The God of Destruction

Vol 10 Chapter 1810: The Purple Man's Sword [Six Million Words Wang Wang, Please Slaughter]

The purple man's sword is another sword of the ancestors, the purple miniature sword. He won the sword for more than ten years, and then he successfully refined and chemically developed it. Near Ruguan, the first sword tested his opponent, ordered by master Mo Junlin.

Ziwei and No Amnesty are two similar swords of God, although he is slightly worse than Mojun's landing, and has been hurt by a little darkness. But after all, Mo Jun was forced to retreat by clever means, and Ziwei did not plan to retreat when he opposed the amnesty.

The swords of ancestral souls are both spiritual and intelligent, they are not small. As a sword of ancestors, one-on-one really has no scruples. But when you face two people at the same time, the situation is different. Ziwei felt the meaning of the sword of Nine Amnesties at the same time, and had a meaning of retreat. The reason is not that both swords know.

The more Pan Chen knows, the easier it is to lose. Leng Bingbing said, "Is it difficult for you to catch up with the old man?" When he spoke, he took another step, and the nine swords in his hand roared like a roar.

Although Zipao didn't change his face, he was more and more surprised. He was seriously injured like Feng'er when he was dying, and he could still play a huge sword. He has known Kunlun Nine Swords for a long time, but this sword can never recognize the Lord, and can only be upright by magic c, which is more incomparable than the cost of his own sword. But at this time, under the confrontation of the sword, he was slightly stronger than himself, and he could never let himself be paranoid.

The man in the purple robe smiled and said, "Well, hurry up, so there will be no more nonsense." I want to see your teacher and real people, and I want to introduce you as a real person. "

Pan Chen said: "If you can force me to give up my sword, it will be what you want me to do." Do it! "

For example, Fengzi is full of sword spirit and sword spirit, which has accumulated to the limit. The sword pierced, although not at all. The pinnacle is the outbreak of an unscrupulous sword spirit world, but this sword spirit is not the meaning of the first sword, but is mixed with the swords of the other twelve swords.

The sword spirits condensed around them suddenly found a place to vent, and all the sword spirits gathered in nine thorns in a flash and spewed out from the golden awn.

The purple robe giggled in his heart and said, "If this is the case, you must use some self-harming method to gain mental strength, but it will not last long." So I can't wait to fight with me . I can't satisfy your heart.

Under this powerful sword spirit, it is impossible to protect the body with its own spiritual barrier. Even if it is a god, it must be a retreat under this sword. But the man in the purple robe knew that at his speed, retreating was to find death, and a triad came out of his waist to greet the golden mansions nine times.

Once these two gases come into contact, they will immediately emit the sound of fried beans bursting out continuously. Every time it exploded, it was mixed with a sword gas, it was squeezed, scattered, and scattered into the distance. The wall of the Tiankeng was originally vertical and neat, as if cut by a knife.

However, once Jian Qi was urged, it was like scattered sand after another, or drifting out. However, the cave behind Zou Haijun was buried in the dead end of this violent poisonous gas wave by him and Nine Middle School, but it was only slightly buried and was not affected.

Under the pressure of the golden light, the purple awn slowly receded to a distance of seven to eight feet away, just to offset the power of the sword. But in the air of these two swords, it was broken into a long trench more than ten feet wide, more than one thousand feet long and dozens of feet deep.

Pan Chenhao gasped for a drink, "If your skills stop here, in these three swords, you will inevitably lose your life!"

Drink **** as a recipe, the nine **** swords are held in hand, followed by five swords of knowledge, and then seven bright white lights. Zou's Navy no longer dared to worry about whether these seven spiritual swords would take shape. Although this first sword is the first sword, it is also his strongest sword today, and his opponent will no longer give him a chance to accumulate sword spirit.

Therefore, there is no reservation. If this person can be severely damaged or killed, nature is the best. If he can be driven out of a thousand feet, then ghosts and wind can escape.

This purple robe was also intimidated by this sword. Although the smelly Taoist sword was more serious than Mo Jun's cleaning, the meaning of the sword was so heavy. This sword will almost hit itself. If so, I am afraid that as he said, his life cannot be guaranteed on three swords.

The knife is the knife of God, and the knife of God is out of proportion to the knife that holds the knife. Therefore, even those wearing purple robes dare not allow another such sword to attack. But if you do n’t fight, your motivation will be weakened first. If you fight with a sword, you will almost be seriously injured. Seeing that the opponent dared to remove such a sacred warrior to attack, then more than a dozen flying swords were also unusual, a total of thirteen sacred swords were hard-won. The man in the purple robe no longer dared to be careless. He threw the purple miniature sword on the ground. His hands quickly cast various spells and muttered words.

