When he longed to close the ship lock tower again, God temporarily gave up The pursuit of your father. But many demons in the tower escaped.

Your father was also seriously injured and can no longer cope with various masters, and can only run away all the way. I do n’t know if he panicked or did it deliberately, and fled to Kunlun ’s forbidden land, where 19 masters under my leadership were trapped.

But Kunlun's forbidden area, except for the guardians of the generations I designated, only the masters of the past generations can enter. How respectable are the nine great ancestors of your generation. You dare not step into this place and try to break into this person and shoot people. If I say that I still want to cherish Ye Shenjun, but at this time I can no longer sit and watch him touch my Kunlun counter scale. "

Pan Chen apparently did not expect that there were many reasons hidden in the four words that killed his father. He grew up in Kunlun, so he knew the Kunlun style. Later, he also vaguely speculated on the cause of his father's death, but he would never believe that his father was such a person. Now that the cause and effect are as clear as Feng Zi himself said, Pan Chen has always been an illusion and was immediately smashed.

"God and ghost hate the wind, and ask Kunlun to be the master!" Bai hated the wind's loud voice into the cave.

Ru Fengzi sighed and stood up, two steps forward, standing in front of Pan Chen. There seemed to be an endless desolation in his eyes, but his body was still straight and loose, not decadent at all.

Pan Chen stood up and stood opposite him, with a complex expression on his face.

For example, Feng Zi said: "In order to open an account for the world, I personally cut off Ye Shenjun's head and showed it to the masses." This is also one of my last wishes for your father's last wisdom.

At his request, I went to the Ye family in Hanzhong and rescued you when you encountered difficulties. No one but me and your master knows your life in Kunlun. Your father ’s remains are still in the Kunlun restricted area, immortal. "

Pan Chen knew that his father was punished for his own fault, and he could not blame others. It seems that Feng Zi's status and cultivation are willing to explain to a few generations of him, and to explain to the Kunlun exiles, it is also kind, if Feng Zi has saved his life.

After two decades of growth, he has died in his own hands. Now, how can he use human danger to repay his hatred and do such an unjust thing?

"God and ghost hate the wind and ask Kunlun to be the master!" This time, hundreds of people drank together and shook the small cave to the ground and stones.

Feng Zi said: "If you don't do this yet, do you want to give me to those evil spirits outside?"

Pan Chen said: "I have been in Kunlun for 20 years and I have never heard of such a forbidden land." Where is this place? "

For example, Feng Zi solemnly said: "With your Xuanzi disciples, you are naturally not qualified to know." I was banned from Kunlun's place because of the safety of the three borders. Either they or you, it's easy to kill me, but if you want to know this, you can't do it.

I am like a wind child, shouldering a lot of responsibilities, let alone despise myself, no matter who it is, I want to take my life, grab my soul, I will not sit back and die. "As he said, he pointed out the hole ...

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