"Sacrifice my purple Xuan's life, do not change Fang Ziqi, take this sword as the realm, and take the air as the realm." The purple sword immediately emerged from the purple knife, straight into the night sky, under the attack of the sword of God . ?

"I, Ziyao, called the seven people of Beidou to help fight." The scabbard at the waist immediately turned into a very deep purple light, sending a huge roar of the sky, and went straight to the sky of Beidou.

Before the prayer ended, Zou Haijun's thirteen sacred swords hit the purple barrier one after another. The man in the purple robe shook his body for the first time, his feet did not move, but his body stepped back seven or eight steps. Then, under continuous shock vibration, it took another three or four steps back and stopped.

The purple sword on the ground was bent like grass in the wind, and it was pushed away, almost the same distance from the man. Under this force, purple curtains were punched out of a large hole.

Pan Chen's constant spiritual power, thirteen sacred swords like diamonds, broke into the purple curtain, but the tough purple curtains were extremely appalling.

Zou Haijun's twelve swords belonged to his own life. Although he broke into the purple curtain a few inches, he could no longer move forward. Although these nine swords are deep and shank, they cannot penetrate the purple curtains. No matter how hard Zou Haijun tried to inspire the spirit as soon as possible, although the purple curtain was forced to recede an inch, it was not intentionally dismantled.

The purple robe showed fierce eyes and blood oozed from his mouth and nose. It was obvious that he was injured under this blow. An expensive purple robe hunts in the wind, his hands trembling constantly, but his body is so straight and motionless.

The spirit of killing and killing swords once again expanded into the circle outside this tiankeng. Countless plants and trees even survived the first sword spirit attack, and determined to die quickly in this holding sword.

Even this nameless mountain does not know when it will collapse. The people who watched the war in front of the mountain cramped their teeth, and the whole body was a chaotic mental barrier. Under the influence of this sword, this person constantly deformed, making his face very painful and sweating.

In the confrontation between these two ancestral musical instruments, not even the mother and son of the wind and the goblins in the sky dare to watch the war, and the destructive power of the rest of the waves is also conceivable. Even if they dare, they will be crushed to death by the sword for the first time.

These two swords alone made Zou's navy lose half of his spirit. The speed at which the spirit element transforms into spiritual power is also his limit. He knew very well that he could not break the obstacles of Purple Seth, but he just procrastinated the ghost, which was a good opportunity for the ghost to escape.

However, after his self-refinement and chemical sword, his spirit was a huge retrogression. If these five people were all in the body, or if he knew that the ghost had already come out of his second sword, he would Break through the door and use the cover of the falling mud and dust smoke to escape quietly at the fastest speed. To avoid the second wave.

Although Zipao also saw the ghost, he was helpless, but Zou Haijun was not overwhelmed. He did not see the seven stars in the sky turned into seven magnificent pieces, and was flying towards this place.

Pan Chen's seven unformed swords have been crushed under such pressure, and there are even signs of dissipation. Zou Haijun hastily recalled these seven sword souls, and Zou Haijun's body has been suffering severely in the use of such strong spiritual power. Zou Haijun moved his heart, and merged these seven swords into the protection of seven people.

In fact, his worries are superfluous, just like the soul of God's sword, it has almost never been eliminated. Even those who split them have no such means. These seven sword souls could not succeed only in the sword body, suffered huge losses in the confrontation with Ziwei, and had nothing.

As soon as these seven swords were gone, the pressure of the purple man was greatly reduced. Whispered: "Beidou lined up, the power of heaven reflects soul, disease!"

When Zou Haijun discovered the crisis, it was too late. The place where I landed seemed to disappear at this moment, but the place where I was was a vague starry sky, with seven big stars hanging on my body, the Big Dipper. What Zou Haijun embarked upon was the position of heaven in the middle of Beidou.

Qixing zoomed out a very rich white light, which was very attractive under the white light, and almost dragged Zou Haijun's Yuanshen out of the flesh. At the same time, the other six stars use the power of the sky as their heart to rapidly rotate and transform.

Pan Chen yelled, although Qixing didn't notice the illusion, but this suction was extremely powerful, and his spiritual power slowly mastered the knowledge of the sword of the Ninth Five-Year Plan. These seven stars rotate so fast that even if they immediately withdrew their swords and ran away, they could no longer do so. ..

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